Full text: Iceland 1930

pretty nearly three-tenths of the total revenue, the maintenance and 
construction of roads costing 1.2 million krénur; communications by 
water, 356 thousand krénur; light-houses etc, 247 thousand krénur; 
while post, telegraph and telephone services are responsible for the rest. 
The expenditure on Church and education ‘is nearly 123 million 
krénur, of which the Church absorbs 304 thousand krénur; elementary 
education, 397 thousand krénur: and secondary and higher education, 
934 thousand krénur. 
Science, literature, and art account for 205 thousand krénur. Among 
the items falling under this head, are the museums, with 80 thousand 
krénur, while the rest goes to scholars, poets and artists, and towards 
the publication of learned works. 
The expenditure on various industrial affairs amounts to 1475 thou- 
sand krénur. Under this head is included rural husbandry, with 703 
thousand krénur; the fisheries, with 116 thousand krénur; commerce 
and the search for new markets, with 82 thousand krénur; handicrafts 
and industries, with 12 thousand krénur; and the Meteorological In- 
stitute, with 56 thousand krénur. 
Expenditure on social welfare amounts to 1087 thousand krénur, 
most of which, or 912 thousand krénur, goes towards paying for the 
care of indigent or less well-to-do tuberculous sufferers. The law under 
which free nursing is granted to these patients dates from 1921. Of 
other items falling under this head may be mentioned 59 thousand 
krénur, granted in the form of sickness benefit to poor persons suffer- 
ing from other diseases than tuberculosis, and a contribution of 48 
thousand krénur to the Old Age Pension Fund. : 
Payment of interest on, and reduction of, the National indebtedness 
accounts for 1.4 million krénur, or rather more than 10 per cent of the 
total expenditure; the former amounting to 696 thousand, the latter 
to 740 thousand. 
The balance sheet as at December 31st 1928 shows that the assets 
of the State amounted to 36.3 million krénur, including cash in hand 
4.5 millions; securities and claims 6.5 millions; funds for special pur- 
poses 8.7 millions; domains 2.3 millions; sites and buildings 5.8 mil- 
lions; lighthouses 1.¢« millions; telegraphs and telephones 4.2 millions; 
and other State undertakings 2.9 million krénur. 
Under the heading of liabilities, the internal State debt is shown 
at 7.0 million krdonur, and the foreign debt at 6.6 millions, the whole

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