Full text: Modern business geography

Problems in Primary Production 
explore by reading and by gathering all the pictures you can find. 
Geographical and travel magazines will help you in this, as will 
encyclopedias, school readers, and travel books from the library. 
When each group returns from its journey, let the leader report to 
the class the facts which the members of the group have given him 
as their discoveries on the journey. 
First Group. Purpose of journey: To explore the West Indies, and to 
obtain information on the following topics: 
(1) The location, climate, and natural vegetation of the four chief islands. 
(2) Their chief products and whether these are raised on farms, on planta- 
tions, or in gardens; or whether they come from the forest, the mines, 
or the sea. 
(3) The chief difficulties in procuring these products. 
(4) The relative importance of the four islands to the United States, com- 
mercially and otherwise. 
(5) How the islands are governed, by whom, and how well. 
Second Group. Purpose of journey: To discover the mineral resources 
of Mexico. 
(1) Their kind and the relative importance of each kind to Mexico and to 
the United States. 
(2) Where each kind is found, the nature of the climate and relief, 
and whether these conditions help or hinder in the work of mining. 
(3) Methods of mining, and extent to which the products are refined before 
being shipped. 
(4) The people who carry on the mining, including both foreigners and 
natives, and the kind of work done by each. 
(5) Foreign investors; their effect on the growth of the country. 
Third Group. Purpose of journey: To examine the forest and plantation 
products of Mexico and Central America. 
(1) Kinds of products and their uses. 
12) Location of the products: climate and relief of the sections where they 
are found. 
(3) Methods of raising or of procuring them. 
(4) Kind of people who raise them, whether foreign planters or native 
(5) Methods of sending to the United States, and importance to this country, 
Fourth Group. Purpose of journey: To study the principal cities of 
Central America and the West Indies. (Include among the cities the capi- 
tals of Mexico and Guatemala, the chief Canal city, the port and capital of 
Yucatan, the two main ports of the east coast of Mexico, Puebla and 
Guadalajara, and the two main cities of the West Indies.)

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