Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rales of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Imports, calendar year 1928 | Comin) duis on 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
Tem rate 
Actof | Actof 
1922 1930 
‘et of] Act of 
1922 | 1930 
Unit of 
Rate of dnty 
-_— SH — 
ti | , Value 
Quentity | Value 4 lue | Act of 1922] Act of 1630 Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Plates for printing, designs, et. 
Engraved plates for designs on glass.._..._.... Pound.__.. 4,206 ; 
Engraved plates of steel for printing, n.e. s...., Number. _ 3, 386 | 
Electrotype, stereotype, half-tones, photo- } do. __C 16,929 
gravure other than steel. . ! 
Lithographs of stone or other material._._._... .do....... | 94 
Total, paragrabh eo eeeeaoo iL smeeneeneene 
Umbrella ribs and tubes. .....ovcoocceameeee......| Dozen...._, 44, 686 
Crochet... oooieeeeeaae.... Thousand. 1,330! 
Shoe machine... vooocomeemecmmeeicin A0e een 
Knitting machine. .conoovmacmrnenenae ci. dO... 4,084 
Sewing or embroidery. ....cocenoceaooLL dO... 5, 546 
aon ooonoenos ose dol TI 5.180 
Spring beard. ....oeccecummeineimreeeaeael dO 4,699 
Needlp cases or books with assortment of Number. . 256, 111 
Tape, knitting, and other needles n.s. p. f,,and Thousand 4, 677 
bodkins of metal, 
Poia), paragraph. cee sommne sunmsnnis isin) 
Jylindrical steel rolls ground and polished... eed] 
jaddlery and harness hardware: 
Saddlery hardware, not plated with gold or 1 
Saddlery hardware, plated with gold or silver 
Harness hardware. «.oocceeemoaceena- - 
Total, paragraph. eve cemcncec cel eins 
Be for belts, trousers, waistcoats, shoes or 
slippers: . 
346 | 346 | {atue not over 20 cents per hundred... Number. | 1,392,100 | 2.708 | L002] 1,287 | 1.937 | 5 cents per hundred plus 20 per cent. 
46° 346 Value over 20 cents not over 50 cents per hun- |___do. 23.514 89 . 004 41 41 | 10 cents per hucdred plus 20 per 
dred. , . I cent. 
Total, paragraph. -ooweeeeecooecmeas doen. 1,415,614 | 2,792 eeeoe. L278 | L278 beeen oe 
147" 347 | Hooks and Be Pound... 4,866 1,805 | .371 670 | 670 | 41% cents per pound plus 25 per cent 
Snap fasteners and clasps and parts not plated = ’ - 
] with gold, silver, or platinum: , 
8 | 348 Not 100UntEd OT EAPC me mmm mmmmeee em emmmnnn Gross... 525, 419 377,728 | 710 | 207,748 | 207,748 55 DET GODbemnmmmmeeee ions. 
48 348 Mounted on taPe. wooo ccna cmccaee ame ecmneae ae dO 6,987 3,408 L487 2,043 | 2,043 | 60 Per Cent. ovo oocimmcianann oon 
Total, Paragraph . --cccccoeeemmmocnnncna|.o@0. | 532, 406 381,129 a 200, 791 | 209, 791 - 
Metal buttons: 
349 Trousers (except steel) and nickel bar buttons_| Gross line. 
349 Trouser, steel... cuccooeammmcmcmccceccanf nO eae 
349 Metal buttons, n, 8. Pf ccecemeeeeeo} dO... 
349 Embossed with a design, device, pattern, or | Gross. .... 
Total, Paragrapll- ocoeweorocvaccnacaaas 
‘ns, solid heads, without ornamentation, of base 
netal and with heads of glass, paste, or fusible 
pan, not plated with gold or silver. not few- 
Toilet DIDS. mem noeo mee oeeomcmeenmeonnees| PoURA....| 11, 445 3, 688 322 | 1,2 | 1,201 | 85 Per Cent emeooromoeooenneene 36 PEF CORY. camrmnecrnnnee 85.00 | 85.00 
Safety PINS. _eervnurunneaean ttm 208, 509 50, 634 L243 17,722 17,722 (eoee@Ooian cain. veo ..--b 35.00 35.00 
HAIL DIS ooo ooo mamn mmmomts QO 220, 884 79,630 | 361 | 27'870 27.870 |---ldo. LITT os Ones een) 35.00 | 35.00 
132,624 132, 624 14 9a mo < 
Al OPROI- emoooeooeeemeeemmmmemmmsmenns commmceee lene eee cans g,434 If op Bt er BBs sesnncsmssmnsisnmssnansn  carl¥Bnennsnasmsnnsmmannie 436.72 | 436.72 
Total, paragraph... .ocoocooomceonan. i 286,386 |... u 102, 859 | 1102, 859 omen omen coven nnn em = rmmememmmmm seem emanemmnaean: 1438.92 | 1435 02 
— == ez 
Pens, metallic, excopt gold: 
2 | 2 | hi nib and barrel in one piece. ooo... Gross..... 3,226 484 645 | 15 cents Per grosS.ecoevoecaeoa---. 0 cents per BIOS... een an env] 7.06 9.41 
her. ol swage eam 766, 997 92,040 | 126,555 | 12 cents Der grosS....-c.----.-.. 15 and 18 cenis per gross ¥ .._.__..| 31.46 43. 26 
AAP 770, 223 92, 524 r 127, 200 frome pases essen 30. 0 42.48 
Digi wie tools, containing over $40 per cent | Pound. ... 11,022 30,361 30,361 | 60 Per ent. oooooooooooocooenoen. S0PET CED... Sooo... 60.00) 60.00 
Metal cutting tools, containi i ' 7 * 3 
os oy ing over ¢{o per cent | .d0....... 221 703 {7 J TR + Te SURREY PISNDY + | SONS IOPPIOUIOUPRRI : (3 1 60. 00 
a | Total, paragraph... | do... 11,243 51,773 fescanssat 31,064 | 81068 |oeomooeecom coon ieeemaenees |oereessanseonenrnnnnennenenomaoner 60.00 | 60. 00 
199 h 353 | Electrical machinery... 8) | (1) eee) _ eee ee emma om eons 
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 36. 
Per cent| Per cent 
$145 $145 | 25 percent. ennai. 25 pEreent iii 25.00 25.00 
15, 087 | 15,087 |--e--0.o. CA © meeennemnaneas 25.00 25. 00 
18, 332 18,332 .....do........ lwwkpspeppamssuavarsvesnesal S500 25.00 
961 | 961 rrr 25.00 25. 00 
34,525 | 34,525 leaene@00 mminoeomeemenememen lee @0me eee 25.00 | 25.00 
— | —_ 2 
70,322 84,386 | SO per cent. ooo oocuocennuccuaeoa..l BODE CENt ieee. 50.00 60. 00

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