Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Fic. 50. This map shows the areas of the country where vegetables are raised on a commer- 
cial scale; it does not include potato growing or home gardens (kitchen gardens). The three 
spots of greatest concentration are on the eastern coast. There the climatic conditions are 
favorable, the great cities provide markets near by, and the labor required for this intensive form of 
agriculture can be obtained. Compare this map with the maps for large-scale crops. such as wheat 
and corn (Figs. 28. 31). 
to pay high prices. Find out what vegetables are raised in your vicinity 
in sufficient quantities to supply other markets, and why this is possible. 
From the list made at the market select the vegetables that were raised at 
a distance. Try to find out what special advantages make it profit- 
able to raise them there. 
Note the places named on the labels of canned vegetables in your mother’s 
pantry or in the grocery store. These places are probably near the 
farms that raised the vegetables, for canning factories are usually 
located near farms. Can you see why? Explain why each vegetable can 
be grown successfully near the place indicated on the label. 
Vegetable growing in the United States. 
Figure 50 indicates the distribution of vegetable farms and truck gardens 
in the United States. Pick out ten localities where they are especially 
numerous. State the conditions that have attracted the vegetable farmers 
to these regions. Explain the relative importance of oil. transporta- 
tion, relief, and climate in this matter. 
Compare Figure 50 as a whole with Figure 176, which shows the distri- 
bution of population. What relation do you notice 
Write an account of Figure 48, showing the distribution of potatoes. 
What features impress you most and how do you explain them? 
Make a list of the vegetables produced in your locality. What condi- 
tions make it profitable to raise them?

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