Full text: Iceland 1930

The total weight of the fish (fresh), without head, gutted and split, 
was (in thousands of kilos): 
Other Motor Rowing- All deck 
Frawlers deck vessels boats boats vessels 
913 ‘=f44 J 603 16 056 i1 164 22447 
1914 14608 893% 15 589 10672 23547 
1915 16139 11761 15014 12 446 27900 
1916 18941 13 042 18 065 10 965 31983 
1917 13380 12567 15 398 12415 25947 
1918 5564 13 832 18 028 14 747 19 396 
{919 11086 20031 20 252 13765 31117 
1920 21515 13712 21331 13438 35 227 
lg21 27624 15 624 19948 10 641 43248 
1922 36285 19 197 22741 ty 420 55482 
1923 350095 18798 23 681 n215 53893 
1924 68 943 25810 25 340 er 94 753 
1925 76 266 23 972 23276 .. 828 100 238 
1926 45192 23687 20179 9 000 68 879 
1927 70 249 24 292 29 831 9129 94 541 
All boats Total 
27220 49 667 
26 261 49 808 
27 460 55 360 
29030 61013 
27813 53 760 
32775 52171 
34017 65 134 
34 769 69996 
30589 73837 
34 161 89 643 
33 896 87 789 
37107 131 860 
35104 135 342 
29179 98 058 
38 960 133 501 
The decrease in the quantity of fish landed by the trawlers during 
the years 1917—1919 is ascribable to the fact, that in the autumn of 
1917 the fleet was reduced by one-half, and new built ships were few 
iil 1920 and after. Expressed in percentage of total yield, the quanti- 
es landed by the various types of vessels were as follows: 
Trawlers Lo... 964 46.1 
Other deck vessels 17.7 24.1 
Motor boats. . . 17.2 20.6 
Rowing-boats . oe 3.7 9.2 
100.0 100.0 
The deck vessels’ share in the total catch has been constantly grow- 
ng. In the years 1901—1905 the average share of the decked vessels 
was 36 per cent, that of the boats 64 per cent. In 1927 the order is 
reversed, the share of the decked vessels being 71 ver cent. that of 
he boats 29 per cent. of the total yield. 
During 1925—1927 the average catch, expressed in thousands of 
kilos. was: 
1925 1926 1927 
per Trawler . . . . . . . . 1623 982 1561 
- Decked vessel (trawlers excepted} 100 112 164 
Motor boat . . . . . . . 59 50 61 
Rowing-boat . . . . . . 15 13 14

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