Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

inspectors of the Bureau. In these investigations every effort is made 
to discover underlying or contributory causes and to determine the 
best means of avoiding a repetition of the accident. This information 
is available to the Bureau of Industrial Standards, and to the Indus- 
trial Board, for guidance in developing new safety regulations or for 
revising existing ones. 
The breadth of regulation of employment assigned by law to the 
Bureau of Inspection goes considerably beyond the factory. Where- 
ever labor is employed in Pennsylvania, excepting on the farm or in 
domestic service it comes within the scope of laws enforced by this 
Bureau, regulating conditions of work for all, and hours of employ- 
ment for women and for minors. All places of employment are visited 
systematically by Bureau inspectors. 
Elevator and boiler inspections are special activities of the Bureau. 
Each is conducted by a staff of specialists. Boiler inspection is con- 
Jucted everywhere in the Commonwealth excepting in Philadelphia, 
Scranton, and Erie; elevator inspection everywhere excepting in Phila- 
delphia, Scranton, and Pittsburgh. The communities excepted have 
their own boiler and elevator inspectors. Inspections are made periodi- 
cally and no boiler or elevator may be operated unless there is con- 
spicuously posted a certificate indicating that inspection has been made 
within the period of time fixed by law. Installations of elevators and 
boilers must be made in accordance with regulations. Before any 
elevator is installed, plans and application for permit must be sub- 
mitted to the Chief of the Elevator Section. 
Perhaps the most important service rendered by the Bureau of In- 
spection, aside from its main function of promoting industrial safety, 
is its enforcement of the Fire and Panic Act of Pennsylvania. This 
Act requires the construction and maintenance of almost all buildings, 
other than private dwellings, in such manner that there may be safe 
agress in any emergency. It applies everywhere in the Commonwealth 
except in first, second, and 2-A class cities. For the purpose of ad- 
ministering this law, a Building Section, headed by competent engi- 
neers, is maintained in the Bureau, and the general factory inspection 
force is augmented by a field staff of building specialists. Plans for 
the erection and remodeling of all buildings over which the Depart- 
ment is given jurisdiction by the Fire and Panic Act must be sub- 
mitted to the Buildings Section of the Bureau of Inspection for ap- 
proval before work is begun. The seal of the Department of Labor 
and Industry is not attached to such plans unless they indicate that 
avery requirement of law and regulation for safe egress is to be pro- 
vided. Inspectors are charged with noting such existing buildings as 
have insufficient stairways and exits, and with ordering the erection of 
additional stairways or fire escapes. Every building project for which 
plans are approved is inspected on completion and final approval given. 
Theatre requirements are especially exacting because of the frequent 
assemblages in these places. In connection with theatre safety the 
Bureau enforces a Motion Picture Act which throws definite safe- 
yuards about the use of motion picture projectors. All motion picture 
operators must undergo examinations and be licensed by the Bureau. 
The Buildings Section conducts this special activity and, besides, is 
responsible for administering Emergency Lighting Regulations, where- 
by an emergency source of illumination is required in all places where 
‘he public is assembled after darkness.

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