Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

rates, either piece or time, often vary widely between unit and unit in 
the same centre ; and that there also exist, marked variations in the 
rates for various individuals in particular occupation groups within 
the same units. 
77. Wages in the Mixing and Waste Room are fixed on time rates 
in all the centres studied. In the Blow Room all workers in Ahmedabad 
and Sholapur were on time rates, but Jobbers and Assistant Jobbers 
in some mills in Bombay were paid at piece rates on the total produc- 
bion of the workers under them. The unit of payment was 100 hanks. 
Thirty-two Inter Attendants were also paid at X* per hank as against 
127 on time rates. The remaining operatives re;urned from the Blow 
Room Section in the Bcmbay mills were paid at time rates. All work 
in the Carding Room was also paid for at time rates both in Ahmedabad 
and in Shelapur. In Bombay, Jebbers and Assistant Jobbers in a 
few mills were paid at piece rates in relation to every 100 lbs. of sliver 
produced. Can Carriers were paid in some mills at time rates and in 
others at piece rates, the unit of payment in the latter case being either 
on production or the number of cars attended to. The predominant 
method of payment for Tenters attending Drawing Frames was on the 
basis of piece rates, 100 hanks of sliver generally being the unit of pay- 
ment at all centres. Jobbers, Assistant Jcbbers and Line Levellers 
were paid at time rates in some mills and at piece rates in others. A 
curious combination cf time and piece rates exists fcr Drawing Frame 
Tenters in the Sholapur mills. The total production on each head or 
frame in charge of one operative during the month is taken and the 
piece wage value determined at X pe: bank of sliver. The resulting 
figure becomes the time rate for 26 cr 27 working days as the case may 
be. If a tenter has worked for 20 out of 26 days he gets 29 cf the piece 
rate value of the production. The badli or the substitute is paid at 
definite time rates irrespective of the production although the badli’s 
production affects the regular worker’s rate. Where a tenter puts in 
full time work his wage resolves itself into a pure piece rate. 
78. Slubbing, Inter and Roving Frame Tenters in the Bombay mills 
are generally paid on the basis of outturn of work according to the hanks 
of roving produced. In a few cases tenters also receive fixed wages, the 
proportion being 158 on time rates to a total of 2,283 Tenters returned. 
Doffers in the Slubbing, Inter and Roving Frame Department are 
aniformly paid at time rates. Jobbers are paid either at time or at 
piece rates but Doffer Jobbers are generally on fixed wages. Both in 
Ahmedabad and in Sholapur Slubbing Tenters are paid uniformly at 
piece rates but in the case of Inter and Roving Tenters both time and 
piece rates prevail. In Ahmedabad the predominant mode of payment 
for Roving Tenters is a conjunction of time and piece rates. Doffers 
are on fixed wages. 
79. Apart from the Supervisory Jobbers there are three main 
occupation groups in the Ring Spinning Department : (1) Doffers, 
(2) Tarwallas or Followers and (3) Siders or, as they are sometimes 
* The symbol X will be used in preference to the term * at so much ’ or actual rates.

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