Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duly in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Comping Sais: on 
Paragraph | 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
-_ Trm—————; 
ct of Act of | 
1922 | “1930 
Unit of * 
Rate of duty 
rh Sob resi 
: Value | 
Quantity | Value putue | Act of 1922 | Act of 1930] 
Act of 1022 
Act of 1930 
3o0ks, bound and unbound—Continued. 
Post yale tol b 
ain, decorated, embossed, or prin | . 
except by lithographic process. printed | Pound... 
Views of any landscape, scene, building, |-..do 
place, or locality in the United Statesnot ~~ =~ """" 
thinner than 1435 of an inch. 
lews of any building or locality in the , 
United States (except post cards) by what. 
"2 Drogas pa 208 Ta 
0 inner than 0. inc i j 
iin TI h + 85 square odo... 235 
inner than 0.008 inch___.____.______ _ 
treeting cards and all other social and it EY . od 
cards, including those in the form of foldare ge - 
or booklets. 
Without text or groeting......oooee | do 
Total, paragraph__.._____________ | 
1411 | Photograph, autograph, serap, post cards ost. 
age-stamp albums, and albums for Pmt: Pound.....i.......... 
1412 | Plavine cards eed 205,790 | 
Papers, paperboard, ete., cut, embossed, stamped 
laminated, printed, etc., container board, boxes’ 
manufactures of paper, etc.: 7 
+313 1413 Laminated, glazed, coated, lined, printed, do 77,740 
decorated, or ornamented, n. s. p. f. i ’ 
1313 1413 Embossed, die cut stamped, cut or shaped, do 407, 510 
not lithographed, n. s. p. f. mem am ’ 
313 1413 * ress board and press PADOr-—o-—cesenemnoe do. 672,292 
313 1413 lest or container DOUIAR, erg mmm de 9 328 
1 1413 fereotype, mails mat, or Doar, a “Sheet. | 1403515 
oxes composed of paper, papier-miché, or pa; qm ry 
, board, n.s. p. f. Paper | Pound... 816,020 
313 1413 | Nall DOCK®HS ooo eee do 
313 _ Mogfinetyny of Dane n.s. e = Oe] eee] 
: ] aper imitation Panama ha I ret mt 
313 | 1413 | Other manufactures of paper.._.___._____7"™" Number... 1,138,685 
3131 1413 Jther manufactures of paper (from Cubgj 127] © od-mme|oooeemmeenaenn 
313 | 1413 Ribbon fly catchers 7... Lol TTT 0m 
1313 1413 *aper textila tubes a md en nigeennee 
26, 380 | $20, 135 | $0. 763 | $6, 041 | $6,041 | 30 Der ¢ent. oem 
18. 288 9,113 .498 5, 021 5,021 | 15 cents per pound and 25 per cent. 
Per cent| Per cent 
0 per CODY ammo] 30.00 30.00 
5 cents per pound and 25 per cent. | £5.10 55.10 
60 | 60 | 15.cents per pound and 25 per cent  i5 cents per pound and 25 per cent. 60.97 | 60. 97 
40 | 40 ! $2 per thousand eee] #2 per A 2.69 2.69 
90.968 90,968 | 45 percent ooo ooo. ...._... '45perecent..........._..._._.__ "| 45.00 45.00 
. . 
119,129 |oeeeenn 35,730 | 35,739 | B0percento.__..____._..._...... 30Dercent.. ....o.ooo._.._____| 20.00 30. 00 
1, 942, 807 == 1,043,243 | 1,039, 751 | he cm eee} ] 2111 | 2104 
9,189... 2,757 2,757 | 30 Per cent a.omoeooooecooeo.. 30 POT OEY. ooo oooooo..|- 30.00 30.00 
102, 235 ] L348 50, 026 | 50,026 | 10 cents per pack and 20 per cent. 10 cents per nack and 20 per cont.) 48.93 48.903 
ware | 314] 7,313 | 
54,312 | .133 16,294 
18,894 | .028 5,668 
337 | .036 67 
04,312 | 074 36, 509 
118, 153 | L267 76, 354 
164,354 |-coeennn 57,524 
517, 506 | L455 181, 159 
1,750,038 |.....__.| 612,513 
18 feamnane 5 
7,313 | 80 DOF Cento oeomeaneeeeneo. 30per cent... 
16,204 |-aoen0u ieee omen QO 
5.868 |. do One. 
67 120 percent... _i_...... ‘0percent.......ooooo..o._...__.. 
36,509 35 Der Centon emma. "DBL Cent. eames 
8,884 cue Wii mpmnmannnon - i  —————— 
7,524 ._.do_.....__ 
181.150 QO. icant 
812,518 oon Onna, 
5 | 35 per cent less 20 per cent..._..._. 
wns BB per Cent. 
——, SB a A Km erm 
30.00 | 
30.00 ! 
35. 00 
35.00 | 
30. CO 
30. 00 
30. 00 
20. 00 
35. 00 35. 00 
35. 00 35.00 
8.00 28.00 
35. 00 35. 00 
35.00 {oo ___ 
wen | Noa a 
ap Rs SR 
5 per cent less 20 per cent.._....__ 
8 POT CON oo ocean 
! cent per pound and 25 per cent; 
3 cous per pound and 35 per 
A —— seston 2, 852, 391 — 093, 406 993, 406 
ieiphvininioinietotoie! NTRS) hss Jute] shuttle 
"otal Schedule 14, for which comparab] pst 
~alenlations have been made. 8 eee cece. 20.666.437 |.__..__| 5,113,008 | 5,385.775 
meee een emma 2x) 34 83 
emma mmmmemaee | 24.74 | 26.08 
in the following paragraphs rates of duty are 50 
lassifled for some articles in the tariff act of 1930 
hat the ratesof duty therein can not be applied to 
ivailable import statistics for those articles for 
028, Available data for these noncomparahlg 
ems are shown bv paragraphs below 
305 ¢ 
| Photographie paper: . 
1405 Plain basic photographic paper for alby- 
menizing, seusitizing, baryta coating, or for 
photographic process. 
Albumenized, sensitized, or coated, for photo. 
sraphic purposes. | 
Total, Schedule 14 for which compar, 
calculations can not be made, Lerable |. 
"otal, Schedule WL = —_- 
305 | 1405 
316, 268 
200.0% |. 371,975 
91.927.120 | _._____| 5, 485.073 
‘cents per pound plus 15 per cent. 
cents per pound plus 20 per cent 
» per cent and 20 per cent... 
per cent, 25 per cent, and 30 per 
28.38 fom 
28.71 |emaeen 
mmmmemecvenncmecaennmnns 20.51 |emeon.. 
memmemeeseccemnenscamreanemanees’ 20,02 |oo_LLl 
Countervailing duty, i 
Jstimated that imports of pulp and Dapier-méchs are each 5 Der cent of import values 
stimated 95 per cont of imports are decalcomania paper, 
‘See noncomparable items at end of schedule. 
Partial; sce noncomparable items at end of schedule, 
Estimated 50 per cent of imports are maps and charts. 
Estimated (1927) there are in this item 21,770,000 ribbon fiy catchers valued at $133,580. 
Therefore under act of 1930, $1,616,454, at 35 percent __ TTT 
1,770,000 fv catchers valued at $133,580, at 35 percent. TTT Tm 
Computed TT eee PTR CR AR WT mls 
{mports not segregated. 
aeemerecrremmmsan manana annnenenaee $080, TOO 
eee etre eee sesnees. SLI 
oo SE CE 612, 513.

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