Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

may be of financial assistance in providing such appliances but 
only when it is shown that the disabled person is unable to pay for 
such appliances. Limited funds of the Bureau, considered, with the 
extent of the field to be covered, render it almost impossible for the 
Bureau to purchase all appliances required by eligible disabled per- 
sons. The providing of such necessary artificial appliances is not 
included in the workmen’s compensation award in Pennsylvania. Con- 
sequently, when an adjuster discovers a case that needs help in ob- 
taining an appliance, that adjuster immediately inquires regarding 
possibility of financial assistance for such purchase from other sources 
and usually with the employing company in which the disability 
occurred. Many of the larger industrial establishments of Pennsyl- 
vania are, as a definite policy, providing such necessary appliances 
to their employes disabled by accidents while at work. Such action 
is a sound personnel policy on the part of the employing company 
and is further of inestimable help to the Bureau of Rehabilitation 
in conserving its funds and making them of maximum benefit to the 
greatest number of persons. 
Finally, after all financial phases surrounding the case of a dis 
abled person, needing assistance in obtaining an artificial appliance, 
are investigated by an adjuster and it is determined that the Bureau 
should pay a portion or the whole cost of such appliance, the ad- 
juster so recommends to the central office of the Bureau on a definite 
recommendation form presenting financial facts showing, in eompli- 
ance with the law, that the disabled person is unable to pay for 
such appliance. 
The central office of the Bureau of Rehabilitation will not con- 
sider a recommendation from -an adjuster to provide a necessary 
artificial appliance for a registrant unless there is also received a 
statement in writing from a physician or surgeon that such appli- 
ance is necessary and that the registrant is in physical condition 
for the application of such appliance. The providing of the appli- 
ance by the Bureau is in all cases contingent upon the approval of 
the Secretary of Labor and Industry. 
The Bureau of Rehabilitation may aid financially in providing 
training courses for disabled registrants when such training is a 
logical lead to definite and suitable employment. 
Such training has ranged from courses in law, engineering, com- 
merce and finance, and similar preparation in colleges for later pro- 
fessional work by disabled persons, to correspondence courses in 
poultry raising from the School of Agriculture of the Pennsylvania 
State College and to training in trade schools. On a definite form 
of the Bureau, the adjuster recommends the character of training 
for the disabled person and also submits a detailed estimate of the 
weekly expenses of the disabled person during such training with 
an accurate statement of the weekly income of such disabled per- 
son during training. The exact amount by which the estimated 
weekly expense exceeds the weekly income represents the payment 
to be made from the Bureau of Rehabilitation during the training 
period. Such payment may not, under the law, in any case exceed 
$15.00 per week. Such training payments by the Bureau must be

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