Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

A —Summary by statistical groups 
Equivalent aa 
valorem rates 
based on duti- 
able commodi 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
| per cent| Per cent 
$2, 507, 486, 054 | $1, 399, 303, 932 $1, 570,429,270 | $542,270,191 + ____.___._...| 3875 |. ...... 
2, 507, 486, 954 1, 358, 173, 821 1, 529, 320, 074 522, 676, 984 | $629, 220,236 | 38.48 41.22 
114, 730, 961 ' 24,375,747) 36,465,556 | 21.27 31.78 
84, 657, 226 | 18, 823, 402 30,734,401 | 22.23 36.30 
30, 073,735 5, 552, 345 5,731,155 { 18.53 19. 06 
_ ——ee 
367, 067, 322 | 324,167,716 | 191. 248, 910 | 42, 8099, 606 ' 175,818,412 | 11,745,312 29,152,239 | 27.38 16. 58 
219, 727, 824 202, 285, 961 | 69, 436, 834 17, 441, 863 150, 290, 990 7,477,836 23,769,411 | 42.88 15.82 
109, 198, 309 108, 788, 787 108, 788, 787 409, 522 409, 522 180, 054 180, 054 | 43.97 43.97 
38, 141, 189 13, 092, 968 13, 023, 289 25, 048, 221 25, 117, 900 4,087,422 5,202, 774 16. 32 20.71 
303, 407, 055 154, 604, 361 190,728,779 | 50.31 | 62. 86 
128,711, 727 | 36, 073, 840 | 55,830,784 | 27.20 43. 38 
174,695,328 | 118,530,521 | 134,897,995 | 67.85 77.22 
‘mnorts for consumption, value 1928 
Total free and —— _ 
dutiahls | 
| Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
‘mported merchandise entered for consumption: 
Total __._.___.____________ Tt 0 mm 
Total of comparable ems... TINT emma 
1roup 00. Animals and animal products, edible: 
Ot Of OU. eee mea 
Total, excluding BSD v7 m0 A 
iroup 0. Animals and animal products, inedible: 
Total of Bete #2 dnp ER Rn 
dides, skins, and ATS wssssnswns mesos mamessns sommes ee nensrons) 
Furs and manufactures... TTT Tm 
All ORO meee 
iroup 1. Vegetable food products and beverages: 
Total of a 
Total, excluding sugar and related PROMOS eo ee eee mamma 
Sugar and related PROS oI ee » 
troup 2: Vegetable products, inedible, except fibers ang wood: 
Total of group. ....._ Et 
Total, excluding tobacco and manuactures....._____ mma 
Tobacco and FARRIS ee II 
iroup 3. emma A 
Iroup 4, Wood and mmm nS RRR 
Jroup 5. Nonmetallic minerals... Te —n A AES AR 
3roup 6. Metals and manufactures, except machinery ang vehicles] 11TTTTTITTmnsn oT 
iroup 7. Machinery and vehicles... 777 Teme le 
iroup 8. Chemicals and related products... 177777 ———emun sawn 
Jroup 9. te SA 
Voncomparable and not assigned to re _— 
Amounts by which totals by statistira] 2roups exceeds totals by tariff Schedles. 00 TIIIIIIL TIT 
cmemmee--.-| $4,077,987,139 | $2, 678, 633, 207 
remem eannf 4, 036,807,028 | 2,678, (33, 207 
815,718,553 | 508,386,703 | 512,311,498 | 
593, 172, 407 460,535,975 | 464, 460, 680 | 
222 546, 146 47 850,818 | 47,850,818 
520,681,231 | 380,280,905 | 887,692,815 | 
453,422,015 375,440,403 | 382,852,223 
87 159. 216 4 840, 592 1840, 509 
149, 300. 236 
77,081, 612 
£9 210 an’ 
132,888,416 | 54,401,051 | 60,004,061 | 38.84 | 45.85 
70,509,792 | 15,177,181 | 20,592,805 | 10.46 | 20.1 
62,318,624 = 30,314,700 | 40,371,196 | 63.00 | 64.7% 
L456. #3787 0.67 | 44.3! 
11,160,003 17,778,772 28.78 | 19.% 
37 =42, 393 W001 30.90 | 312 
3% 436, 405 o7.511 33.66 | 84.5. 
8, 049 C67 3.79 | 3814 
6,536 171 35.57 | 43.00 
0.91 68 R756 | 45.47 
“33, 07 0, 450 ee 
$50, 033, 774 
83, 890, 7d 
14, 441, BO. 
29, 449, 5° 
42, 35, 67 
136, 904, 91 
Sit, 8 i 
321, 152, 168 291, 035, 1. 
161, 675, 502 | 170, 407, 238 
227,221,803 | 220,764, 570 
£200, 602 5, 280, 662 
102, 890, 520 106, 392, 943 
117, 108. 767 117, 089,510 
oy 18a, 
22, 215, 5 
93, 109, 89¢ 
24, 152, 916 
39, 466, 135 
49, 795, 146 
41,130, 111 
, S98, ¢ 
35, 963, 712 
49, 815, 403 
20 915 
———— _—_— 
imported merchandise entered for consumption; 
Rob af Smpgable i Treen ee 
Total of comparable items Fem Irs rere rere ne 
“rou 00. Animals and animal products Sr 
Gronn total. omitting Beet wn ——— 
animals See eee TT 
Meat Er re emp t 
tnimal oils and fats, mma oeeepee serans 
re uy 
Tges ee 
Jther edible anima] i . 
Terre ee III 
¥roup 0. Animals and animal products, inedible ee 
Groun total, omitting ia RERERER Bi 
ides and skins ang ACIS eee ” 
ides and skins, raw (except BUD cre ctamm nomen re 
on bog FARRAR orton oooon IIIT TT LE Cerne some 
“eather A w 
\nimal oils, fats, and greases, inedible... 
Animals, n. e, gen ren 
Animal products, inedible, 1. s. p. fee 
Furs and manufactures eee 
3roup 1. Vegetable food products and DOVeIBEES. ooo 
Group total, OMUHOR SORBET 
3rains, and cereal Preparations, including Hour. 
Todders and feeds, 1. e. Jog I TL 
Tegetables and Preparations mre en 
fruits and EE mie pees eam 
UR i i 
Vegetable oils ang fats, ee 
Jocos, coffee, and II II 
SSA tt ss 
ee TT 
Sugar and related DEO eee eee 
footnotes at end of fable. page 148 
B.— Detailed comparison, by groups and subgrouns 
4,077,937, 130 | $2, 678, 633,207 | $2, 507, 486,954 $1, 390, 303, 032 | $1, 570, 429, 270 | $542, 270, 101 |oooooo_._.____| 38.75 Joe _.__ 
1,030, 807, 028 | 2.675, 633, 207 | 2, 507,486,054 | 1,358, 173,821 | "1, 520.320, 074 | 522, 676, 684 | $620,220, 236 | 38.48 413) 
136, 080, 387 21, 463, 440 21,349, 426 114, 616, 947 | 114, 730, 961 | 24,875,747 | 36,405,606 | 21.27 | BLT 
98, 689, 308 14, 032, 082 14, 032, 082 84, 657, 226 84,657,226 | 18,823,402 | 80,734,401 | 22.23 | 36.830 
22,233, 011 "1, 288, 747 1, 988, 747 20, 944, 264 20,044,264 3,945,127 | 7,045,313 18.81 | 83.6 
Wino | 12,706,610 12,706, 610 29,004, 417 2004417 4.225008 | 9071620 10.21] 41% 
1,314) 284 15, 836 15, 836 1, 398, 448 1, 328, 44 03,300 03457 | 7.02] 7.0 
33, 635, 200 20, 889 20, 889 33, 634, 401 $631,401 8,370,853 | 11.8u2,569 24.89 | 35.36 
8) B37 060 |- eee eee] eee 5 537, 960 5537060 L048 344 | 2362201 35.18 | 42.6 
1,907,736 (111 TTT 1, 207, 736 1,907,736 , 239, 780 200,151 | 19.85 | 22 2% 
7,391, 079 7,131, 358 | 7,317,314 24, 950, 72° 30,073,73F | 5,552,345 | 5,731, 155 18.53 | 10.06 
oi a SO fv i, NOOO. sos As di ol or ee 
37,067,822 | 324,167,716 191,248,010 42,899, 606 175,818,412 15,745,3'™ | 29,152,239 °7.38 | 16.58 
257,869,013 | 215.378, 0 | 82,400,123 12,490,084 | 175.408.890 | 11,565,208 | 7,7 195 [= 22] 16.53 
19, 727, 824 202, 285, 961 60, 436, 831 17, 441, 863 150,290,900 | 7,477,836 | 3, 0,411 | 42.88 | 15.80 
50, 881, 665 50, 881, 665 69, 434, 808 Sle es | BI144686 .....| 10.00 
13,193, 860 41,884,498 L_.._. 1,309, 432 43,193, 860 261,836 | 6,161,417 | 20,007 14.2 
15, 652, 209 9, 510, 868 2,026 16,132, 431 25,650,273 «7,215,050 | 9,463,308 | 44.73 | 36.8 
9, 085, U57 3,324, 103 3,324, 103 5761, 854 5, 761, 854 817 331 927.674 | 14.19 | 16.10 
3,449,392 | 1,011,431 1,023,074 , 2, 437, 961 2, 426, 318 577, 176 571,236 | 23.67 | 23.55 
25, 605, 840 8 757, 434 8, 676, 112 16, 848, 406 16,020,728 2,602,015 | 3,703,814 | 15.98 | 2188 
109,198,309 | 108,788,787 108,788, 787 409, 522 409,522 ° 180, 054 180,054 | 43.97 | 43.97 
er [ee ee ee ee ey. 
815,718,553 | 508,336,703 512,311,498 | 307, 331, 760 | 303, 407, 055 | 154, 604,361 | 190,728,779 | 50.31 | 62. 86 
503. 172.407 | 4A0. 52F "7 a4 460, 680 132, 636.432 | 128,711 707 36.072 Rn | =~ 7g eg | 43.38 
27, 204, 953 23,431, 2 23,431, 22° 3,863, 7% 3, 86%, 726 38! 32.16 
15, 612,371 4, 696, 100 Lr 10,916, 262 15, 611, 030 S44 141% 
30, 444, 930 7, 278, 058 3,964, 710 32, 166, 872 35,480, 211 | 0.00 60.23 
17,387,815 35, 546, 570 35, 673, 338 21,841, 245 21, 714, 477 20.58 | 40.99 
2,746,832 5,063, 933 4,000, 043 25, 682, 899 26,737,789 1 34.10 | 45.49 
15, 357, 650 2,124 2,124 “= 355 526 15, 355, 526 38.521 44.04 
86,068,615 384,071,228 384,071,920 1,997, 387 1,997, 387 18.49 | 31.47 
19, 474, 048 13, 888 13, 144, 137 19, 461, 060 6,330,811 13.01 | 26.22 
1,784,293 | 432,838 163, 523 1,351,455 | 1,620; 770 35.79 | 46.90 
22, 546,146 | 47,850, R17 47,850,818 | 174,605,328 | 174, 605. 328 Tol ny 

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