Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Cops oA duis or 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Act of 
Act of 1930 | 1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
ict off Aetof 
1922 | 1930 
Quantity | Value ACY Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
80 49 
50 49 
30 49 
50 49 
50 49 
214 49 
‘agnesium compounds; 
EE arbonate. protipiiated...ssmemsnnmmmammnnion Pound... 283, 264 
“Shloride, anhyAroUS. ccc ceecernmcesremnmoncwc|aa-G0 ono 427,114 
Shloride, 1. § Pr forenmcaaminmcmececnammanaae [an =Q0 5,372, 636 
julphate or Epsom S818. eeeomueacaaoono  l.odoo ol 10,459, 596 
Oxide or calcined magnesia... o_o... | _.do_...._ 300, 897 
Vianufactures of carbonate of magnesia... .._|........... * 
Total, paragraph uo ecccemrwececcccuanana. | Pound... 6, 843, 507 
Manganese compounds: 
51 50 JET5) 7 TOES SRS IN 1s SR 741 . 079 185 185 | 25 Per Conte rene. —eomccaaanns| 25 POF CONE eee . 00 £5, 00 
51 50 ReSINAtO. -nuaneemmmrmc accom rms nadanan] een ® remremarlenna ar nmnae] examen ntaaa arene eB weer em eee eestme [SrA imran sme nnaanemawe| 20.00 | 25,00 
51 50 Sulphate. cco eecccmcccmemermmmeceeomaua| ound... 2, 030 . 073 508 508 ome 0 ccc |mm ame QO eee ccm ema 25.00 25.00 
51 50 Manganese compounds and salts, n. s. . foo |_.do____.. 12, 513 L045 3,128 3,128 oe CO eae m m0 cence in] 25.00 25.00 
51 50 ADOIBRIB wn vm wim win mmm mm mm sem ms orm mms a imi 273 L124 68 B8 oo Cmmmoommomem ammo mm mee | amma O0e cence mmm mn mmmeeme 25, 00 25. 00 
Dotal, paragraph. ocean doo 8 2 8g $00 enn illPocsprenemin sain rmcmeccmeemumeeeee 25.00 25.00 
%® Po yo ————— | 
32 51 | Menthol.oeo.m. vmmoemzononnmecococmmenmeromonmmu fon Q0mee a. 242, 566 873,804 | 3.602 121,283 121, 283 | 50 cents per pound... .........| 50 cents per pound... _.......... 13.88 13.88 
52 51 | Camphor, natural crude. eeeeeemmmmmoeeoooo|.odo...._..| 4,384,661 1,658,769 | .378 43,847 43,847 | 1 cent per pound... omowoomeowoooo. CONE DEX POUR. omen elf 2.64 2.64 
52 51 | Camphor, synthetic. . «oomceoceeommooeaeee Ll dO 2,291,984 821, 652 . 358 137,519 114, 599 | 6 cents per pound...__________.... centsperpound® __________....| 16.74 | 13.95 
52 51 | Campbor, natural refined. ooceeecmmremcommneoon do (dOenao.| © 1,159,647 591, 459 .510 69, 579 57,982 _olOoeccaoeeeoamma.  Centsperpound...._.__.....} 1LT76 9.80 
‘Total, Paragraph eee cacecoommccncecraann|o (Q0ucee.e 8,078,858 3,045,684 |... 372,228 337,711 1. emma 9.42 8.56 
ose pi —— 
Oils, animal and fish: . 
Sod, herring, and menbaden.......eeuoo—-.__.| Gallon..___ 5, 116, 716 
Whale. occa emcee dO 6, 456, 866 
2 A I 194, 794 
perm, Crude once cmecen acme camneeen dO 285, 142 
perm, refined or otherwise processed.........|.__.do....... 156, 899 
jpermaceti WOE annonce Pound... 18 115, 856 
Nool grease, containing more than 2 per cent |.._.do_.__... 8, 297,650 
free fatty acids. 
Fool grease, containing 2 per cent or less, not |_._do_..._..| 181,185,655 
medicinal. LL. . 
me grease, medicinal, including adeps |... do.......| 11,185,655 
Anjmal oils, fats, and greases, n. 8. Po fooeveenr|. d0cuue.n 261,622 
Tish oils, 0. S. Pu fem mcmama Gallon... 316, 166 
Total, PATAgraph a ue 
)ils, vegetable: 
CASEOL. ooo cccccammmr 2mmmmamamammammnmmemamano| POUR... 1,083,028 
Femnpseed. oc eroenmm sie ceocmememmacmm eee meme 1) 
Linseed or flaxseed and combinations and | Pound... 173,918 
mixtures. . 
live, weighing with container less than 40 |._.do____.__.| 49,265,513 
Hive, 1,8. D Levan cmmimnsimancawmmmasmammoses] wu s@Ouuicans 34,127,840 
ZODY BOB. wsnbun nies sina sein Lg A ana 44, 890 
Zapomentd  . ocumumnnpmp ness anmbamm ms ismmmnl CON em 2, 250, 090 
Ixpressed or extracted oils, n.s.p.f.......__.| Pound... . 1,091, 925 
Tulachon ofl ocean emer e eae — nm 
mnflower oil, denatured ooo ean 
For cen. Ler cent 
- cents per pound. .oceeeeccaeeon) £4.26 24.2 
ant per pound. caecvemveacen--| 136.68 | 136.68 
cent per poung.ceveenvocnnan-~| 87.02 87.02 
cent per pound. .ccoceenoeon----| 84.90 | 127.35 
ents per pound... ccmmeeneencnens| 17.46 34.92 
ents per Pound. ac veeamamanea—-! 30.00 oromuunn 
57.92 78.17 
8 32 
33 52 
53 52 
53 52 
53 52 
93 52 
53 82 
i3 52 
3 52 
3 | 52 
i3 52 
i cents per gallon. ...o.ooocoeoeo... cents per gallon... oeoananneen 1 4.34 
i cents per gallon .oeemeeeaoeoo... rcents per gallon... vceaaneeanos| 17 82 12.82 
emt mmm mmm gman mmm mam mm nm, ten Qaninni mmm nme wns) 13 5 13.53 
0 cents per gallon. ..eeeoenn_..... 'O cents pergallon.._. ...._.......| 3% 93 32.93 
oeeQ0e ie mceceeeccmeeemamn, 4 cents per gallon .oouooueoaaoo._.| 19.32 27.05 
TYEB. «  eeomeee eee eemmmcmmaen, CONES per poUNd..oeeueouooo____.{ Free. 25.00 
decent perpound o.oo... tCeni per pound... meooo._..o._) 20.48 40.95 
cent per pound... __...._....... 2centsperpound... commana. 22.62 45.23 
a Brreoeeeemeereeeemeenenenne] 3 cents per pound. coveenoeooo....l 11,36 34.09 
0 Per Cent. oo cme mommccmaaean] 20 DEE COA. aa. 20.00 20. 00 
rr sonmsesssntptton 20. 00 20.00 
oe emmcmemnena] 14.15 15.78 
5 cents per pound. ooo uecnanoa.| 30.55 30. 55 
Speentsper pound. oe 
414 cents per pound. _..._.._._.__.| 40.83 55. 68 
034 cents per pound. -cconemenaaoo| 40.54 51.35 
"4 cents per pound...-ccomcennn--| 35.59 35. 59 
nts per pound. eee caacauenaa| 11.33 11.33 
08 Moc cnmrnnmmmmmmmmnnmmwswanun| FT Free. 
DOP QO. cas mmwnnn mame namene] © 20,00 
TB in RR ER 0 dree. 
2 PR 0} Tree. 
ARR A 40.75 
@NTS POT POUNA. menmoneccmencans| +53 18.83 
sents per Pound. ocvammamaeaaena| 22.39 22.39 
agents per pound. ccaemocceen-n-a| 30.92 30.92 
cent per pound ®___.._____.._._.! Tree. 12,32 
“onts per pound. .........._._.| Free. 28,14 
4 cents per pound and not less ' 40.52 56.73 
‘han 45 Der cant 
OPA) meee mre [ema 
soconut oil — Pound... 60, 26¢ 
Jottongeed oll... cusvssnsunmemnmessnmumcovnss we un nan 53t 
POTINIE Of], mgm sm mg ppmnnnngnni ie a08oeneeey 210350 
Palm-kernel oil, edible... .cooroocueuamammuafoc do 18 53, 812 
Sesame 0il, edible. ua nooo ncaa fea @OL 6, 264, 113 
30VHEAN 01] - come ccceamnmmm mec enneenn] a0 | 12, 587, 150 
1,074, 19° 
15 1,205 
144 | 16 
129] 88,774 
081 Free. 
107 | Free. 
0621 314.679 
: x 
u, 40¢ 
287, 075 
18 4, 369 
567, 902 
776, 557 
187, 92¢ 
440, 550 
TOMA] —mom emo eemecmemeenemceceeenec enn GOneceo] 21,185,283 | L2,377  .. 404,674 | TIBON  aevenmsmsmmacamarmsen nes coemmemeseeseneasnresescemesseenees] B08 | 4197 
slizarin assistant, turkey red ofl, sulphonated | 80,316 6.320 | 001 2215 2,215 | 35 DOT CONb. omer emmoeemmmmeenmnes| 85 DOT COOb.emomenmmeeacncnecaees| 36.00 | 35.00 
castor or other sulphonated animal or vegetable 
»ils, soaps made from castor oil, and all soluble 
Hydrogenated oils and fats. .ceoecwoeacomcemamoo-adooo oo 57,900 | 11, 603 
Chemically treated oils and fats, 1. 8. P. fememnoecnjoa G0 aon 461,921 16, 557 
Total, Paragraph. . ceoceeecoececennamceneale-80emee 519,830 | 28,160 | 
Combinations and mixtures of oils, n. 8. P. fuvereclone@0munnns 4,654, 785 308, 527 I 
Jils, distilled or essential: 
TBINOM cam cmewmeme mmm meme mcm mc cece cm cme fee 00cm 
B20 4131 21 1 {AS LSI HO 
ILANEO wn mmmmmmemmmm mmm nmmmmnmc cea cenmn- | POD... 
OVE. came caem meaner cncnanc ac dOL 
2CAlY PLUS. acc mem mmm m mame m em mem mma dO cal 
OPPEIMIDY «oc aecemnmammce mcrae dO 
0dal Wood cc aemmmmmmmc mmm nmm nme meme [cn QC en 
sential and distilled oils, n. 8. Po Tocca oo 
DT cece ceamaee wamameanmunneenaseralenal conan. 
JePUL -  ceeememeac cme comameenmemneamannnen|ae oC Laois 
WOM «oem eememcmcm mam mam omen mmm mn sna oeel maan 
PDO simi pms aa im mimnmm n S fC onsen 
ITIB. wim mmm a nw pe pa ae mani fom SU cv 
Pine DeeAle. cucaaaice ime oo ccmaeacanan aa vos 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 13. 
a. 00

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