Full text: Iceland 1930

they are of a large size and fine build. Officially appointed men con- 
trol the horse export and see that the provisions of the act are com- 
plied with. 
The export of live sheep began shortly after 1860, and increased 
greatly after 1880. Almost the only market for live sheep from Iceland 
was Great Britain. But just before 1900 a reaction set in, when the 
importation of live sheep was forbidden in Great Britain, and the 
sheep had to be slaughtered in dock. The export of this commodity 
lherefore steadily declined till it stopped altogether on the outbreak 
of hostilities in 1914. Since the War this trade has not been taken 
up again, if we except a few attempts made in 1923 and 1924, which 
have not subsequently been repeated. 
The following table will show the export of live sheep: 
In 1871—1880 average . . . . . 2618 head 
1881—1890 — 20497 — 
1891-1900 31750 — 
1901-—~1910 8281 
1911-1913 4319 
19141922 20 
1993 —1924 5848 
The maximum figure was reached in 1896 when some 60000 live 
sheep were exported. 
Almost all the beef and a considerable quantity of the mutton pro- 
duced, is consumed at home, the rest being exported. The milk pro- 
duction is by no means sufficient for the home consumption, and has 
to be supplemented by condensed milk from abroad. Milk is either 
directly used for human food, or for the making of butter, cheese and 
‘skyr® (curds). Skyr is an Icelandic speciality, something like the Bul- 
garian Yogurth, and is considered a delicious dish. Butter-making 
has been considerable, both at the farms, and, of late, also at the dai- 
ries. The butter made at the dairies is mostly sold to the towns or 
exported to England, while that produced at the farms is consumed at 
home, and so far as it does not suffice it is supplemented by marga- 
rine, partly imported from abroad, partly made in the margarine fac- 
tories which of late have been established in the country. The making 
of cheese has so far been of minor importance. 
Of the farm produce, salted mutton, wool, and green-salted sheep 
skins form the leading articles of export. About 2500000 kg. of salted 
mutton are exported annually, chiefly to Norway, The export of this

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