Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
. i 
“mports, calendar year 1928 Com Pos * 
| vee | Act of 1022 | Act of 1630 | 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
ct of Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Quantity Value 
Act of 1022 
Act of 1930 
ct of Act of 
022 | “i630 
430 59 Lose and half hose, embroidored-—w00l....---.— Doz. pr...| 19, 730 
430 152v Laces, galloons, ete., of rAYON. voce mime | 
430 1529 Laces, galloons, ete., of imitation horsehair ......' 
430 152°  mbroideries of imitation horsehair. _....-.. 
430 1529 aces, ete., Of WOOl. ooo ecncacenamemmanaas a JRE 
430 1572 tmbroideries, wearing apparel, of FO 
430 152°  tmbroidared blankets of Wool. accececccoacaea.—-| Pound.... 198, 826 
430 1520 imbroideries of TAYOD  —oaeoiamc aaa ]es - 
430 © “529 Embroideries of gold and silver, Dn. 8. DP. fo ome eam 
430 ; 1529 | Laces, ete., of tinsel wire (T. D. O10y. 
430 1529 | Gloves and mittens embroidered of woOl.meveune--: 
Nets, nettings, veils, and veilings: 
430 | 1529 Cotton___.. REA cae 
430 1529 Flax, etc... mem AHERN SAR RT § eR 
430 © 1529 rT oC TR 
From Cuba cece comme oe [emmmcmrmmnfesama aaa 
1430 1529 Cotton. __..ocae  mcmmmemamceeeeenns Pound... 1186, 016 
1430 | 1529 FIBX, 1C. oom moeeemmenvmenmmmsmmme sme ammmmme tee G0 oan 147 
1430 1529 BIE vue sR RR RR gw ws wife aan 13, 894 
1430 1529 Tinsel wire, artificial horsehair, and rayon ..-.f -aacceaoceealoacmnoaaaa.o 
1430 1529 | Lace window curtains n. 8. p. L.: Cotton... .......| Sq. yard - 1,696, 468 
‘Wearing apparel of lace: 
1430 1520 Cotton__.. om me BL RR RS or i i —— 
430 | 1520 | Flax, eteeoocoaooee- errr meena 
“430 1529 ° SiR ime cceiceacccecscacemamm—meae trem leeem—m—mmame  Amecsceceeen 
From Cuba____ meme 
Other articles in part of lace: 
1529 Cotton... SR Efrem sm ns [Ep 
1529 Flax, eC. cacmcmumanoc. © ccmecececmecmcconn [remmecmae rem m—— 
1529 BITE ror em ve ian or SNS aan pat ae EAA Ho mn. miei 
Flutings, ornaments, truckings, fringes, burnt- | 
out lace, ete.: 
1520 COLEOD «cece eemimemmeammecace comecccocnon eeemmemooeee 73,444 | Oe eee [cit lence ee —eeeeae] 90.00 
1529 Flax, eteoooenoouacaaaas smmemmaesssseenenemonmosanens searanenanens| 04,331 [oceclOm meme III 90. Ou 
1629 Sk. ooo emma ome 72,892 [anc clOc macnn ome momma | LLC mena oe mmmenmael 90.00 
Embroideries; . 
-529 COLEOM wcmoecmmmccemva mmc mem mmmm memo mee commen eaaienee] 02,152 | 78 por gan. cmmmmmnmnmmenemmmennnlipin dd piseisimeamennnnmansnmanans] TOAD 
AIK cece emma |e secon cereQO meee em aemenn | Ciena een | TF 
Wearing apparel, embroidered: 81,169 <4 5 
529 COLEOD - emo eeeeee om  mmcc | momo n mo eoo 734,172 |o ce enllO a ceca cncccemmmenaene | doll ae] TBC 
529 at LE EE ty 107, 527 {emer a0 coon el en 75. Gy 
529 BIR oe eee omer [momma occa 2,551, 775 omen QO c emeecemmmmmmmmmmmemmem me OTL ITI esa 
Other articles or fabrics, embroidered. tam- ’ 
boured, etc.: 
529 Cotton. _ocevauaace- cmmemcmmmesemcemrmal emer fas , 111,972 |eemaens 833,079 | 1,000, 775 {oveeaQ0 em ooomacearmmcemmemmme mena lf hie eemcmemcemmememcan. 80. 00 
529 Flax, O00 neocon eee nme oan nnee 5 265,973 |ceunaca| 3,949,480 | 4,739,376 aoa- QO cian ree b0. 00 
529 BIlK ee ooo ccm comes mcm fmm senna cceoe scene 538, 679 |ooeeoooi| 1,154,009 | 1,384 811 [-loa@Oncmmeniocimimemmmee meen | eee 0. 00" 
yan Drags works 
2 OELOD - — eee cmc cnn mma wafer [amma aeen 12,432 femeeemen 9,324 12,189 |oeoe 00m mace eemccemmmammeeee AO necancmeneeee 18.7 00.00 
1529 Flax, eC.cemomcmcmamem mene sven II 5,084 {ome 3,813 4) 576 | naOmcamcommmemmm momen aes errr am esnananee) 75.0. 00.00 
529 Be cme © memesesmelemmeeeeen eee 17,488 |-ooone.. 13,116 15,739 |eaeo@Ommommrmean coon ccommnenaman| dO eee “ol 75.00 90.00 
TOA) cer eesmmcmemememeam eons dao me meni m oem eo eo 28,540,990 |-eonooo-f 23,668,615 | 25,686,878  wcnomacommmmeoneomnemomoosomennemnl mccmmmnmamnen| 82.01 | 00,00 
*529 | Handkerchiefs of lace: Cotton (estimated 4 | Pound... 19, 468 117,450 | 6.024 105, 705 84,416 0 PET CeNbunmummenonomsam-=nn=n==-| 3 cents each plus 40 per cent or | 0.00 | 71.87 
dozen to a pound). 4 cents each plus 40 per cent. 
529 | Handkerchiefs embroidered: Cotton (estimated | ..do...... 392,723 1,088,288 | 2.771 816,216 |191, 076, 239 + 75 DEF COL a wmocoemmnmnnmmsmmamescn| AO ooossmmemmmemeeemme-] 55.00 | 98,80 
4 dozen to a pound). ” Fob : 
TOtAL cc ammmmmmmmmmmnmammemcmnmmmmcnnena === 00m a 1,205,738 | ~oo| 921,021 | 1,160,655 | -emeemeezancmmmmseezeemacennnemne SI 76.46 | 96. 26 
1529 | Handkerchiefs of lace: Flax, 6tC- -oecmeaaecnnnneae| Do0Z6N. oo 60, 427 92,052 ' L523 82,847 85,826 | 90 per cent. caaeommcmmmmananacaoeani 3 genie ann pA eonit or 90.00 | 71.51 
1520 | Handkerchiefs embroidered: Flax, eto ccemc—a-u-c)eaa@ooooo.. 1, 340, 195 1,880,722 | 1.403 [ 1,410,542 | 1,395 582 75 Per COMb- mommcmeomammmmmmmenmanet 0. eee 76.00 74, 20 
TOtBL cece ccmnecmmmmaemcncccomcmeeacesanacsimee@0macaca 1,400,622 1,972,774 Fe 1,493,380 | 1,461,408 |ecccemmmmamoocemmmmmmamasannmeeen| ecm eeneeen] 75.70 74.08. 
1529 | Handkerchiefs of 1ace: SIK caaecoomcecescmancaann|-a-@0.. 4,658 | 11,661 | 2.501 10,486 6,806 | 90 per Cent... coomrmmmmmaccasrnana| 3 Faman nuy 0) ont or 90.00 | 59.19 
1520 | Handkerchiefs embroidered: SilK...cceueunanmacae|oaa@0acann. 287,138 ! 226. 496 . 789 169, 872 228,425 | 75 per ent coeuoummmanmemamnmemaan| AO. eee] 75.00 | 100.85 
| mms remem fees sree , i f—— 
TOL oomeeeeemee emo emmmmomon ane e@0ma | 201,796 238,147 1-ooooo| 180,858 | 236,821 |oeennnmmnnmmmommmmmmmmmmmmemom mmol ieee cemaeeeeeae] 75.73] 08.81 
Total handkerchiefs in paragraph. oo caceooo|ecaomeeamaoiemcmcannnan, 3,416,659 {-.---...| 2,505 668 | 2 857,384 EE 75.97 83.63 
Total, paragraph. .coeecccvucaunomenonenennloaeanoacan. | 31, 957, 658 Lee. 26,259, 483 | 28, 544,462 |. omoenmecommammmeemmmnnam moment ml eceieaeeeen| 8L8I 89.32: 
—— | tte |e fui— — 
, mag 3s Sia raw: ) ; 
1589 1530 attle hides— : i 
| } Dry or dry salted (over 12 pounds) -- aa... fe 22 6, 238, 029 —- Free. | 623, 803 Fro omer 10 per cote] Free. | 10. 00+ 
Piece = 5, 092, 465 - mi 
y re , 092, ST . 1 reeeelOn anemia mamma mmm a0 cane eneeeenaua| Fre. . 
i589 | 1530] . Wet salted (Ver 25 POUDAS) cmcmemommnmeme {bien | 5h Sur sag || 57456288 Free. | 5,745,629 | 10.00 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 106. 
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