Full text: Modern business geography

226 Modern Business Geography 
6. To what three cities — one in Nova Scotia, one in New Brunswick, one in 
Maine — is its commerce transferred in winter? (Consult Figure 143 for 
railway connections.) 
For a long time Quebec lost in commercial importance compared 
with Montreal, but now it is gaining. 
7. Compare the two cities with respect to (a) position relative to Europe and 
to the densely populated parts of the United States; (b) ease of obtaining 
coal from Nova Scotia ; (¢) size and productivity of hinterland ; (d) number 
of cities with more than 50,000 people within 800 miles; (e) climate. 
The St. Lawrence has beer: deepened between Montreal and Quebec. 
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad has bridged the St. Lawrence near 
Quebec and built a line from Quebec to Prince Rupert on the northern 
part of the Pacific coast of Canada (Figs. 128, 153). 
8. Which of these changes is more likely to have helped Quebec? Why? 
The main Pacific port of Canada. Vancouver, the Pacific terminus 
of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, owes much of its growth to the rich 
mines and primeval forests of its hinterland, and to the need of west- 
ern Europe for the speedy transportation of light, valuable goods, such 
as silk, from the Orient. 
9. By what route can mail from London reach Yokohama most promptly ? 
10. Why is Vancouver, with a harbor as good as that of Seattle, only about 
one third as large as Seattle? 
Although Vancouver is farther north than Quebec and Montreal, 
its port remains ice-free when the St. Lawrence is frozen. 
11. Explain the fact stated above. 
12. How does: this fact explain an increase of eastbound Canadian traffic 
through the Panama Canal in winter ? 
Minor ports. Halifax and St. John are the leading secondary ports 
of Canada. Both are on good harbors, but have small hinterlands, 
except when the St. Lawrence freezes. 
13. In what provinces are these cities located ? 
14. Why are their hinterlands small? What enlarges them in winter 
Interior cities. The Important interior cities are Toronto, Winni- 
peg, and Ottawa. Toronto might almost be included among sea- 
ports, since from its good harbor near the head of Lake Ontario small 
ships may pass down the St. Lawrence to the sea. The Welland 
Canal also gives the city steamship connection with the Great Lakes. 
The region about the city, the rich Ontario peninsula, is often called 
the *‘ garden of Canada.”

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