Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rales of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Unit of 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Comp Suis on 
Rate of duty 
Act of Act of 
1922 1930 
: Value | | 
Quantity Value | unit] Act of 1922 Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
‘ast polished plate glass and polished window 
lags silvered and used as mirrors and looking- 
lasses over 144 square inches: 
Not over 384 square inches._._...._...________ Square foot 
Dutiable at minimum rate................|._ do._..__ 
Over 384 and not over 720 square inches.....__|...do..... 
Dutiable at minimum rate_......._..__. |" "do._ 7 
Over 720 square inches... 21 717773070 TT" 
Dutiable at minimum rate._.__.__7-7 2771" T0700) 
‘ylinder, crown, and sheet glass, silvered and 
lgoking-glass plates over 144 square inches— 
Not over 384 square Inches. wee eeaeeeeooonee.. |... do 
Dutiable at minimum rate. _.—.._....co.l dono... 
Over 384 and not over 720 square inches.....__|___do...... 
Dutiable at minimum rate. —...._...__.7| ldo. ..... 
Over 720 square inches... __ "7 dq” 
Dutiable at minimum rate._......._..__.__|" 74 00070 
Total, Paragraph cc ceeecceencccncaans donno. 
Polished plate glass and window glass, bent, | 
ground, obscured, ornamented, ete., plate glass 
1ast, polished, unsilvered: 
Not over 384 square inches. .o.........._.__| __do.._.__, 102, 602 | 
Over 384 and not over 720 square inehes_..____|__ do._____ 26, 145 
Over 720 squareinches. .ooooooeooeeoo |. doo... 149, 232 
Containing a wire netting— 
Not over 384 square inches.......___._| __do_.____ 1,491 | 
Over 384 and not over 720 square |.__do._ 18, 837 
inches. Tee ! 
Over 720 squareinches. ........_...._[.._do 419 
Plate glass, cast, polished, silvered, and look- TTT 
ing glass plates, exceeding in size, 144 square i 
inches— . 
Not over 384 squareinches .........._._ |__| 
Dutiable at minimum rate__......._._| § 
Over 384 and not over 720 square inches... |__ STA Ie, i 
Dutiable at minimum rate............| Squ jt 
Over 720 5quare inChes. .meeeaeeuemnennan|_. Aare feet = 
Dutiable at minimum rate.....cc......|___do._.__ 2,058 
ent, obscured, beveled, colored, ornamented, ~ 
etc., glass, cylinder, crown and sheet glass, 
Not over 150 square inches.................; Pound.__. 
Over 150 and not over 384 square inches. _|._ _do 
Over 384 and not over 720 square inches__|-- “do... 
Over 720 and not over 864 square inches. |. - “do. 
Dver 864 and not over 1,200 square inches.|__ do... ... 
Jver 1,200 and not over 2,400 square inches | do... 
Over 2,400 squareinches_..._.__________|"7TqeTTTTT 
Polished— ; 
Not over 384 squareinehes_.._.._._______| Square feet 
Over 384 and not over 720 squareinches.....|._ _do_._.__ 
Over 720 and not over 1,440 square |___do...... 
Over 1,440%5quareinches_.._........_..___|__ do_..._. 
Yylinder crown and sheet glass, silvered and 
looking glass plates— 
Over 144 and not over 384 squareinches.. | ____._ .____ wa 
Dutiaple at minimum rate...........| Square feet 1,87 
Over 384 and not over 720square inches... ie tare fect Lo Lae 
Dutiable at minimum rate. cameo ooo |e ooo 
Over 720 square Yr —— Square foot 737 
Dutiable at minimum rate..omeeee.__.! _ RC — 2,048 
Total, Paragraph. . cee cecececceonannnen. Co re Bs —— 
'pectacles, eyeglasses and 
Rereor: ) nd goggles and frames 
alue not over 65 cents per dozen.............| Dozen.... 3,180 1,494 | .470 860 
Value over 65 cents and not over $2.50 per |...do...... 5.208 9,422 | 1809 5,009 5 pi 
alue over $2.50 per G0zen. «oe. ooeeoeoeoene | dou. .___ 5,778 47,647 | 8.246 19, 059 19, 059 
Total DATAgTAPN eee nema | dOo 14, 168 58,563 |-ecmenn. 24,928 24.928 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 21. 
223 1 
$2,200 | $0.365 $848 
Em Cghoa 
7,357 | 22 2, 575 it 3,630 
»%% cents per square foot...._.... 15 cents per square foot or 45 per 
DOE COME fo wasn amnanmanansan] COTE, 8 
‘ cents per square foot. .._.......| 20 cents per square foot or 46 per 
'pereent_______________e.eeo—._.| Cent, 
1 cents per square foot........... ‘3 cents per square foot or 45 per 
“per cent... meee cant. 
= cet Per cent 
00 } 45.00 
5 oo 
22.281 45.00 
2,413 ..# cents per square foot......... cents per square foot or 45 per 
505 I} 3, 500 sspereent..iaccnccecaouaa..] cent v 
3,887 1 wy ggg L6 cents per square foot_.____.....} 20 cents per square foot or 45 per 
I » 35pereent.  ocoooircinnncacaa--| cent.2® 
1,210 i % 4 218 21 cents per square foot...._....... 73 cents per square foot or 45 per 
2254 * | 35 percent. uceceueocaeaoancaae...| cent? 
17, 850 22,008 |-aeen 
5.00 | 46.58 
S81 00 
3.77 45.33 
224 224 
241 224 
nel 224 
2241 924 
24 | ox 
204 224 
37,683 .367 14, 709 1214 20g per square foot plus 5 per 
21,848 . 836 5,014 3 50, 963 | 15 Citi per square foot plus 5 per 
98, 666 . 661 31,049 171% gens per square foot plus 5 per 
1,280 . 858 288 288 | 15 ii per square foot plus 5 per 
7,647 . 406 3,679 4,150 | 1734 cents per square foot plus 5 
per cent. 
210 . 501 94 107 | 20 gents per square foot plus § per 
(0) eee eee 
22.95 | 32.21 
5 gai per square foot plus 5 per 
20 avis Der square foot plus 5 per 
3 cents per square foot plus 5 per 
22.47 | 
44.90 | 
50, 96 
24 | oo 
224 | 224 
224 | 224 
294 | 204 
224 | 524 
004 | 994 
Mm mi, m——— ——— i 
2,476 .452 090 $91,238 40pereent ....ooeemianoiaaoaan 
1) eeemman|ommacnncaan 16 cents per square foot plus 5 per 
278 | cent. 
156 L182 62 A DOF OBI. own iim aisimsaim ms ss 
404 .437 214 21 cents per square foot plus § per 
21,422 cent. 
2,440 | 1.186 976 40 per cent ooo eee 
i5 cents per square foot plus 5per '-eeeanns 
cent. 50. 0G 
50 per cent ooo oo __.......| 40.00 
20 cents per square foot plus 5 per |-=r=---= 
cent. 50. 00 
SO0pereent 2... _..o.___._.._. 40.00 
23 cents per square foot plus 5 per 52.97 | 
cent. 50. 00 
Wpercent ¥_ _._ooeeeoeee 1 40.00 
24 | 224 
24 224 
23 29 
24 224 
224 224 
224 | 224 
224 224 
241 9: 
224! 224 
224 | 224 
ma! 204 
241 224 
224 | 224 
224 224 
224 224 
224 224 
24 224 
L103 21,024" 28, 462 ‘ cents per pound plus § per cent 
L068 17,907 25, 086 scents per pound plus 5 per cent 2 
.101 8, 638 11,93¢ % cents per pound plus per cent 2 
.092 2,234 3, 11¢ 4 cents per pound plus 5 per cent 22 
. 099 2,717 3, 80¢ cents per pound plus 5 per cent 2 
. 086 17, 530 24, 882 34 cents per pound plus 5 per cent 3 
. 056 5, 139 7.44F 134 cents per pound plus 5 per cent 2 
.368 320 | t cents per square foot plus 5 per 
. 387 353 6 cents per square foot plus 5 pel 
#2084 cent. 
L517 261 2 oaks per square foot plus 5 pe 
. 530 48 5 cents per square foot plus 5 pe 
1314 cents per square foot plus 5 per 
TL DIOL BOI ors wipe ion deme aco 
_J cents per square foot plus 5 per 
AD DAC CADE Lo cn snnnnpamnmna swag 
21 cents per square foot plus 5 per 
40 per cont. oor ccvccneaemam—ne 
24 cents per pound plus o per cent, 
i146 cents per pound plus 5 per cent. 
i746 cents per pound plus 5 per cent. 
254 cents per pound pn & per cent. 
3 cents per pound plus 5 per cent... 
33% cents per pound plus 5 per cent. 
334 cents per pound plus 5 Der cent. 
17.10 + 
24 12 
40.26 i 
32.82 || 
26) im wommnn dm nne 
1,006 | 10 402 
© ogo a5 167 
L718] L838 685 
502,584 |_._....| 134,500 | 166,514 
15 cents per square foot plus 5 per |~=-m-enn 
cent. 50. 00 
B0percent 2. .receeinnanan.. 40.00 
20 cents per square foot plus 5 per |------.- 1 
cent. we 
50 per cent 2... eeeo_.....] 40.00 f 
23 cents per square foot plus 5 per | 64.49 | 
cent. 50. 60 
KOpercent ®_ .__._...._.ooceeeen..| 40.00 
ee ieceanmesacesnaaanaat 26.78 33.13 
‘0 cents per dozen plus 15 per cent. 
30 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent 
C40 per eent. ounce ecemnaaee. 
0 cents per dozen plus 15 per cent.| 57.57 57.57 
60 cents per dozen plus 20 per cent.' 83.16 53.16 
40 per cent. .aumcoomeuacoennnaoz..| 40.00 40, 00 
mecceccemanamammcecemameannaanana] 42.57 42, 57

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