Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His 
Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, 
with Protocol, Protocol of Signature and 
Exchange of Notes. 
London, August 6, 1930. 
His Majesty the King of Great 
Britain, Ireland and the British 
Dominions beyond the Seas, Em- 
peror of India, and His Majesty 
the King of Roumanis, 
Desiring to facilitate and ex- 
fend still further the trade and 
commerce , of their respective 
countries and to regulate by 
means of a Treaty the commercial 
relations between Great Britain 
and Northern Ireland and such 
other territories under the sove- 
reignty, protection or authority 
of His Britannic Majesty as he 
may desire should be bound by 
the Treaty ¢n the one side, and 
Roumania on the other side, 
Have resolved to conclude a 
Treaty for this purpose, and have 
appointed as their plenipoten- 
rlaries * 
His Majesty the King of Great 
Britain, Ireland and the British 
Dominions beyond the Seas, Em- 
peror of India ; 
For Great Britain and Northern 
The Right Honourable William 
Graham, President of the Board 
of Trade: 
His Majesty the King of Rou- 
mania : 
Dr. Viorel Virgil Tilea, Member 
of the Roumanian Parliament ; 
Who, having communicated their 
full powers, found in good and 
méniei gi Majestatea Sa Regele 
Marei Britanii, al Irlandei si 
al Dominionurilor Britanice de 
peste Miri, Imparatul Indiei, 
In dorinta de a inlesni si 
desvolta mnegotul gi comertul 
drilor lor respective, gi de a 
reglementa  printr'un  tratat 
relatiunile  comerciale dintre 
Roménia de o parte si Marea 
Britanie, Irlanda de Nord si 
acele teritorii de sub suvera- 
nitatea, protectia sau autoritatea 
Majestitii Sale Britanice, pe care 
va dori 8a le angajeze prin acest 
tratat, de altd parte ; 
Au hotéirdt sd inchee un tratat 
in acest scop si au numit ca. 
plenipotentiari ai lor: 
Majestatea Sa Regele Ro- 
Dr. Viorel Virgil Tilea, deputat; 
Majestatea Sa Regele Marei 
Britanii, al Irlandei si al Do- 
minionurilor britanice de peste 
Mairi, Imparatul Indiei: 
Pentru Marea Britanie si 
Irlanda de Nord : 
The Right Honourable William 
Graham, Pregedinte al Board of 
cari, dup comunicarea deplinelor 
lor puteri, gisite in bund si

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