Full text: Referendum on the report of the Special Federal Reserve Committee

SECTION 1. All subjects considered or acted 
upon by this Chamber shall be national in char- 
acter, timely in importance, and general in ap- 
plication to business and industry. 
SECTION 2. All propositions, resolutions, or 
Juestions, except those which involve points of 
order or matters of personal privilege, shall be 
submitted for action in writing only by the or- 
ganization members, or by the National Coun- 
cil, or by the Board of Directors: Provided, 
That by consent of two-thirds of the delegates 
present at a meeting a subject not so presented 
may be considered. 
SECTION 3. When an organization member 
desires to present a subject for the considera- 
tion of this Chamber it shall commit its pro- 
posals to writing in the form of a resolution 
duly adopted by said organization or its govern- 
ing body and forward it to the Secretary. 
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to bring 
this subject before the Board of Directors by 
mail, or at its first meeting, whereupon the Di- 
rectors shall decide whether or not the subject 
is of national character, timely in importance, 
and general in application to business and in- 
dustry. If the Board of Directors decides that 
a subject submitted by an organization member 
is not of national character, timely in impor- 
tance, and general in application to business and 
industry, and should not therefore be submitted 
to the membership for consideration, the pro- 
posing member may appeal from the decision 
of the Board to the National Council at any 
meeting of that body or by mail through the 
office of the Secretary. If the National Council 
decides by a majority vote that the subject 
should be referred to the membership it shall 
pe incumbent on the Board of Directors to 
order its submission. 
SECTION 4. If the eligibility of the subject 
has been determined the Board of Directors 
shall decide whether the subject shall be sub- 
mitted for consideration by the Chamber in 
annual or special meeting or by referendum. 
to be submitted to referendum shall as soon as 
practicable be referred to a committee for re- 
port. If the report when received is in proper 
and adequate form for submission to the mem- 
bership, the Board of Directors shall order it 
'o be incorporated in a referendum pamphlet 
without committing itself in favor or against 
any of its recommendations, but if not in proper 
and adequate form it shall refer it back to the 
committee or appoint a new committee to report 
on the subject. . 
SECTION 6. The referendum pamphlet shall 
contain in addition to the report itself a brief 
of the major arguments against the recommen- 
dations of the committee and such other matter 
as the Board may deem advisable. If the sub- 
ject has been submitted by a member organiza- 
tion, said organization shall have the privilege 
©f incorporating in the pamphlet a brief of such 
‘ength as the Board may determine. The pam- 
phlet shall also contain a ballot upon which the 
member organizations may register their votes 
respecting the questions submitted. 
SECTION 7. The pamphlet in the form in 
which it is approved by the Board shall be 
transmitted to each member of the Chamber in 
good standing and simultaneously the Secretary 
shall mail a copy to the National Councilor 
representing each organization member. 
SECTION 8. The pamphlet shall be accom- 
panied by a notice from the Secretary that each 
srganization member is expected to register its 
vote on the ballot in writing and mail said bal- 
lot to reach the National Headquarters within 
45 days from the date of issuance of the pam- 
phlet. Each organization may cast one such 
vote for each delegate to which it is entitled 
in the annual meeting. [An organization hav- 
(Continued on page three of cover)

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