Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1528 | Daly 9 duis 98 | 
Rate of duu 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
quantity La 0 —1 
3 Value | 
Quantity | Value | vane | Act of 122 | Act 0f 1930] 
Act of] Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Lays of J a pebble: Der cent| Per cent 
or spectacles— r ce 
With edges unground......ceeememeneeeen| Dozen pair 19, 417 $23,896 | $1. 231 $9, 558 $0,558 t0Dercent. __.oeooooco-_n-zo--o- 10 per cent. ueoaeooommnimoceanens 40.00 40.00 
» wn edges ground or beveled. ..ceeaeenn o.dOoaenns 31,392 | 44,178 | 1.407 18,602 18,602 .0 Soaps per dozen pairs plus35per 10 sts per dozen pairs plus 35 per 12.11 42.11 
or other purposes— | cent. cent. 
BRS MDEPOUDA. we mmemceenrmmmmmmnemnns J LT. 11, 176 | 29,456 | 2.636 11,782 | 11,782 10 Der cent. oooowoowwnmnmomocn. HO DEF CODE ooooanan mre oopn 10.00 | 40.00 
Edges ground and beveled... a 20, 597 39,139 | 1.800 | 15,778 | 15,778 10 ass per dozen pairs plus35 per 10 aol per dozen pairs plus 35 per 10.31 40.31 
cent. cent. 
Strips of glass not more than 3 inches wide and | Pound. ... 25, 236 | 11, 519 ,456 | 4,032 4,032 35 DET CONb-ovoemvmmnmmmmmwammnnnoal 35 DEF CORAL oooemiennoenmo cine 35.00 | 35.00 
glass slides for magic lanterns. ! ; ; 
Strips, ground or polished to cylindrical OF fueeooeoccennfenonamanannn 11,111 | 3,889 | 3,880 |ooeae@Oo cc moocccmmmmcccacmmmmmmnn ome @0i ceca 35.00 | 35.00 
prismatic form, including those for gages. ! 
fm meres ree sn ieee —_—— 
Total, PArAZTAPN. « ceccmmamemmmmmemeoen:  mmemmmees imommesmcamoeo 150,299 | _ccean 63,041 | 63,841 | ooo ommrccmmm mmm memmmmeen| maecssmmeemm coccinea noe] 39.95 39.95 
Optical glass: - - oo 
227 FOr SPECTACIS. «ooo emumrmmnsmonneemnennnnnns| POUR. 127,050 | 83,237 | .055 37,457 | 41,619 45 DEF Cento emmmemnnemneeencmne| 50 PEF CONE owmmmcenoimomeann | 45.00 | 50.00 
227 | For optical instruments. - «oc-eseeeoceemnoensf-ocd0eoaoen 80, 437 108,378 | 1.212 48,770 | 54,180 LAO. emccceemmmemmnmmomen [nme e@0me cnc emnmee nee 45. 00 50. 00 
ey ——— roms emis 
Mota], PATAIAPh. cccee cammcacrmmmnmnanl G0 ll 216, 487 191, 615 (— 86,227 . 95,808 pn eillBramuanssmunmmm nm nmemeneipiiiilsgiss cam smn nn mmm mene} 45.00 50.00 
Optical instruments: h 
298 Opera and field glasses. —co-ecoocuacananaacn Number... 266, T&F 
298 Azimuth mirrors, sextants, and octants.......|-..do.__... 1, 800 
298 TP e)OSCOPES camer muenmmmmnmmc mmm rn mmm = eGo. 57, 258 
298 MICrOSCOPES- cue sammmamanmnannnamesasonmeeen cedOoooal 83, 848 
298 Photo and projection 1enS6S_-oeveeomceanzzenl|---d0o_. 41, 962 
Spectroscopes, spectrometers, ete. (scientific i 
| INStrUMeNtS)  —cameaccasomnoecenmmermnnarane|ancsescuanna|oamaaonanm. 
228 Other opticalinstruments, frames, and mount- 
241,096 nnn o@0u- — oroommmmmmmmmmmnnnnnmnc] 4B DOT CODE ooo enone] 45.00 45.00 
3, 862 [Tao IIIT lI 000 45.00 
81804 |. don III ae eee 40000 45.00 
104,870 |- os don TT qo eee) 45.00 45.00 
Bo rr rr eaeeaninnan Bom aeneamrmarsnsnnysoss | 4508 | 45.00 
296, 483 nono oB0 ome ocmmemcacemcanaceean-| BO PET CORY oo ioeicenieanoeaoan 45.00 80. 00 
61. 18° 
ee ————— 
747,532 | 829,158 
me OVD 
mcmmommemama]ommmao ceca momen 
45.00 | 40.91 
Total, paragrapbaaeee «an. 
Electric lamps. 
Ce atone Numb 226, 799 708,968 | .0 41,794 | 212,690 
229 I IALUIGe enc n nome em cmmeoeemeaanen- | Number__.| 26,2267 , 96! L027 1 t 
299 Other... ooeooeomcommcnncmmmmmmeame| oO cans 7, 539, 521 391,210 © .052 78,242 | 117,363 20 DOr 08BY -ooeomemoocunnnnneoo 30 OF CODE oooiii eine 
me Janis " 0. 342 | 000 
220 299 IBEUIOon em «oom emcmeecmnmenmmnmnn|anc@0mccenn] 2,142,731 46,711 .022 ! 2 "20. ; 
299 299 Other. eee ooocormmmcmms non mcmm commas Na SA 1, 208, 992 07,487 L075 16, 497 19, 407 EE nial LE Ww ue 
299 999 Other, including neon, Mercury, tc .....-..|.--d0 -—-.- 10, 537 15,795 | 1.499 3, 159 301859 {eeoen@Onemnnee ccm mammmmmnnennee JO POL CONE ooo onion 20.00, 20.00 
229 229 FIOM CUDS oem mmo meee cmmm mms mmm mm mgm efor] PE |i 4 4 | 20 per cont less 20 per cent.........| 20 per cent less 20 per LA 16. 00 16. 00 
229 929 | Bulbs for electric 1amDS. cameo oceeeamcecceeee Number __| 15,363,625 165, 494 L011 33, 099 33,000 20 DOr Cet. —oeomorommmmnmomnman 0 DEI CEM oo iineonm anne e 20.00 20. 00 
“atal, paragraph c.oeoccoooormcccmaconn|oaaG0eiy 62% 582, 205 1,425,690 |ooeomoo- 285, 137 395, 154 © eee mmemeacmemmmmne memmmemmmesmmeccmamesseossessosses 20. 00 27.71 
| mre —r le [ee = a te 
230 | Windows, stained or painted. —.ooooeovuenon-----| Squarefoet. 75,308 183, 699 ® 91,850 110,219 B50 percent... c....cooowweocnan-o--| 60 DOF CODY oreo mmmmemmamamanoat 90.00 60. 00 
230 FLOM CUDA aeeeponomemvrmmmmmcezac commen amememmmanc|ameeaccoonnnos 240 |ocoeeen 96 1156 50 per cent less 20 per cent.........| 60 per cent less 20 per ¢ent......-—-, 10.00 48.00 
30 | Mirrors, n. 5. p. f,, not over 144 Square inches. .ofemesmmmurens|onres sa ooes 349,055 |... 174,078 174,978 | 50 POF Cent. wennmmmmnnnnnamanng ooo] 50 DO se 50.00 } 50.00 
930 Cn i or pas, 5 12 Io or eemmaa|eee amma 282,034 |..o...| 141,467 FUSION: 1 YR 1. SSSR STILLER REELS RELA 50.00 | 50.00 
anufactures of glass, ruled or etched for photo- 
230 f graphic reproduction or engraving processes, ete. HH nwmmmnmmmn| amma sins ® stamens fmmemn akg -----+ 20 per cent or 55 per cent... 55 per 08D een cmenmmnne enero eea 
930 | Other ruled £1888 wero ccmnomeen. RHR pe ——— ® mE RE seecenzmrtealionnae sooo 55 DOr Cont. ceeeneacaccmmucnaceman: ! B0 POF CONE ooenooiocemneneeee md 
re amir reread or 
otal, PATBEIAPRorrrorreerr oommoemfoemeemeemeee| ermine] BIO,838 |__| HOB EOL | 420770 |ooeirinanienasnns emer enone 13.35 | 45.31 
31 | 231 | Tiles, tiling, and rods, opal enamel or a Pound... 233, 074 34,372 [147 13, 749 13,749 | 40 per COME ene coomcmommmnn| 40 POT CONE commerce 40. 00 40.00 
Ceramic and glass smalts, frostings, glazes, fluxes. . 
enamels, colors: 3 
231 231 Ground or pulverized. ee-eeccecemoooeocimeceanlen@0 enn 529, 657 138,700 |. 262 41, 610 41,610 | 30 per cent. ..cececcmemmmnnnnen--. 30 pI Cent. uemocecenmememcneamea| 30.00 30. 00 
231 21 Any Other forme. mo ocmeeommmmmesmcmammmannfoee@Omean) 264, 238 63,371 . 240 25, 348 25,348 | 40 POL CONE omcmee ooo coemcmumman) 40 POF COME ooo oeeeen 40.00 40.00 
ae ye elmer? 
Total, paragraphea-cccec-cocemennemee-loaa@0mcacoe 1, 026, 969 236,443  _o--_- 80, 707 80,707 |emeooosencenmeeaemnnnasmsmrmaomna: mmm amen ween anna enn 34.13 | 34.13 
Marble onyx and breccia: . 
232 | 232 In block, rough or squared ony ._...ecoannnn Cubic feot 586,061 1,673,344 | (8 © 380,940 | 380,940 | 65 cents per cubic f00t..oo.u-oaoan 66 cents per cubic {00 ovoceanaeoan| 22.77 22.77 
232 232 Sawed or dressed, over 2 inches thick .._..__.|...do o.oo 8 19 ® 8" 8 | $1 per cubic f00te-mmvnrmnmecnnnnn $l DEC CUDIC f00t once ame meme 42.11 42.11 
Slabs or paving tiles not less than 4 superficial 
| inches not over 1 inch thick— | , | | 
232 UNrubbed. oe ceeerunnmacemranemnnmmananan Nein 578,235 204, 047 ® 46, 259 46,259 | 8 cents per superficial foot. -—.---- 3 cents per superficial foot 3__...} 22,67 22.67 
22! From CUDA onc neecsaconcnnameommemennfneelOucauaas 1,000 100° (8) 64 | 64 | 8 cents per superficial foot less 20 8 cents per superficial foot less 20 64.00 | 64.00 
| x | per cent. per cent. . n 
232 BUDBIR «vr eee mg mem SERRE <4 5% ps DD in won 46, 502 23,038 (5 5,115 | 5,115 | 11 cents per superficial f00t.......- !1 cents per superficial foot #..____} 21.37 21.37 
Over 1 and not over 134 inches thick— | 
232 URIubbeq. eee eee cameo mmmmmmmmmmme fem 0m 213, 410 77,421 ® 21, 341 21,341 | 10 cents per superficial foot._..... '0 cents per superficial foot ....._| 27.56 27. 56 
232 | Jab Le J. SR 2,615 2.2712 (® 400 400 | 13 cents per superficial foot_...... 3 cents per superficial foot 3... 17.60 17.60 
Slabs, ete.: 
Over 134 and not over 2 inches thick— 
232 UBTUBDA ooo em mmmmmmf ame @0ec ce 
232 RIDERN - vem ew dt nS Rp pep pr writin Jiu ED ne eid 
Mosaic cubes not over 2 cubic inches in size— 
232 LOS mee emmmememmemeammmmnnamnnanmenennes] POUR. 
232 From Cuba. cecaeccmcccmnemnanccacnencan- Ca 
232 Attached to paper or other material... uperficial 
232 | Monuments, benches, vases, and other articles of {.__.....-.- 
onyx or breccia. 
232 From Cubans cevmccoccmsmemnnsnannooamemnalormemaenm- 
Total, paragraph... cccceemmcacecencmcnlimmnnaaaens 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 21. 
nn 16.27 16.27 
§ cents ner superficial foot 31.0 14.72 14.72 
4 cent per pound plus 20 per cent. 20.17 29.17 
! cent per pound plus 20 per cent 22.04 22,04 
less 20 per cent. 
cents per superficial foot and 35 35.45 35.45 
per cent. 
0 DET CDG ~ <n ennommemmnmmennnnnes 50.00 50.00 
i0 per cent less 20 per Centon oo.) 40. 00 | 40.00 
me 28.18 28.19

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