Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
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Fig. 158. This map shows the amount of energy that might be expected if people’s energy de- 
pended solely on climate. What countries are most heavily shaded? What kind of countries are 
they? Compare the countries which have the second heaviest shading with those shaded most 
lightly. Compare this map with Figure 165, showing the distribution of manufacturing. What 
does this map indicate as to climate? 
In Asia, the only country that is highly developed industrially is 
Japan, where the climate, unlike that of China, has frequent changes 
from day to day and is relatively stimulating. There the people are 
unusually active in both mind and body. In the southern hemisphere, 
parts of Argentina, Chile, and southeastern Australia are favored both 
in climate and in race, but they are so new in commercial development 
and so far from markets and from a large labor supply that they are not 
yet important industrially. 
How power determines the location of industries. Those indus- 
iries that consume great quantities of fuel are strongly influenced by 
the location of coal mines or other supplies of fuel, such as natural gas 
and petroleum. 
Fuel. Pennsylvania well illustrates the effect of supplies of coal. 
Her preéminence in coal mining helps her to lead the states of the 
Union in the production of the following articles, which are among the 
heaviest consumers of fuel: coke; pig iron; pig steel; rolling mill 
products, such as rails and sheet iron; foundry and machine shop 
products, such as wrought iron and castings; railway cars, a large 
percentage of which are now made of steel ; glass, which requires high 
temperatures and much fuel to melt the sand; cement, a mixture of 
pulverized limestone and clay heated to a high temperature. Pitts-

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