Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

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tions covering liability under the Pennsylvania Workmen’s Compensa- 
tion Act. Compensation insurance rates in Pennsylvania are calculated 
by two Rating Bureaus, one of which has charge of the industrial class 
of business, while the other Bureau has charge of coal mine business. 
These Bureaus are supported by the State ‘Workmen's Insurance Fund 
as well as all other insurance carriers writing compensation insurance 
policies in Pennsylvania, but they are under the control of the Insur- 
ance Commissioner of Pennsylvania. Under the rules and regulations 
of the Insurance Department, the State Fund, as well as all other in- 
surance carriers, is required to report to these Rating Bureaus the 
description as well as the cost of all accidents which are reported to 
them by their policyholders. Likewise, a report is required to be made 
sovering the payroll and premium covering each and every policy 
issued by the various insurance carriers. From this data the Rating 
Bureaus promulgate the rate which, after their approval by the Insur- 
ance Commissioner, are used by the State Workmen ’s Insurance Fund 
as well as all other insurance carriers in underwriting compensation 
insurance policies. These rates are the same for the State Workmen's 
[nsurance Fund as for all other insurance carriers. These published 
rates are subject to modification by the application of an experience 
rating plan and also of a rating schedule, which, as applying to in- 
dustrial business and coal mine business, have been built up purely 
from Pennsylvania experience. 
The operations of the State Workmen’s Insurance Fund have been 
separated into various divisions so that the policyholders may receive 
the maximum of service under their policies. The divisions which come 
in contact with the public insured with the State Fund. together with 
their funetions. are as follows: 
This Division is entrusted with the task of underwriting all policies 
covering liability under the Workmen’s Compensation Act issued by 
the State Fund. Extensive records are maintained showing the correct 
rates applicable to nearly every industrial business or enterprise in 
Pennsylvania so that the proper classification and rate may be applied 
to each application for a policy. All correspondence concerning the 
issuance of policies as well as the many requests for definitions of vari- 
sus conditions contained in the State Fund policy, are handled by this 
The principal duty of this Division is the collection of all premium 
moneys due the Fund and the proper maintenance of all finaneial 
records. A complete analytical record is kept of disbursements made 
by the Fund; as the records of this Division as to income and disburse- 
ments are important in arriving at the rate of dividend to be declared 
by the Fund each year. All statements of monthly, quarterly, and 
semi-annual accounts are handled by this Division. All correspondence 
pertaining to any question relating to the payment of premium is also 
handled bv this Division. 
This Division takes care of all reports of accidents occurring to em- 
sloyves of policyholders issued to the Fund. An average of approxi

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