Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

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Neither High Contracting [arty 
shall be bound by this Article to 
afford transit for passengers whose 
admission into his territories is 
forbidden, or for goods of a kind 
of which the importation or ex- 
portation is prohibited, either on 
grounds of public health or se- 
curity, or as a precaution against 
diseases of animals or plants. 
For the purposes of this Article, 
persons, baggage and goods, and 
also vessels, coaching and goods 
stock and other means of trans- 
port, shall be deemed to be in 
transit across the territories of 
one of the High Contracting 
Parties when the passage across 
such territories, with or without 
transhipment, warehousing, break- 
ing bulk, or change in the mode 
of transport, is only a portion of 
a complete journey, beginning and 
terminating beyond the frontier 
of the territories of the Party 
across which the transit takes 
Each of the High Contracting 
Parties shall permit the importa- 
tion or exportation of all mer- 
chandise which may be legally 
imported -or exported, and also 
the carriage of passengers from 
or to their respective territories, 
upon the vessels of the other; 
and such vessels, their cargoes 
and passengers shall enjoy the 
same privileges as, and shall not 
be subjected to any other or 
higher duties or charges than, 
national vessels and their cargoes 
and passengers or the vessels of 
any other foreign country and 
their cargoes and passengers. 
In all that regards the station- 
ing, loading and unloading of 
vessels in the porte, docks, road- 
Nici una din Inaltele Piri 
Contractante nu va fi obligati, 
prin acest articol, si mijloceascd 
tranzitul pasagerilor a ciror in- 
trare in teritoriile sale este inter- 
zisd, sau a mirfurilor prohibite la 
import sau export, pentru motive, 
fie de sindtate publici sau sigu- 
rand, fie ca o precautie contra 
bolilor de plante sau de animale. 
Pentru scopurile acestui articol, 
persoanele, bagajele si mirfurile, 
precum si vasele, trisurile sau 
vagoanele de mirfuri gi alte mij- 
loace de transport, se vor socoti 
in tranzit peste teritoriile uneia 
lintre Inaltele Pirfi Contractante, 
sind trecerea peste aceste teri- 
borii, cu, sau firi transbordare, 
lepunere in antrepozit, rupere de 
Incdrcire, sau schimbare in modul 
Je transport, reprezinti numai o 
porfiune din cilitoria complect, 
care incepe gi se termini dincolo 
de frontiera Pirtei peste teri- 
toriul cireia se face tranzitul. 
Fiecare din Inaltele Piri 
Contractante va permite importul 
sau exportul tuturor mirfurilor, 
se pot fi legalmente importate sau 
3xportate, precum gi transportul 
de pasageri, dela sau citre teri- 
toriile lor respective, pe vasele 
seleilalte Parti; aceste vase, cu 
medrcitura gi pasagerii lor, se 
vor bucura de aceleasi privilegii 
ca gi vasele nationale cu incirci- 
tura gi pasagerii lor, sau vasele 
oricirui alt stat striin cu incir- 
citura si pasagerii lor, i nu vor 
fi supuse nici unei taxe sau im- 
puneri deosebite san mai mari 
Jecit ele. 
In tot ce priveste stationarea, 
incdrcarea gi descircarea vase- 
lor, in porturile, docurile, radele

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