Full text: The alcohol problem

THE evidence adduced in previous chapters has been 
given in detail in order to render it more convincing, 
but such a mass of information may be found weari- 
some and difficult to assimilate by the average reader 
who wishes to get at the gist of the argument. It may 
therefore be of use if the main heads of the argument 
are briefly recapitulated, and an attempt be made to 
view the various aspects of the subject in some relation 
to their relative importance. 
The problem at issue is the choice of the best 
methods for the promotion of increasing sobriety, so 
as ultimately to reduce the evil effects of indulgence 
in alcohol to a minimum, or to eliminate them alto- 
gether. We have seen that, so far from there being 
any easy and simple way of solving our difficul- 
ties, all the information collected from other coun- 
tries indicates that the process must necessarily be 
a very slow one. Once the members of a com- 
munity have formed certain habits of drinking alco- 
holic liquors, they will not be substantially deflected 
from them if they can possibly help it, and we must 
rely chiefly on the education of the younger generation, 
who have not yet acquired these habits, in order to 
achieve considerable reforms. It is true that by the 
adoption of wise and moderate regulations something 
can be effected, but drastic changes which cut at the 
root of well-worn habits provoke such a violent reaction 

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