Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

Age and Sex Group 
All Adults 
All operatives 
Ahmedabad - 
Number of 
50,421+ 826+ 
16,392 7-73 
1.763 12-33 
t+ The corresponding figures excluding women winders and reelers are 43,744— 
7 per cent. 
The figures for women and adult operatives in the Bombay mills are 
again affected by the same factors which have already been dealt with 
ir: connexion with winders and reelers. If the 6,677 winders and reelers 
are excluded, the percentage absenteeism for the remaining 5,395 
women workers amounts to 611 as against 11-86 for all female operatives. 
Similarly, if women winders and reelers are again excluded from the 
figures for ‘all adult operatives’ the final absenteeism figure for 
all the selected mills in Bombav is found to be 7 per cent. as against 
3:26 per cent. 
62. In the above table, consideration is given to the figures for 
percentage absenteeism from the viewpoint of aggregates for all depart- 
ments. If the figures are examined by individual departments it is 
found that absenteeism in Bombay was lowest ia the Engine and Boiler 
Department where it amounted to 2-43 per cent. Ramosees or the 
main group of workers in the Watch and Ward Section come next with 
3-05 per cent. and then weavers with 4°36 per cent. Absenteeism was 
highest ir the Reeling Department where it amounted to 1780 per cent. 
Male workers in the Winding Department showed absenteeism amount- 
ing to 12-56 per cent. In both the Mule and the Ring Spinning Depart- 
ments it was slightly higher than 10 per ceat., the actual figures being 
10-08 per cent. and 10-48 per cent. In the Drawing-in Department it 
wag a little more than eleven and a half per cent. 
63. With the exception of Ramosees in the Watch and Ward Section 
there is little or no similarity in the departmental figures of percentage 
absenteeism at each of the three centres studied. Absenteeism for men in 
the Ring Spinning Department amounted to 7-33 per cent. in Ahmedabad 
and to 11-26 per cent. in Sholapur as against 10-48 per cent. in Bombay. 
[n the Drawing-in Department lost time amounted to 3-76 per cent. 
in Ahmedabad, to 11°55 per cent. in Bombay, and to 17-24 per cent. in 
Sholapur. It is unnecessary to comment on this point further as the 
figures in the detailed tables speak for themselves. As itis of interest, 
however, to consider the figures for the most important occupations 
among male and female operatives, in the same way as was done whilst

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