Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

Compensation therefore cannot be over $15.00, por under $2.10 per week. 
Time to run 300 weeks (*). 
Compensation not paid to widow, unless living with, or actually depending upon 
ber deceased husband at time of his death. 
Reasonable expense of burial not to exceed $150.00 which shall be paid by the 
employer or insurer directly to the undertaker. 
(a) If there be neither widow nor dependent widower and (*). 
ior 2 children survive, 33 9% wages to children for 300 weeks. Max. § 7.50 
t children survive, 44 9, wages to children for 300 weeks. Max. $10.00 
children survive, 5 9, wages to children for 300 weeks, Max. $12.50 
children survive, 6239, wages to children for 300 weeks. Max. $14.00 
children survive, 85 9 wages to children for 300 weeks. Max. $15.00 
3 or more 
(b) If a widow or widower survive and 
0 children 44 % wages to widow or widower for 300 weeks. Max. 30% 
| child 55 07, wages to widow or widower for 300 weeks. Max. $12.50 
2 children 6237, wages to widow or widower for 300 weeks, Max. $14.00 
2 children or more 65 wages to widow or widower for 300 weeks. Max. $15.00 
(¢) If there be neither 
vidower nor 
children, entitled to compensation | 
and parents survive, 
259% wages to par- 
ants or survivor, for 
300 weeks if depend- 
ent to any extent up- 
sn deceased employe, 
Max. $5.00 If the 
tather or mother be 
totally dependent, 
then 459% for 300 
weeks, Max. $10.00. 
(*) Compensation must be paid to all children until they reach the age of 16. 
1f this requires more than 300 weeks, then the compensation for time in 
axcess of 300 weeks shall be as follows: 
1 child 1739, wages until! 16 years of age. Max. , 3.75 
2 children 2719, wages until 1-7 years of age. Max. $ 8.25 
’ children 3810, wages until 1 years of age. Max. § 8.75 
children 50 9, wages until .vu years of age. Max. $11.25 
5 children 55 9, wages until 16 years of age. Max. $12.50 
8 or more children 60 9, wages until 16 years of age. Max. $13.75 
widower, and brothers and sisters, ac- 
(d) If their be neither hides me pn) tually dependent, survive. 
1 brother or sister 159% wages to brother or sister for 300 weeks, 
. or until 16 years of age. 
2 brothers or sisters 209, wages to them for 300 weeks, or until 
; 16 years of age. 
3 or more brothers or sisters 25% wages to them for 300 weeks, or until 
16 vears of age. 
(e) Non-residents of U. §.—Widows and children receive 2/3 of amounts pro: 
vided for residents. Widowers, parents, brothers and sisters not entitled 
to compensation. 
(f) Re-marriage of Widow.—Upon the re-marriage of any widow other than 
a non-resident alien widow, the employer shall pay to such widow 
compensation in regular installments during 1/3 of the period during 
which compensation then remains pavable to her. 
An important function of the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation 
s the enforcement of the compulsory insurance provision of the Com- 
pensation Law covered under Section 305 of the Aet as amended by 
the General Assembly in 1929. 
The law now provides that any employer who fails to comply with 
the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and

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