Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1980—Continued 
Act ofl Act of 
1922 1 1930 
Unit of 
Computed duties on 
Imports, calendar year 1928 1928 imports 
Value | . oo 
per unit | Act of 1922 | Act of 1030 Act of 1022 
Rate of duty 
Act of 1930 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
en Pe 
BD pr === | =reseemee eens. Numiber.. 237,600 $2,704 | 15 DOF COME. veeemoeenennnn. 25DErCent_._...o___________.__' 15.00} 25.00 
"Toothbrushes /....__..__......___.____ a 11,774, 724 522, 487 044 235,119 378,900 | 45-per.cents. o.oo... ..-..._+| 1-cant each plus 50 per cent...__.__. 15.00 72.54 
Other toilet brushes........._______ TTT G07 TG 476) 494 581,379 090 261,621 855, 454 |.oooG0umeen oo nooo ane} pcre el tA 
Paint brushes. oo... UTI 0 aan 006 140, 084 Rt 67,088 T4542 |e 00m ane SOPOT CODE BS 
Hair pencils... TTTTNTA0TTTTT 47300, 848 268, 202 C7 | 120,690 107,281 |Z 1Ido III ITLL TTT oper cent] 45.00] 40.00 
Other brushes... TTT 6 249,768 130,132 0211 538,559 65,066 |e. 00. ecco iooieeooooooo...! 50DErCent.._......_. 0 - 
OY. 66,300,689) 1,662,101 woosee] TT] UBL OBT isis rrmemenemena 80 52 
Toothbrushes having pyroxiin handles_.__ . : 1,374 | 60 per cent ———owooooooooon......| 2 cents each plus 50 per cent.......| 60.00 | 123.39 
Handles of pyroxlin for brash. 1 77) Oso Ly c) a | fi | Hin iy 565 BO lisse sortey 1 cent each plus 50 per cent.__..._.| 60.00] 101.07 
Total eee 071,053 | 0269,349 loeocoooecl 161,610 | 324,989 | 0a FS——— 
Total, paragraph | ET | 46.92 | 67.77 
OV PAIRED oc cme L,93L,450 | 006,310 | 1,308,976 | ooooie ieee eae mem mmmemnaaans 
3ristles, sorted, bunched, or prepared. _..____ Sr ewmii| Lal 143, 099 | 7 cents per pound... —..........| 3 cents per pound. .oooooo._. 5.00 2.14 
utton forms, ste. not exceeding 3 inches in amyl Pound... 4.789, 079 6 St 152 | 1.401 | 333,899 | som 10 per i TH1overeent... ooo IIIT een] 
one dimension. Troma CE = 
Tegetable ivory buttons: 
All RT 
Tegetable ivory button blanks..._____ _ ___ [Oross....... 
2earl or shell buttons— ‘ Ane... 
Fresh-water pearl .....___.._________ (Gross... 
Ocean pearl o.eoevaooo_ (Bross... 
Ane. __. 
Pearl or shell button blanks..___.______ 1Smst.... 
Total, paragraph..............___._____ om 
Ante WULLOBE. mv unset i mm mm nari Gross. 
Button ports and button molds or blanks, _..do 
n.s. p.f. nmin 
Jollar and cuff buttons and studs of bone, |. do | 
mother-of-pearl, ivory, vegetable ivory, or {°° -==-=" 
Se a mm ro emporio  r Te eto 
nis ULEODIS. ooo eee Gross... TTL 871,805 TTTTTT35R, 330 TTTTTos1 | 161, 253 161,253 | 45 per cent. con... 45 percent... - 45. 00 45. 00 
Horn DULLODS. ooo CITT] TS Ly 198, 167 1.556 37.675 BY, 675 [eons 00 nme meeie een prelim cnmmmmimnonmseneteed 45.00.| 45.00 
Bho bUttOnS. . ooovoemmoooeoeee TTT G0 30, 023 3,096 L079 1.393 L308 |e cll maim smimmsnmmamsmiasining mu malOummn ames onunesssesenee-l 48.00 | 45.00 
Silk buttons... o.eoo eT En Remsime I » @ ’ ee I my m- 
Other buttons, n.s.p. fom Gress 378, 393 107, 019 J283 | 48, 159 48,150 | 45 DOT CONb.onoee momen -o- 45DOT CON. eee... 45.00 | 45.00 
Total, paragrapbo-oooeoeooooo Taam 62 810, 511 loom n 302.493 | 1,004,308 |-oeomomiieii eens —— 37.32 | 125.14 
A12l 15100 on nig cut into squares, wo] Pound....| . 15.635 5685] L368 "251 1.251 | 8 cents per pound......o..... 3 cents per pound. -.....-—.....| 22.00] 22.00 
- ors— Tee ¥ 
112 1511 ov inch in Airmoter 5 large end— 
ade from natural cork... : 330] 51,663 20 r pound. ..............' 25 cents per pound.......c.....-.| 18.50 | 23.12 
ha | Ee 3 Rl i pia) mL ————- po ieee 28,0% | 20 | Tom | 41, 330 oppo % a be Pound 111111] 10 cents per Buti esgrmengumnses meno 
4 inch or less in diameter at large end— arn mmbrmmnn mn min am mn a ee [mt mr] com fe 7 CITT 31 cents per pound LoL TIIII TIE RT 10066 
Made from natural cork. --.do..__. 23R $18 534, 283 1, 578 34. R54 104. 972 25 cents per pound. cents per I 8 
Cork disks, wafers, and washers— 
1412 Over 34s inch in thickness— 
a 1511 Made from natural cork bark... _____ do 
1511 Made irom artificial or composition |. Igo "TT" 
1412 1511 3s inet or less in thickness—Mad rr 
— e fi 
natural cork bark. : fo [...do.. ___. 
Artificial, composition, or compressed cork 
i Sr blocks, or planks; also in rods or 
‘511 In rough slabs, blanks, or planks. .__ 
8.2 a i or sticks... TTI ir 1,590 ' 369 
D Granulated or groun: OTR cn siiiinimmemnnr | TADetER]  SRENAEAN ON. AHR 
515 Cork insulation. meme TT Ee 43 aa | 2, 236, on 
1 . 
8111 Cork BO quite... 491,179 54,493 ' 
1412 1511 | Clork pe 
: fork paper... 
a2 | 1511 | Manufactures of cork n. s. p. fore nr Pound... | } 251 0 i 
1 Total, paragraph... _..________ — 
wiz | 150 | Dice, dominoes. ete... 777 3, on = 
1513 Dollsand parts of __.__.__.___ 5 
in Mie) toys and parts of... TTT IBY. ce nme 
ubber toys, including toy balloons ~~" emma fee maaan 
1513 Toy CR — celO eee 
i I ee Tr es i 
arlands, festooning and Christmac joni’ : -- » U0 
decorations of tinsel wire, rs lee Pound. ___ |... .. 
513 or Foto) threads. ann | 
0y books and parts, without reading mat | | 239 9, 28 
ter, other than letter gmat- . do... 10.050 13.108 | 1.313 | 9,23 . 
i seriptive words, 7 UMerals, or de- 
Footnotes at end of scheduls, nase 108

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