Full text: Modern business geography

Lumbering and Forest Products 
United States Forest Serotce 
Fig. 110. A mill plant with a capacity of 200,000 feet (board measure) of lumber a day. 
A. To illustrate the uses of wood. 
1. The following is a rough classification of wood according to its uses: 
(a) Unworked wood (logs, etc.), as for posts. 
(b) Worked wood (cut and prepared), as for buildings. 
(¢) Burnt wood, as for the ashes. 
(d) Pulp wood, as for paper. 
(e) Wood extracts, as for medicine. 
(f) Waste wood, as for excelsior. 
Find from two to five illustrations of each use. 
The forest resources of the United States. 
The ten states that led in lumber production in 1926 were Washington, 
Oregon, Mississippi, Louisiana, California, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, 
Georgia, North Carolina. In which of the five forest regions of the 
United States is each of the states? 
Give three reasons why Washington is the leading state in lumber pro- 
duction. Why is Nevada the least productive ? 
In what part of the United States do you think wood for a house may be 
purchased cheapest? In what part do you think it would be most ex- 
pensive? Explain. 
Study the coal map of the United States (Fig. 98), in connection with 
the map of forest regions (Fig. 107), and decide whether coal or wood 
is probably the chief fuel for household use in (a) California. (b) Maine, 
(¢) Florida, (d) Illinois, (e) Nebraska. 
Alaska has been called the ‘ Norway of the United States.” What does 
this phrase suggest as to the character of the forests of Alaska? For 
what purpose do we now import wood from Norway? What quality 

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