Full text: The alcohol problem

[t will be noted that the volume of spirits fell off greatly 
between 1922 and 1924. This was owing to the 
increasing risks of confiscation. It was found to be 
more profitable to substitute concentrated alcohol for 
the more dilute spirits. Further evidence is furnished 
by the report of the Committee appointed by the 
Finnish Government.* The Committee admit that 
there has been a great increase in the consumption 
of alcoholic liquors, but they found it impossible to 
decide whether the quantity of alcohol now consumed 
is greater or less than in the pre-war period. The 
increase of serious crime is admitted, and in 1923, apart 
from offences against the prohibition law, nearly half 
the total number of offences were committed when 
under the influence of alcohol.t Another depressing 
feature of the report is the apparent increase of chronic 
alcoholism. On the other hand, the Committee con- 
sider that the position of the poorer classes of the com- 
munity has improved during the prohibition period. 
In its general conclusions the Committee emphasise 
the fact that prohibition is not adequately supported 
by public opinion, and they do not think that complete 
success is likely to be attained unless the movement 
is supported by a deep conviction among the people 
of the reasonableness of the legal provisions. 
It is evident that the sequence of events in Finland 
is similar to that observed in those towns in America 
where smuggling is most rampant. The Finnish 
coast, with its innumerable islets and inlets, is a boot- 
leggers’ paradise. Motor-boats can reach Esthonia, 
whence most of the smuggled spirit is imported, in 
* Cf. ““ Monthly Notes of Temp. Legis. Lg.,” 1926, p. 84. 
t Koller, loc. cit.

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