Full text: Modern business geography

Geographical Conditions of Manufacture 247 
Fic. 162. Compare this map with Figure 158 (page 236). What are the two areas of most in- 
tensive manufacturing? What is the only Asiatic country that has more than 5 per cent of its 
population engaged in manufacturing? Locate the two areas south of the equator where manu- 
facturing is carried on. Make two lists: (1) the countries that are wholly or partly in the group 
having 15 per cent or more of the population in manufacturing; (2) those wholly or partly in 
the group having from 5 to 15 per cent. 
and raw materials of many sorts are found in many countries, we are 
surprised that manufacturing is carried on extensively in so few places. 
The decisive factor in the distribution of manufacturing. The 
most important quality which all six of the shaded areas in Figure 162 
have in common is that all are inhabited by energetic and progressive 
people. This is partly a matter of race and training and partly of 
climate and health. Only in a few regions outside the six manufac- 
turing sections do the people show such a combination of inventive- 
ness and determination, or have their ancestors developed such good 
methods of work, that a high development of manufacturing is possible. 
Elsewhere, it is likewise hard to find a climate which combines so 
many favorable qualities, both for man and for agriculture. In gen- 
eral, it appears that the primary factor in the distribution of manu- 
facturing is the character of the people, their energy, progressiveness, 
and skill ; next to this in importance come supplies of coal and other 
sources of power ; while raw materials occupy third place in determin- 
ing which parts of the world shall carry on manufacturing. Trans- 
portation facilities, markets, labor, capital, and an early start all play 
a great part, but often these factors depend largely on the energy, 
ability. and training of the people. (See page 32.)

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