Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 
1028 imports 
Actual or ecom- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
Per cent} Per 20 
% cent per pound...._....._..... Ycentper pound. ....oeeoeeo..| 14.021 14.02 
1%4 cents per pound. .o.oocone iy cents per dar 29. 68 29. 66 
1%4 cents per pound. ..............| 134 cents perpound..._...o...... 3L61 3L 61 
25 PEL CON. ve eeecemennnecnnannn]| 25 POF CON ees oooooooe. 25.00 25.00 
33 percent... .ooioociiiicnaines.| 33 DOr CON. cone 33. 00 33.00 
HSE na. enn a — 24.99 | 24.99 
Act off Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
Quantity | Value | vai] Act of 1022 | Act of 1930 
‘on and steel wire, plain or coated and strips: 
Iron and steel round wire, plain— 
Not smaller than 0.095 inch in diameter...{ Pound... 
Smaller than 0.095, not smaller than 0.065 |.._do-____., 
inch in diameter. 
Smaller than 0.065 inch in diameter.._..._{...do..._.. 
Valued over 6 cents per pound......_.____|...do_-.___ 
Containing over + of 1 per cent of any {.._.do.._._. 
metallic substance used in alloying steel. 
TAL. mnie spn naninksass sagas A nmmenn) 
Iron and steel round wire, coated: 
316 | 316 Not smaller than 0.095 inch in diameter....___|...do-..... 7,255 .04b 
116 316 Smaller than 0.095 inch, not smaller than 0.065 |___do.____. 5,014 . 026 
inch in diameter. 
316 | 316 3maller than 0.065 inch in diameter......eeeo-|-codo. oo... 4,473 . 058 | 
18 316 Valued above 6 cents per pound. _.___..__....|.._do._.__. 48,179 . 193 
116 | 316 | Containing over of 1 per cent of any metallic |.__do_____ 55 . 109 
substance used in alloying steel. 
TOMI meeemeeeeoceeeeeeecaeee dono] 64,976 | 10,014 | ______ 
316 | Flat wire and steel strips not thicker than ¥ fnch |...do-.___.{ “3.610.005 | 987,977 | 274 
and not over 16 inches wide. 
316 | Flat wire, containing over ¢ per cent of any |...do. ww 28,704 | 8,120 283 
metallic substance used in alloying steel. - 
318 | Wire, galvanized or coated with any metal _..__..!._ do... _. 477, 536 | 50, 604 . 106 
TOL eee eee. _do......| 4,116,335 
Wire, n. s. p. f,, except gold, silver, or platinum: 
316 316 | Copper Wire. .ccueemomocnceeacccnncnaann «G0. 
316 316 BIE TUB. wesc umnnwivswsmevamsspeummmnnnes §|ansl0isasrs 
316 316 BIONIS WB. cpuniovinrnminsspspmat anima ane) da l0 ne mmm e 
316 318 WIS, I 8. Du Loccaniisiosmssommumummemmeemm ene mre 
316 316 | Tontaining over # of 1 per cent of any metallic |-..do...... 
element used in alloying steel 
845, 533 | $45,220 $0.05 $6, 341 $6, 341 
440, 612 81,101 | ©. 042 18120] 18120 
484,332 22,08 | .o47 7,265 7,265 
, 053, 714 503,800 | [085 | 125075 | 125,475 
33, 049 5,549 | .168 Ls! 1,831 
638,755 | 159,532 159,532 
. 420 
2 1 
1940 cent per POUR. «ooo 190 cent per pound... 
1940 cents per pound. ........-...! 1340 cents per pound. _........... 
L. 7 cents per pound......_........! 1.7 cents per pound._.___....__....__ 
12 cent per pound plus 25 per 0.2 cent per pound plus 25 per 
cent. cent. 
%.2 cent per pound plus 33 per 1.2 cent per pound plus 33 per ! 
cent. cent. 
WPL COI capi wi im tints 
33 percent. ooo. 
1.2 cent per pound plus 25 per 
2127, 2.27 
56.36 | 56.36 
20.36 20.36 
26.01 | 26.04 
34.83 | 34.83 
26.38 | 26.38 
25.00 | 25.00 
33.00 33.00 
2.80 | 26.80 
25. 15 | 25.15 
2,640 | 
246, 994 
2,650 | 
13, 606 | 
246,994 | 25 percent. oo eon anne. 
2,680 | 33 POF COND. wmee cc comeceaeen, 
13,606 | 0.2 cent per pound plus 25 per 
263, 280 EY RRS SE 
992 | 25 Per Cent... ovoiiieiaeoiaaes] 25 DOF CON ieee. 25.00 
134 | 40. meee eee QO 25.00 
18,4461 donee TTT sane Dara RR 25. 00 
21,711 meme 0 don 25.00 
8 33percent.........ccoceeceocea. 33 percent... ooo... 33.00 
BREE End nm an as nthe mmm mmm ep EEA ES 25.07 ! 25.01 
sdpercent. lo. coool... 35.00 35.00 
ee @0 ieee. 35.00 35.00 
meee mmm meme 35. 00 35.00 
Gpereenta. oem 35.00 35.00 
25 cents per thousand plus 30 per | 45. 44 45. 44 
pereento Lo... ._.._ 35.00 35.00 
weee QO eee 36.00 35.00 
27.50 27.50 
13.94 13.94 
22.79 22.79 
13.97 13.97 
17.67 17.67 
25.00 25. 00 
35.00 40. 00 
45.00 50. 00 
30.92 32.91 
73, 280 
8, 958 2,367 | .264 502 
741 538 | .726 134 
190, 216 61,783 | .325 15, 446 | 
52,072 86,842 | 1.668 21, 711 
44 252 | 5 727 83 
TOtal. ce eeemceaammeeenmmeeemmeeceeen oe a0ne 252, 031 1,782 |... sree |  s7.ee 
EE ot Ton Emm rr oT TEE 
Wire rope and strand: | ! oo 
BOD, cus wise sh tir mm ommend re El ss ssi 3, 607, 988 280, 970 L078 08,330 {© 95,330 35pereent....ooooeocoeoeeeeeo. 
Strand. . ooo eedOa 400, 888 31,219 .078 10,927 10,927 LAO eee 
J 17 PSUR NON : + SURO 7 4,008, 876 7312, 189 my 109, 266 | TL on commnmimossey a ER ERR ACHE 
ee [ee er eee [eee 
316 316 | Wire wed with cotton, silk, or other materials, |...d0._.._._ 32,371 9,356 . 289 3,275 3,275 35 per cent... _iiiciiiiminon.. 
n.s. pi. 
316 316 | Wire heddles or healds. ...._...........__.....__| Thousands] 63, 058 103,538 | 1.619 47,051 | 47,051 25 4 per thousand plus 30 per 
316 316 | Telegraph, telephone, and other insulated wire....| Pound. ... 382, 280 25,027 L065 8, 759 8,759 35percent......ooooceeooooo. 
116 316 * Submarine cable... _._._.__..__..___...__._.| Linear foc] 6, 855 614 . 090 215 216 0 een 
Total, SGA ce nesernd ips 2,207,076 |_..__. 631,98¢ 631,984 , o.oo... 
Galvanized fencing wire, galvanized wire fencing, 
i. and wire for baling: 
317 317 Gaivapieed fencing wire and galvanized wire | Pound. __. Yscent perpound._...__..........| cent per pound... __.__._____ 
317 317 | Baling Wire.  copmmummins mess ss cmon mmmmmn mgm edo | 3570 nro mmr mst sien be ds a Hmm eto mse) 
R17 317 “ontaining over Yo of 1 per cent of any metallie |...do_.. V5 cent per pound plus 8 per cent..| 14 cent per pound plus 8 per cent * 
2lement used in alloying steel. 
Total, paragraph... ooo jcado. 
Wire woven cloth: 
3 318 WIS mashss not finer than 30 wires to lineal | Sq. foot. _. 
: nen. 
318, 318 With meshes finer than 30 and not finer than |...do.__.__. 
372 90 wires to the lineal inch. 
4 318 ‘With meshes finer than 90 wires to lineal inch_{.__do.._... 
Total, paragraph. .c.covecceeaoemmeececeont ouoneo oo 
Anchors and forgings: 
Forgings,not machined or advanced,n.s.p.f.— 
Not containing alloy steel ..._....___..___ Pod... 529, 631 69,368 + .131 17,342 « 17,342 1 25 pereent_ _.__o.ooieeccioae 25 POI CONE meni. 25.00 | 25.00 
Containing $40 per cent of any metallic ..do......_ 75, 608 9, 180 L121 3,02¢ 3,029 33 percent... ...o.eoooueeeenen-a| 3percent.. T7777 33°00 33.00 
element used in alloying steel. 
Anchors. o_o ee caeaaeeme-n. Number. _ 330 2,246 6.806 561 561 | 25 percent... ...oooeeconcananannae 25 DOr CON nna. 25.00 | 25.00 
Autoclaves, reaction chambers, 04C. o-oo! ooolio il lin a jm mmonan ammeme ammen|onca.GO cmemmmesecnaannmame nme | 35 DOT CON en oie] 25.00 35. 00 
Total, PATABTADA oo «ameemeeceeecces eommameee eee $80,704 .__....| 20,937 | 20,932 eee reemcemnanomeenennns] 25.91 25.91 
320 ] Electric storage batteries and parts, n. s. p. donned Number. |. oon 18,571 |... __. 7,428 7,428 40 percent... .ccccueoeannanan {40DEr CONE woo ooreaeeennn., 40.00 40.00 
320° Batteries, other than Storage. .ueeveuenocnceoeo|oea@Ooen.._. 8, 648 3,935 . 455 1, 574 L674 Oia MO csvweunsguengansssmaganinis] 40,00 40.00 
Total paragraph... oor] emcee eens 22,506 |... 9,002 | GHZ, Leen lB wmwmampmammnomasnenneny imams misma se ans sata mmumnmmnl 400 40. 00 
Footnotes at end of sahedule, page 36.

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