Full text: A study of student loans and their relation to higher educational finance

Table 1 — Income for Higher Education—1921-22 22 
Table 2 —Value of Property in Universities, Colleges and Professional 
Schools in the United States—1921-22 23 
Tabu: 3 —Average Fixed Charges for Resident Students in State Colleges 
and Universities, United States—1900-25 33 
Table 3A—Average Fixed Charges for Non-resident Students in State Col 
leges and Universities, United States—1900-25 33 
Chart 1 —Average Fixed Charges per Resident, State Colleges and Uni 
versities—1900-25 34 
Chart 1A—Average Fixed Charges per Non-resident, State Colleges and 
Universities—1900-25 35 
TablE 4 —Comparative Fee Schedule of State Institutions 36 
TablE 5 —Average Fixed Charges in Privately Endowed Institutions, 
United States—1900-25 38 
Chart 2 —Average Fixed Charges in Privately Endowed Institutions— 
1900-25 39 
Table 6 —Comparative Fee Schedule of Private Institutions—1924-25.... 40 
Chart 3A-—Tuition and Fees Compared with Cost of Living 41 
TablE 7 —Indices of Cost of Education, Cost of Building, and Cost of 
Living Compared 42 
Chart 3B—Tuition and Fees Compared with Cost of Building 43 
Diagram I—The Sources of Revenue and the Assumed Expenditures for 
Higher Education—1924-25 51 
Diagram II —Hypothetical Allocation of the Sources of Revenue and of 
the Expenditures for Higher Education 53 
Diagram III—Effect of Education on Average Incomes at Different Ages 
and Total Life Earnings 53 
Table 10 - Comparative Costs of Educational Services and Other Expenses 
(1924-25), Private Institutions 80 
Table 11 —Comparative Costs of Educational Services and Other Expenses 
(1924-25) for Non-resident Students in State Institutions 81 
Table 12 —Comparative Costs of Educational Services and Other Expenses 
(1924-25) for Resident Students in State Institutions 81

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