Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

Vishnu Mills, Mr. A. V. Haldipar, representing the Sholapur Mill, and 
Mr. M. B. Desai, representing the Jam Shri Ranjitsinghji Mill. The 
Narsinggirji Mill was not represented. The chief topic of discussion 
was the method of incorporating the Grain Allowance. As it did not 
appear necessary to provide a separate column for this, it was decided 
that those workers who earned the allowance should be specially indicated 
with the symbols G1, G2, and G3 in red according to the quantity 
of grain earned. For the purposes of the tabulation of the figures, 
it was agreed that the Labour Office should take the average price of 
jowari and dal for the year and add, to the wages of those who earned 
the allowance, the difference between the average price of the quanti- 
ties of grain given and the amount deducted from the workers’ cash 
14. With regard to the question as to which mills should be included 
in the Census it was decided that the Laxmi Mill which employed about 
3,500 hands and a section of the Sholapur Mill which is, to all intents 
and purposes, a separate mill doing both spinning and weaving and 
which employed a little over 2,000 hands should be the two mills selected 
for the Census for that centre. The representatives of the mills who 
attended the meeting were of the opinion that the tabulation of the 
figures returned by these two mills would give a fair average of the wages 
paid in Sholapur. With regard to the form to be adopted for the Enquiry 
it was decided to use the same forms that were to be used in Bombay 
with the omission of the columns for the dimensions of cloth produced 
from the form for weavers as it was considered that the work 
involved in giving this information would be out of all proportion . to 
Its utility. 
15. In the 1921 Enquiry, ten out of twenty-one working mills in 
the British Districts of the Bombay Presidency other than the mills in 
Bombay, Ahmedabad and Sholapur furnished information. Returns 
were also received from all the four working mills in the Baroda State 
and from three out of six working mills in other Native States situated 
in the territory of the Bombay Presidency. In the tabulations of the 
returns for that enquiry, separate averages were presented for the mills 
in the cities of Bombay, Ahmedabad and Sholapur and for all the remain- 
ing mills in the Bombay Presidency irrespective of the fact whether they 
were situated in British Districts or in the States. In the 1923 Enquiry, 
separate averages were further worked out for the nine working mills in 
Baroda State, all of which furnished returns. For the purposes of the 
1926 Enquiry it was considered that there was no practical utility in 
presenting averages for a Bfoup of mills so widely situated as at Gokak 
Falls and in Cutch and that it would be impossible to adopt the Muster 
roll basis for the Census, owing to the tremendous trouble which would 
be involved in tabulation, if further averages were to be presented for 
centres having only one to three or four mills. It was therefore decided 
to limit the scope of the 1926 Enquiry only to selected mills in Bombay, 
Ahmedabad and Sholapur.

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