Full text: Modern business geography

186 Modern Business Geography 
Fig. 134. Showing how the main railwav lines of North America are related to the relief of the 
Name four transcontinental lines that connect the eastern half of the 
country with the cities on the western coast. In what cities does each 
line terminate? With what main eastern railroads does it connect? 
Choose any one of the four lines and tell what states you would cross on 
your way to the Pacific coast. Describe the changes in scenery as you 
would view them from your car window. What differences would you 
notice in the occupations of the people from state to state? 
Compare the routes of the two main lines that compete for the trade be- 
tween our two largest cities. Which of these lines departs farther from a 
straight course? Why? What sort of relief is found along the shorter 
road? The shorter road has a local advantage that reduces its cost of 
operation and thus helps to make the expenses between New York and 
Chicago about the same as on the longer but more level route. What is 
From time tables of the New York Central and Pennsylvania lines, list 
the large cities on each line between New York and Chicago. and find out 
how they compare in number and size.

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