Full text: Modern business geography

As students of industrial geography, our main problem in regard to 
manufacturing is to find out why factories are located in certain parts 
of the world. 
There are at least eight conditions that favor the location of manu- 
facturing industries. 
(1) Energetic and inventive 
(2) Nearness to fuel or to 
abundant water power 
(8) Nearness to raw materials 
4) Convenient transportation 
Nearness to markets 
Large supply of efficient 
Abundant capital for 
(8) The advantage of an 
early start 
Industries in relation to human ability. In a broad way race 
and climate exert the most powerful influence on the general location 
of manufacturing industries. In almost every factory in our north- 
ern states men and women are working vigorously and rapidly, with 
their minds and muscles constantly alert. This kind of efficient work 
is rarely found except in places inhabited by a few energetic races 
and where the climate is invigorating. On a hot day in summer we 
seldom feel like doing our best work. From our feelings on such 
days we can readily see why tropical races have a reputation for lazi- 
ness, and why it is difficult to secure efficient labor where the tem- 
perature is constantly high. In regions of excessive cold, efficient 
labor is again scarce; even in the northern parts of the United States 
factory operatives accomplish less in winter than in the spring and 
fall. In the southern states, on the other hand, the work falls off 
considerably during the hot summers. 
The mind and body are most stimulated to efficient work and peo- 
ple enjoy the best health in the cooler portions of the temperate zone, 
particularly in those parts which have frequent changes of weather 
and frequent rainfall. Such regions are the home of the most active 
and inventive races, and include the chief industrial countries, — 
the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzer- 
land, and northern Italy. 
- XN

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