Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

refer to, and express my grateful thanks for, the whole-hearted 
co-operation of the Managements of all the mills which were included in 
the Enquiry. Many of them engaged special staffs to fill in the forms 
and the officers of every mill readily supplied the information—and there 
was a good deal of it—that was asked for from time to time. The 
Bombay and the Ahmedabad Millowners’ Associations gave every possible 
assistance and so did the Managements of the Sholapur mills. The 
assistance of the Technical Sub-Committee of the Bombay Millowners’ 
Association consisting of Mr. A. Geddis (Chairman) and Messrs. H. P. 
Mody, J. A. Taylor and T. Watts with Mr. T. Maloney, the Secretary of 
the Association, as Secretary, was invaluable, and Mr. Maloney at all 
stages of the Enquiry was ready with information and elucidation. 
Mz. G. I. Patel, the Secretary of the Ahmedabad Millowners’ Association, 
the late Mr. Narottam Morarjee and Messrs. J. F. McDonnell and A. Grier 
at Ahmedabad and Sholapur respectively were most helpful. 
Director of Information and Labour Intelligence. 
11th February 1930.

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