Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the lariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930-—Continued 
Paragraph | 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Computed duties on 
Act of] Act of 
1922 1930 
Unit of | 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
uantit | | Value | 
Q y Value per unit] Act of 1622 | Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Fer cent Per cend 
$10,368 | 60 per eent...__..__........._.__._ (Gper gent ee lool 60.00 60. 00 
12,346 | 70 per ES 70percent.......__..__..________ 70.00 | . 70.00 
£9,175 1 60pereent ____...___...._.._.... 0Dper COVE. ce mwiiman swiss amma, DOOD 60.00 
128,755 | 70 per CeMb- neon ineeeoob Oper cent. CJJZIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTY ann 70. 00 
Act of 1022 
China, porcelain, and other vitrified wares—Con, 
Electrical porcelain— 
Plain white or brown, not decorated.__.__ Plece__._..[ 12 468, 155 
Decorated. ooomee oe TTT) do TT 3,157, 757 
All other china and porcelain wares 1'— 
Not decorated. o.oo... | Dogen.___ 1,012, 662 | 
DIOBOTBEO . o.oo wm smn mmm eendOo 433. 578 
“hina and porcelain ware containing 25 per ’ 
ent or more of calcined bone— 
Table, toilet, and kitchen wars for domes- 
tic or household use— 
Plain white....____.______.._._.______ oo.do. 1,844 
Decorated... ..._._..___ [777 —-doo ll] 134, 662 
Table, toilet, and kitchen ware, hotel 
lain White. nooo do. _____ 
Decorated - ooeoeueoeo TTT = 
Any of the foregoing, except table, toilet, ’ 
and kitchen ware— 
Plain white... ______ do. ____. 
DOOLAIO) css ws mm mmr gm endo 
disque and perian ware, clocks and clock 
cases, plaques, ete.— 
Plain white or brown_........_.._..______ wedoo____. 19, 807 
From Cuba. Tel T ar 
Decorated. —-.ovommemueooome ia endo 
From Cuba. o ooo Tae TIT ven? 
$17,280 | (1) $10,368 | 
17,637 © (9) 12,346 
98, 625 | (8) 59, 175 | 
176.703 1 (5) 123, 755 
2, 595 | 50 percent... ...__............... 10cen;ts per dozen plus 60 per cent 
530,527 | 65 per cent......_.__..._..___..__.| 10 cents per dozen plus 70 per cent. 
4600 (8 | 2a so | 50 Der Cent. .....o.ooooeeeee 
174, 455 | ® 95, 950 124.464 | 55 percent... ooo. 
59 ® 30 35 | SOpereent. oo... 
35,460 | (® 19, 503 24,822 | 55 percent. ...we ceo ooooenn 
19, 340 | (" 11,604 © 11,604 | 60 percent... .__ o.oo... ... 
10 [0] 5 5 | 60 per cent less 20 per cent_..___.__| 
801, 888 | * 561, 322 561,322 | 70 percent. ..__...__....__.___._. 
26 (5 15 15 i 70 per cent less 20 per cent.____ _ 
Se SS 
Total, excluding Cubs. voce LTTTT ior de || 7 212,005 | 8,808,176 "oie 
Total for Cube wenmneenen oo JIT 36 |-cecamrs 20 | 20 lL TT 
Total, PArAGraPh-reemeameeceeceeaee | I 10,577,527 |......_| 7,213, 115 | 8,306,196 o.oo. 
Graphite or plumbago: eo Cr = 
Lamp chip, or dust... Short ie Z = | on ~ a. 2 2 = we per Eg 
omnes mmc dO xn y . 9,991 "1g cents per pound. .._____._____. 
ATROEPHIOR enw vv wn is sie HS BHA men i 7 699 107, 936 | 14.019 10, 794 10, 794 0 per Cott Pou eee 
Matal, PBIBRTAID. ro ooooromeoeeeeeceeee| do. 17, 569 801,660 |... 183,085 me61z | 
Earthy or mineral substances: ST To 
Cornwall stone, crushed or ground..._......__ Pound... 1, 458, 320 30percent.. ...__....._..__..__.{B0percent. _._.____.._..._________| 
Teldspar, crushed or ground..........._.___|___do...... 110, 000 aeeboo oo |eeildoo IIIT 
Uattening stones... JIT[7T Tn ARE me QO oe eal IIIT 
Tollow building and drain tile.._._..._______. Pound._.__ 90 cus nD rn mn mere arena |r or Bm nn 
diamond bort. ooo oooooooneoee_ | Carat. ooo. 996 OT Oe incase RE eserves omer 
articles and wares of earthy or mineral sub- 
stances, n. s. p. {.18—~ 
Undecorated —-aowoeeu ooo mmm 
From Cuba... TT" ce rtm 
Decorated. ooooeeeen TTT 00 fetes 
ssphaltum and bitumen, manufactures of.___|--277777707 te 
larthy or mineral substances, manufag- | -27707777C —————— 
tures of. 
From Cubs. ounce. RR SN 
Terthy or mineral substances from Cuba in [presemmenn RH mem 
honded warehouses. 
Total, excluding Cuba... ...__.__ Bi ms mm mt 
Total for Cuba... ......._.__.00770 RE dom mse mem To 
Total, Paragraph. coe mmm 
Bas retorts. . ..ooeoooo ieee Number... (? = 
Lava tips for burners_._________ JJ TTT Gross..._. 8 | 
Magnesium clay supporters for gas mantles..____| Number. _ 250, 224 
Total, PATAGIADE. oe ame 
| Carbon products: i 
216 Electrie-light carbons. .._o.ooooeoeoneo | Number... | 4,478,428 | 115,441 | .o2 
Electrodes, brushes, plates, disks— 
216 Electrodes—furnace and electrolytic......| Pound. __. 419,474 12, 788 . 030 5, 755 
218 Brushes... CC CIT eeelOee 678, 727 102,557 | 151 46,151 
216 Plates, rods, and other forms, oommm moo ldo.” 40, 969 37,331 | Len 07 
21¢ Other Tagutactures of carbon or graphite, |... 72 TT. 66,263 _______. 09 8if 
216 Graphite crucibles... | Number... 2,368 | 1,5 | 526 | 560 
Total, BEEIIE sms mms enmtivsssmmlpmmummmen nn ees 335,625 151, 031 
Bottles, vials, jars, demijohns, carboys, ste.: So Co 
Empty— ; 
217 217 Holding less than }{ pint....._.__.___ | Gross ____ 
27 | ary Holding not less than 3{ pint and not | Pound. | 
more than 1 pint. 
217 217 Holding 1 pint or more... ..ooooo.._._.. wana, 
Total, paragraph. 
212 | 212 
212 212 
212 | 212 
212 219 
4,018] | 2.000 
737 044 | (5) 405. 869 
50.00 | 84.58 
56.00 71.89 
50.00 | 66. 63 
55.00 | 71.34 
50. 00 | 80.00 
55.00 | 70.00 
60.00 | 60.00 
48.00 | 48.00 
70.00 | 70.00 
56.00 | 56,00 
55.56 | 56.56 
68.18 | 78.53 
BO Dor BOE. cc crm mmm 
70 per cent... TTT 
60 percent... ___________._. 
60 per cent less 20 per cent.________ 
70pereent. oo. o_o... 
‘0 per cent less 20 per cent_..______ 
dPereent o.oo ioiceaena | 20.00 30.00 
95 cents per pound... ....._.... 33.92 37.31 
Dpereent.. ooooiiieoomee. 10.00 10.00 
ores ennnnneeana] 2.8 | 2.51 
10, 917 | ® 8,275 3. 
L091 1 (8 327 8% 
30 |oneme 9. 
dp @ | 1 1 
17,949 1 (8) 5,385 5,385 
134,037 .._..___ 40,211 | 40,211 
2D Lemme 6 6 
41,156 | _______ 16, 462 16, 462 
192 (o_o... 37 3 
616,529 |___.___. 184, 959 184, 959 
1,490 1... 358 358 
BIB IBD Levine wunisniinn mpeamerem en an 
82,885 |. 250, 666 | 280,660 oi eee. 0.50 | 30.30 
3,516 eee 364 BBL vknmmmmme enamine ga SAAT A m———— al) 0 40 
823,360 |........| 251,030 | BL, 030 eee mmmmteneeemmeecceccee 30.49 | 40.49 
8 sey mee 0pereent...__...__.._..._...__.. per POOL ccs smnii ws mime momen Joeman, 
Q¢ mesons ee ema nee. 10 CeDts Der gross plus 15 per cent..| 10 cents pergrossplus 16 percent _| ._____|..___.__ 
551 | 002 193 193 | 35 per cont... oon] 35mercent........_______.___.___| 35.00] 35 00 
551 |ooeee. 193 | TI Locust mamma me mere cmeeaeeeeeent 35.00 | 35.00 
I 1862538 Less than 36 inch 60 per cent, other 60. 00 
51 948 5,105 4s percent... l._....... 45 per cent. ' 45. 00 Ir 45. 00 
i TE 45percent. .oooooooo.o..._.__. 45.00 45. 00 
88,151 | ____ do... Cl." went lc wns minim hmmm eee 45 D0 45.00 
6,799 |e don ea III 15.00 45.00 
88 oOo CITI ITI ITI $5.00 45.00 
560 | o@Oueee ceed... 5.00 45.00 
166, 616 een] 45.0! 65 
al," y 
30. (0 
30. 00 
30. 00 
30. 00 
24, 00 
40. 00 
50. 00 
30. 00 
138,592 112,786 | 
216, 981 18,037 
2, 618, 603 115,087 | 
eommeceeene 246,810 
[OI 69, 296 69,298 50 cents per gross_.__..._....__.__ 
©) 3,256 3,255 134 cents per pound... _.... 
© | 2618, 26,186 | 1 cent per pound. ................ 
98,787 08,737 eee 
50 cents per i — 61,44 61,44 
13% cents per pound ..__......__.__| 18.05 18. 05 
cent per A 22.57 22. 67 
rwmemmseoncmsannnesnnneennasnneana] 40,00 40.00 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 21. 

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