Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

but kept the subsequent increases separate. In the case of some 
occupations it was given in the form of a percentage on the basic rate and 
in others it was granted in the form of flat money values, say Rs. 2 or 
Rs. 3 per month or at so much per kapta or at so much per week—the 
variations even here being considerable. Next to the moghwari allowance 
comes the deduction of 15% per cent. for the general wage-cut effected 
in the year 1923. Here also there is a wide variation in the method of its 
treatment. In the case of some occupations, 15% per cent. is deducted 
from the total arrived at after adding the moghwari allowance to the 
basic rate, in others it is deducted from a consolidated wage--the term 
“ consolidated ”’ in this case relating only to the consolidation of the 
basic rate with the allowance—and in still others there are flat consoli- 
dated rates without the addition of the allowance to a basic rate and the 
deduction for the percentage cut effected in 1923. Lastly, there is a 
good attendance bonus which always takes the form of a flat money 
value. It is true that the majority of the Ahmedabad mills grant such 
a bonus only to process operatives on time rates, but there are some 
mills where no such bonus is given. The amount of the bonus where it 
is given is not uniform in all mills even for the same occupation. In 
some cases it is computed at so much per hapta and in others at so much 
per week. 
26. In the Ahmedabad mills wages in the case of piece workers and 
process operatives on time rates are calculated.on a fortnightly basis and 
are paid about eight days after they are due. In the case of workers in 
the maintenance and watch and ward departments wages are calculated 
on a monthly basis and are paid about fifteen days after they are due. 
Some operatives engaged in © process ” work are also paid on a monthly 
oasis. The term ¢ fortnightly is used with reference to what is known 
a5 hapias. It has already been pointed out that a hapte is a period 
which varies from 14 to 16 days according to the convenience of each 
particular mill. It may begin or end on any day in the month. Even 
in. the same mill the hapta is by no means uniform for all the departments 
of the mill. The number of days in a kepta whether it be of 14, 15 or 16 
days is also by no means uniform for all mills in Ahmedabad. In the 
case of the mills in Bombay City, all the nineteen mills covered by the 
1926 Enquiry worked uniformly for 27 days during the month selected 
for the Census. In the case of the Ahmedabad mills, the maximum 
aumber of working days in the two haptas taken for each of the sixteen 
mills covered, varied from 22 to 28, due partly to the lack of uniformity 
regarding the number of days in a hapta and partly to certain mills or 
departments of mills remaining closed when the other mills covered by 
the census were working. In the case of spinners the hapta usually 
consists of 16 days with 14 working days but in the two haptas covered 
oy the Census there was a variation on account of the different periods 
covered by the haptas in the different mills. For example, in the case of 
single side Piecers in the Ring Spinning Department, the total number 
of male workers returned was 1,584. Out of this number, 898 worked in 
mills where the maximum number of working davs was 28. in two hapias,

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