Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

spect of commercial travellers or 
samples shall be extended un- 
gondisionally to the other Party. 
la voiajorii comerciali sau, lay 
mostre, vor fi extinse{peconidi- 
tionat gi asupra celeilalte Parti. 
The measures taken by the 
High Contracting Parties for 
regulating and forwarding traffic 
across their territories shall facili- 
tate free transit by rail or water- 
way on routes in use convenient 
for international transit. No dis- 
tinction shall be made which is 
based on the nationality of per- 
sons, the flag of vessels, the place 
of origin, departure, entry, exit or 
destination, or on any circums- 
stances relating to the ownership 
of goods or of vessels, coaching 
or goods stock, or other means of 
In order to ensure the applica- 
tion of the foregoing provisions, 
the High Cuntracting Parties will 
allow transit in accordance with 
the customary conditions and 
reserves across their territorial 
Traffic in transit shall not be 
subject to any special dues in 
respect of transit (including entry 
and exit) except such dues as are 
intended solely to defray expenses 
of supervision and administration 
entailed by such transit. 
The preceding dispositions in 
no way affect the customs laws 
concerning the treatment of 
transit goods, nor the regulations 
concerning goods which are the 
subject of an internal duty or of 
a State monopoly. The transit 
of such goods shall, however, not 
be restricted more than is 
necessary to secure that in the 
case of goods remaining in the 
territories of either Party the in- 
ternal duties are collected and the 
object of the monopoly assured. 
Misurile luate de Inaltele 
Pirti Contractante pentru regu- 
area gi dirijarea traficului peste 
eritoriile lor, vor inlesni liberul 
ranzit pe cdile ferate sau pe 
dile navigabile, pe liniile in 
ierviciu, prielnice tranzitului 
nternational. Nu se va face nici 
» distinctie, bazatd pe natiouali- 
‘tea persoanelor, pavilionul 
raselor, locul de origind, plecare, 
ntrare, egire sau destinatie, sau 
pe orice imprejurdri privitoare la 
proprietatea mérfurilor sau: a 
vaselor, trisurilor si vagoanelor 
Je mirfuri, sau a oriciror alte 
mijloace de transport. 
Pentru a agigura aplicarea 
lispozitiunilor de mai sus, Inal- 
ele Parti Contractante vor 
autoriza tranzitul prin apele lor 
teritoriale conform conditiunilox 
31 rezervelor cari sunt In uzanti. 
Traficul in tranzit nu va fi 
supus la nici un fel de taxe 
speciale cu privire la tranzit 
inclusiv intrare si esire), afard 
le acele taxe cari au numai de 
scop si acopere cheltuclile de 
supraveghere gi de administrare, 
necesitate de acest tranzit. 
Dispozijiunile precedente nu 
ror afecta in nicl un fel legile 
samale privitoare la tratamentul 
nirfurilor in tranzit, nici regula- 
mentele privitoare la mirfurile 
sari sunt supuse unei taxe in- 
;erne sau unui monopol de stat. 
I'ranzitul unor asemenea marfuri, 
nsi, nu va fi stAnjenit mai mult 
lect este nevoie pentru a asigura 
a, in cazul cind ar rdméine 
pirfuri in teritoriile uneia dintre 
[naltele Pari Contractante, taxele 
interne si fle percepute si mono- 
pulul si fie asigurat.

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