Full text: The alcohol problem

In advocating the division of the country into a 
certain number of monopoly areas, I do not put this 
idea forward as the only solution. It appears to me 
to be the best of those of which I have knowledge, 
but so long as the scheme adopted includes adequate 
raxation—perhaps in the modified form suggested by 
Dr. Vernon—restriction of hours, abolition of harmful 
competition, and does not include anything of the 
nature of State purchase, I should give it my support. 
[ repeat that State purchase, while possibly mildly 
advantageous in the first stage, would certainly be 
disastrous financially in the second stage, and disastrous 
to temperance in the third stage. 
As regards the financial results to the State to be 
expected from a scheme such as that indicated above, 
it is certain they will be far superior to those under 
State management. It is probable that they will be 
superior to those under the present system in that 
a large amount of unnecessary expense owing to 
redundant houses claiming advertisement and extrava- 
gant competition would be removed. In last analysis 
brewers and licensees are intermediaries between the 
public who pays and the State who encashes revenue. 
[f the expenditure of intermediaries is reduced it 
leaves so much more for the ultimate recipient, the 
Chancellor of the Exchequer, unless it be applied in 
the relief of the taxpayer and consumer. 
April, 1928.

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