Full text: Modern business geography

Manufacturing Qutside the United States 275 
5. The bulk of the world’s supply of the following raw materials is produced 
in the regions named below. Tell which of the industrial countries of 
Europe would have an advantage in obtaining supplies of each kind be- 
cause of nearness, ease of transportation, or political relationship. 
Cotton . United States, India, Egypt 
Wool . Argentina, Russia, Australia, United States, Great Britain 
Raw silk japan, China, Italy 
Hides . ndia, United States, Russia, Argentina, Brazil 
Rubber Brazil, Belgian Congo, Indo-China, East Indies, Mexico 
Lead . United States, Spain, Germany 
Zinc . . United States, Germany 
Tin . . Malay Peninsula, Spain, East Indies 
How the great industrial countries obtain food supplies for their crowded 
Great Britain produces only about 5 per cent of the wheat it consumes. 
Of the rest about 45 per cent comes from India, Australia, and Canada. 
Thus 50 per cent must be imported from regions not a part of the British 
Empire. From what regions does Figure 38 suggest that Great Britain 
may import wheat? Find out which of these countries are likely to take 
some of Britain’s surplus coal in exchange (Fig. 99). Why is it an advan- 
tage to British shipping to have this product to exchange for the foreign 
wheat ? 
In England, about 8 per cent of the workers are engaged in farming, and 
60 per cent in manufacturing. In France, 40 per cent of the workers are 
engaged in farming, and 30 per cent in industries. Which country is more 
nearly self-supporting? Which could better endure a blockade of her 
coasts? Which is more dependent on a strong merchant marine? Which 
would suffer less if supplies of raw materials for manufacturing were cut 
off » 
Denmark, which is about half the size of Maine and has four times the 
population, produces a surplus of dairy products and beet sugar. She has 
no coal or iron. What neighboring industrial countries are likely to be 
her customers, and what kind of goods will she take in exchange? 
Little Holland may be said to run a great shop for selling sugar, coffee, 
hemp, vegetable oils, and rubber to more industrial countries. Where 
does she obtain the stock for her shop? How does it happen that she 
can specialize as a trader in tropical raw materials? 
Hungary consists mainly of a great grain-producing plain, one of the most 
fertile in the world. She has great milling establishments, but must im- 
port most of her manufactured goods. With what countries is she likely 
to exchange products? Refer to the transportation map of Europe, as 
well as to the manufacturing map. 
Czechoslovakia has both farming and manufacturing sections, but does 
not produce all the cereals and meat needed by the industrial centers. 
Which three of her neighbors are grain-producing countries? What other 

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