Full text: Modern business geography

Geographical Conditions of Manufacture 237 
burgh in Pennsylvania, Birmingham in England, and Essen in Germany 
are examples of great cities which owe much of their growth to the 
fact that the presence of coal has favored the development of iron in- 
Waler power. In many industries water power serves the same pur- 
pose as coal. The waterfalls of northern New York and New England 
turn the wheels of wood-pulp and paper mills that furnish much of the 
paper on which daily newspapers are printed. In the wheat region 
of the United States, falls determine the location of wheat-milling 
centers, as Minneapolis at St. Anthony’s Falls on the Mississippi River. 
The falls along the lower course of the Merrimac River are one of the 
chief reasons why cotton mills developed there in great numbers at an 
early date. 
More recently the water power of the piedmont belt at the foot of 
the mountains in the Carolinas and Georgia, together with the presence 
of abundant raw material, has brought about the location of many 
cotton mills at such cities as Greensboro and Charlotte, in North Caro- 
lina, and Columbia, in South Carolina (Fig. 12). 
Advances in electrical engineering now make it possible for power 
from rivers to be conveyed long distances in the form of electricity, as 
in North Carolina, and at Niagara Falls. In the Pacific states several 
Fig. 159. Mills on the Connecticut River, run by water power, with steam as auxiliary. Few 
of the great mills in New England now depend wholly on water power. When the rivers run 
low. if at no other time. steam is nsed: ntherwise the mills wonld be forced to shut down.

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