Full text: Modern business geography

Foreign Countries and World Markets 305 
Fig. 182. The main street of a town in Guatemala illustrates a more advanced kind of marketing 
than the open market place. Here the shops are in the front part of the houses. The vendor 
has become a shopkeeper, a middleman who buys what other people produce and sells it to the 
Canada is an important market for foreign manufactured goods, 
for the Canadians are largely engaged in primary production, and are 
extremely prosperous and progressive. These nine million competent 
people want strong, high-grade woolen clothing, to withstand the low 
winter temperatures, and to last under the hard wear of rough out- 
door work. The farmers require elaborate machinery ranging from 
traction plows to great harvesters. A variety of mining machinery 
is needed in Canada, because many different minerals and metals are 
mined. Railroad equipment is constantly required, not only to meet 
the growing needs of the existing lines, but to build and operate new 
Since the United States is separated from Canada neither by geo- 
graphical barriers nor by those of race and language, it is in an ex- 
cellent position to supply the Canadian market. Hence this country 
furnishes two thirds of the Canadian imports. In 1928, in spite of a 
heavy tariff and the fact that American manufactures are taxed a 
third more than British, Canada consumed almost a billion dollars’ 
worth of our goods, or nearly the same amount as from Great Britain. 
Table IV (page 308) shows that the balance of trade with Canada 
is in our favor.

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