Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930 
[The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928] 
Tmports, calendar year 1928 Cans 2) 3s en 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Act of Act of 
Yo22 | “1030 
Unit of 
| quantity 
- —)— 
Quantit Value [ 
| y Value {oe unit Act of 1922 | Act of 1930! 
commis css 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
. Per cent! Per cent 
Tron in pigs and iron kentledge. wee aeceanene--f Ton ooo 140,685 | $2,932,061 [315.866 | 1$168,271 | $158,271 $1.1214 DOr tOR 1a occ ceneccaneens $S1A2V4 Por tOD__oooneamanaanao| 17.09 7.09 
Spiegeleisen, over 1 per cent carbon. .-ooocaeoe--loeoQ0uaanaen 5, 260 147, 406 | 28.024 3, 945 3,04. 76 00ntS POr tON..emaancnanaanama--' 75 CONES POI EON. coemmmcacane oe 2.68 2.68 
[ron and steel scrap... eeammmmm mmm] manO meen 63, 268 096, 010 | 15. 743 47, 451 4745) eaOm eee omamc mcmama meme eO ec ecmeeeee 478 4.78 
Total, PATAETADN eee cccmmmmm on [emma nn memen 3,875,477 |oceon-. 209, 667 | 2 209,667 [rr mmm meme ecammeme——mesaen—— 6.21 6. 21 
302 302 | Manganese ore, containing over 30 per cent of me- | Ton.....-- 268, 156 6,767,219 | 25.236 | 6,006,694 | 6,006,694 | 1 cent per POUBG -cneeoeeeemmnne] 1 cent per pound. ococeecaevea-neof 88.76 1 88.76 
tallic manganese (manganese content). . 
1597 302 Manganiferous iron ore, containing 10 to 30 per {-_.do_...... 15,348 377,639 | 24.61 Free. 313,705 + BUS we reomunsmenmumimssnysnsn sa ssfumsis oll wuems ims eneaonnmnn ema) FOS: 91. 04 
cent manganese (manganese content) -«..o...--- 
3021 302 oigpsopm ore or concentrates (molybdenum |. .___...... None.  wooeoeoooolimariee veeeemnec]omes=-=----. 85 cents per pound........------| 35 cents per PONE minim mssuelmmmumn sy 
302 302 | Tungsten ore or concentrates (tungsten content)... Pound... 2, 855, 990 672, 199 .235 1,985,196 | 1,427,995 | 45 cents per POURA.- oc oo oc -c-----| 50 cents per pound. —.-wenaeene..| 191.19 
302 302 | Terromanganese, containing over 1 per cent of | Ton... 48, 502 4,863,848 [100.281 2,037,084 2,037,084 | 174 cents per pound-.-----eeae-n--| 124 cents per pound...----—--o-...| 41.88 
carbon (manganese content). | 
202 302 ' “erromanganese, 30 per cent or more manganese, |_..do_.___. 118 13, 777 (118.754 7,023 1 7,023 | 124 cents per pound plus 15 per | 174 cents per pound plus 15 per | 50.97 
containing not over 1 per cent carbon (manga- cent. cent. 
nese content). 
ther manganese alloys (manganese content) ---|._.do......- 21,749 | 97.094 12, 670 | 12,670 | dO oecuncaaacemmemzameanannan emma 58.26 58.26 
Serromolybdenum, molybdenum metal and pow- | Pound... 1,385 | 2.405 496 496 | 50 cents per pound plus 15 per 50 cents per pound plus 16 per 35.81 35.81 
der, calcium molybdate and other alloys of cent. cent. 
molybdenum (molybdenum content). 
[Metallic tungsten, ferrotungsten and other tung- weelOmne oe] 112,849 50,840 | 4511 80,421 | 60 cents per pound plus 25 per 60 cents per pound plus 25 per | 158.16) 158,16 
sten alloys and compounds (tungsten content). cent. cent.? 
es 8 per cent and less than 60 per cent |.__d0.c..... 10,514,142 649,196 | © . 062 | 210,282 | 2 cents per pound. __..---------.| 2 cents per pound. ...cc-ec-ee---.-| 82.30 | 32.39 
silicon content). 
ean metal, 80 per cent and more (silicon con- |.._do....-. 7,909 543 . 069 633 | 8 cents per pound. .-.coc-oceeee. | 8 cents per pound. .o-ceecocmesoaee 116.57 ' 118.57 
Ferrochroms or ferrochromium: | , 
302 | Containing 3 P9) font or more of carbon (chro- |.__do...-_. 154, 385 15,344 . 099 5,403 3,860 | 314 cents per pound. ...........---| 2}% cents per pound.ceeeoccneao...! 35.22 25.16 
minum content). 
302 | Containing less than 3 per cent of carbon.....|._ do .cc.. 1,369, 442 170, 069 L124 51,021 51,021 | 30 per conto c —occeceammamaancena-a| 30POr CON. oon 30. 00 30. 00 
302 Chrome metal or chromium _..._.coeocvuwacnocac|-ealOueeoon 23,148 2, 508 L108 76% F524 B00 eccammanmeeema deen 30.00 25. 00 
302 FerrophoSphoruS. a ooeweocccconunmmmemsamenomenelo 0 @0iaes 1, 638, 952 57,418 . 035 14,35! 14,355 | 25 DOr CON ecco ceo mamnmmmamanaeaan-] 25 PEF CEN oon 25.00 25. 00 
2.2 TitaniQmeooeooceeao-o Arsene) ams 37,162 6, 067 | .163 1,51, B17 | dO emcees oe iO0umeccan mmm ccm meena. 20.00 | 25.00 
25° PRTOTATBANIIN pr, cw gm nmi wang sms awn gnmn ays wwe jo anaes e 238, 938 215, 708 903 53, 927 7 TR ——— AO. moe eeemmmamemm cco mamman 25.00 25.00 
Other alloys used in the manufacture of steel: 
302 Other ferro alloys. ocmauean:  <cmcmcoocmennmeefen QOmeeen os 571, 264 51,620 090 12,907 IR STN. 1 SOU SUOUEUIN | SUNN J 25. 00 
302 Zirconium 8llOFSa ne ocecaoccenacmmcmcrcaenrnnn|-oc@Omaaeon 941 529 . 562 12 TO a 0 a me menmeeee 25.00 25. 00 
302 FerrObOTON - ov aeemmcmcmwmm mmm mmwmmem me oon Oa 110 275+ 2.500 ¢ do de enema 25.001 25.00 
~2 Chromium, vanadium, zirconium nickel..._..|.__d0...-.- 966 153 | .158 so 0 eeeceeonmmmnnaenmmenmen | cect @0 enema mene 25.00 25.00 
_2 Carmtiynglicon, zirconium-silicon and cal- |_._d0.-..--- 67, 501 ,504 '  .098 1,64 acme am amenocee nan dO em aeccemnmemee a= 25.00 25.00 
cium silicide. , 
B02 o CRMIATL TABI «  wupamuis pa nmigmisnmmosnmmnnmmmi elm mn 16 57 3.562 32 32 | "2 per PU poppe pmatas] $2 per pound. eco cemeumceocean-. 56.14 56.14 
302 | Ferrocerium and other cerium alloys. occueeo|-c dOmronaan 2, 089 | 68.014 2.279 5,681 5,681 $2 per pound plus 25 per cent.....| $2 per pound plus 25 per cent_..... 94.47 94.47 
ee —— —— freien icine 
Total, PEARED moe cmc cmmnnes 13,950,769 j-oooee-| 9 787,981 | 10, 273, 032 [-==nemmmmeemnnramnnnnnna nanan ppm— 1.1 1) i 1%. 
pt mmm ese 2 = Emme ——— 
‘Wrought iron: 
Tron slabs, blooms, or other forms less finished 
than iron bars and more advanced than pig | 
iron, except castings— 
Valued over 234 cents, but not over 31% | Pound.... 
cents per pound. 
Valued over 5 cents per pound...-._eoozeofeeaG0oeeeon 
3ar iron, muek bars, and round iron in coils 
or rods— 
Valued over 1 cent, but not over 134 cents |...40-e..-- 
per pound. 
Valued over 114 cents, but not over 2}4 |...dA0m-o--- 
cents per pound. 
Valued over 234 cents, but not over 334 |...d0..._.--]| 
cents per pound. 
Valued over 334 cents, but not over § cents |...d0....--- 
per pound. 
Valued over 5 cents per pound... ceeee|-ec@0muano- 
old rolled, cold drawn, cold hammered, or |...d0....... 
polished, valued over 5 cents per pound. 
Total, DEE vmmesmms seer wiiieoisspusdisssiins] 
3teel ingots, blooms, billets, ete.: 
Valued not over 1 cent per pound.-.....eeeee-s a 
Valued over 1 cent, but not over 114 cents |...do....... 
per ony 
7alued over 134 cents, but not over 2}4 cents |...do....... 
per pound. 
7alued over 234 cents, but not over 334 cents |...do....... 
per pound, = 
Valued over 834 cents, but not over 5 cents |...d0...-_..] 
per pound. 
valued over 5 cents, but not over 8 cents vam] 
per pound. 
valued over 8 cents, but not over 12 cents |...d0-.----- 
per pound. . 
valued over 12 cents, but not over 16 cents |...d0-.... 
per pound. 
7alued over 16 cents per Pound. ._.cce-eeemmen|v@0aeaee 
| Ota) em een cece mmm mmo mmm mmm emmmel men 00a 
Footnotes at end of schedule, pace 36. 
301 301 
301 301 
301 301 
7,074 .020 64 64 | 0.8 cent per WR 0.8 cont per Pound. .accoocoeenm- 27.38 
139 .085 2 2 | 134 cents per POURA -.---cmeera---| 134 conts per poUNQ. .ooommmcenne. 23,22 
405, 067 4,600 | 012 1,215 1,215 | 0.3 cont per PoUNd..-ceeemcman-en-| 0.3 cont per pOUNd. eoceceenoeenn. 25.01 I 25.91 
2,335, 201 55,757 | 024’ 11, 676 11,676 | 0.5 cent per pound. o.-cceeoeeca---| 0.5 cont per POUNd. ceeeeeeeeenen..| 20.94 I 20.04 
2,164,033 70,084 | .032 17,562 - 17,552 | 0.8 cent per pound.....eceeeen----| 0.8 cent per ror 25.04 | 25.04 
538, 051 25, 891 | .048 | 5,381 | 5,381 | 1 cent per POUNd...cccamocmemenn--| 1 CORE Per pound..eeemeaaaaceeaaaal 20.78 | 20,78 
34,877 | 3,103 .089 523 523 | 114 cents per pound. .cueeceaecaen 114 cents per FT pe omemenene) 16.86 18. 86 
2.364 147 ' 062 38 38 | 156 cents per pound ¢ ._.._.-...-.| 134 cents per pound 4. -.-ccomeann 2.14 26, 14 
36, 451 | 36,451 |oeoeemrnnennnmacoameemmn—m——amann ton.79 22.76 
wor gst] 008] ZN us (02000 per pound. ooo od cant per pound. Gg } or 
1, 522, 931 27,437 1.018 7,615 | 7,615 | 0.5 cent per POUNA..coceecenen---| 0.5 cont per pound... coeeoeceee- 27.75 27.76 
1,385,142 45,872 | .033 11,081 11,081 | 0.8 cent per pound. ......--a------| 0.8 cent per po] 2.16 24.16 
1, 108, 157 50,145 L045 11,082 | 11,082 | 1 cent per pound... .oceeveanaa----| 1 cent per pound. cccacemcenemmnnan: 22.10 22,10 
2, 208, 325 150, 044 ,068 37,542 37,542 | 1.7 cents per pound........-...--.| 1.7 cents per pound. ccceccanenna-a' 26.02 25.02 
135, 810 14, 963 «110 3,395 3,305 234 cents per pound. cae cecaneen 234 cents per pound. --ccceeen-nne 22,600 22.69 
48, 980 6,880 .140 | 1,714 1,714 33% cents per pound. ..........----| 3% cents per pound. _oeeeenmcoaa. 24.02 24.92 
36, 897 8,325 | «228 1, 665 1,665 20 PET COME oeemneeeeemmnnnmencaane] 20 DET CONE. ooo eoeoicnacanenae| 20.00 20. 00 
46, 175, 872 748. ROA oe! 181,683 | 193. 28: Ch eemmeeemeee—essememsemesmmemm SmSmSAmTmEAmmamome osteo =me em mees amo To. | 25.89

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