Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rales of duty tn the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
>aragraph | 
Imports, calendar year 192° 
Computed duties - 
1428 impo~t- 
late of du 
! Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
ct of| Act of 
1922 | 1930 
| {Unit of 
quantity — 
- \Y% 
Value a, [et of 1922 | Act of 1930 | 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
, Per cent| Per cent 
£179, 737 | 35 per EE 40 pereent. oo... 35.001 40.00 
130,490 | dO femeecd0 eee] 35.00 | 40. 00 
50,260 |. QO ee eeaeen was anna Sd mame] 35: OO 40.00 
83,6602 |. QO 0a TTT 35.60 | 40.00 
6,048 | 40 per cent. .ooooooeneeoooaiao {80DErCEDYe ooo 10.00 30.00 
48,004 | 15percent. o.oo] 15 percent. nee oo_.___. 5.00 15.00 
10, BU Lesa mms mm pnenGOee eo] 15.00 + 15.00 
11,775 | 30 Por ott. .umeumemssnwammun ens —en 30 DEY CON ooo "00 30. 00 
Ty085 |aoee QO em dOn ITT 000 30.00 
2008 JenendOnn ooo A CII foo 30000 
418 | 25 per cent. ieee] 25 PEreent. oon caeeo_..| 25.00 25. 00 
83,188 Jour a 0m nice cama os 25. nH 25. 00 
36 | 30 per Centon nea A) percent... _._.___.__.____| 30.0 30. 00 
67,342 oedo- III . per A 30. 00 25.00 
8,491 eee n@On ee .. percent. TTT] 0,00 30.00 
2,624,800 | oao@0- ooo. 7g pereent.. ...._....._.__.__. 30.00] 27.50 
55 30 per cent less 20 per cent...._.... 714 per cent less 20 per cent._.....1 24.00 | 22.00 
BAOIIE oo A im mm tte mm rin ee mecmmmmmmeno.. . 31.25 30.86 
4,824 | 30 percent... ociieoiineieel. Oper Gent. -m.oooooooonoo_..__| 30.00 | 30.00 
21,644 [ooo GO (Td IIIT 30000 30. 00 
179 fromm 0 ee aeen@0 ee eT] 30.00 30. 00 
26, 647 Semen mene 30.00 | 30.00 
i ee 
1,552,666 5 cents per pound. ooo —aeaeooooon. 4 cents perpound. ..___.__.._._._| 24.12 19.30 
187 J cents per pound less 20 per cent-.| 4 gents per pound less 20 per cent_.| 36.63 29.26 
1,675 9 cents per pound..... -=--==' 7 cents per pound. .__...._.._____.| 2.35 16, 61 
aed eee eee] 27.00 21.24 
ecm am——cmm——————| 24.12 19.29 
10 cents per pound... _.......__.._| 38.17 | 38,17 
<0 cents per pound plus 20 per cent.| 60.73 | 60.73 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
ttm, | 
372 | Wool manuiacluring macninery. - «...._....__| Pound... | 2,353,498 $449,343 | 90.191 | $157,270 | 
Other textile machinery and parts: 
372° 372 Jute manufacturing machinery... ....._..__|.__do.._____ 1, 158, 370 | 326, 224 LBZ 1 114,178 
372 372 Silk manufacturing machinery.......______|_ do... 433, 498 125, 650 C390 | 43, 978 
32) 372 Textile manufacturing machinery, n.s. p.£ | ""do 2121 2,753. 340 700, 156 1258 | 248, 205 
399 372 Parts of lace and embroidery machines. .__|_"“do___ _ " 32, 643 23. 161 L710 | 9, 264 
sewing machinery and parts: » 
372 372 Valued not over $75. ._________.. -ooe--| Number. . 240, 490 | 320, 027 1.331 | 48, 004 
372 372 gL CRS EN rp 68,996 |... 10, 349 
372 372 valued over $75. eouoeouenoeneee | Number. . 616 72,583 | 117.830 21, 775 
Ta | a snutes tor sewing and embroidery machine | Numbers AS | D038 
V7 3 i ~—- um - 9, 67 
Jther machinery dutiable; rz 65, 538 B57 148 | 2963 
372 372 Cash registers and parts. .......e...e--..__| Pound 1, 860 1,672 809 | 418 
372 72 Cream separators valued over $50 each | Number. ? 7 hg 2 
“and other centrifugal machines, 639 wis] me B88 
372 72 AWD OWES weve eevee OL 8 120 15. 000 36 
372 372 | Jrinting presses, 0.8. Pu f.ooennoo ooo | doll 0" 256 | 69, 366 | 1,062. 211 80,810 | 
372 372 mad adding and typewriting ma- |._ do... 115 | 18, 305 150. 174 5,491 
cnines. ! 
372 372 Machines, n. s. p f. except agricultural _..{___________ 1 » 5 
32 312° From CUDA orowmeommeoomssommoeoe mmf hem lR 0 RERES 
Total, paragraph. ool Ty 17, 808, 899) 5, 565, 590 
} _— 
373 | Shovels, spades, scoops, and drainage tools..___| Dozen____ 1 4.9244 4 
373 | Scythes, sickles, grass hooks, and corn knives... |.._do.__._. o = 3 os 4.093 | o k 
373 | Parts of shovels, ete... ooo 508 a "179 
rotal, Paragraph... oeoceceiemeei 88, 826 TT . 2, 647 
rude scrap and alloys. ..o.eeeeeeoeaeoo_| Pound. ___ 1 
74 | 37 FIOM CUDA eeoroiioicoioneaooin donor] SP E16,653 | 5000, 10% 
374 374 En Sheets, bars, strips, rods, coils, and |.._do._._.. 23, 024 10,083 
174 374 Circles, disks, rectangles, and squares. _..__ nil pes 3 579 
Total, paragraph. .—.ooeeeeeeeeeee_ do... 38 827,007 | 
| Magnesium: - 
376 | 375 Magnesium metallic and scrap... .....__.__|.._do_______ 
375 375 Magnesium powder, sheets, tubing, rib- as 
bons, wire, and other alloys (magnesium 
Total, paTRgraph.. ooo foo 12,00 | 11,800 | reo 6.984 | 6,984 |-necocoemeeeeaannns $2 eeeemssessenensnnsneenmssgin) 7s | 58. 74 
] —_— ee : renee 
; | ARR Sl | 
378 egulus or metal Antimony... nee eoeeoee odo | 19,368,252 | 1,641,265 -085 | 387,365 | 387,365 | 2 cents per pound. ._o.ao._oc—-. 2 cents per pound : 23.60 | 23.60 
876 | Needle or liquated antimony. "TTI Tao guises | Ciss2si | oes! bod | 6,040 | 34 cent per pound. 221 IIT IIIT IT 3 cont per pound oll ITT 382 | ase 
Total, paragraph. ceeeeeeeeee ll do.._..| 21,784,118 | 1,799,496 _—— 893,405 | 303,405 |e ceecmeinnone oo eeee.| 21.86 | 21.88 
377 + Sismuth do 41,383 77, 444 1.871 | 5,808 5,808 | 7% t 7.50 | 7.50 
A Smear ewer an ERR AHR E Em mma mo i SD Ome , y . 87 y Per cent. occ ammama———- 7] DIE oe eee meee meme hy 
Lr | III fits ats taessusthnn en ammo ons npeenn 233, 101 128 901 1553 | 34, 965 34965 | 15.conts per POURA. --rmmo mores: Japa oun pound. ooTIt| era | ors 
879 | Arsenic, metallic... ooooooeeoeee 0 TTT 186, 622 35, 584 -191 | 11,197, 11,187 3 cents per POUNd-..ocueeeezoneen”’ 3 conts per pound. -ooomemoonn eons] 31.47 | 3147 
380 | German silver or nickel silver, unmanufactured_.|.._do______ 2,803 412 147 | 52 82 | 20 per cent 20.00 | 20.00 
553 | GATS lverce ninkel sliver, Swels, sheigarody | ds, 000 22,750 11,101 wo ART DRO J} 1.5... cassis wun. S00 £000 
and wire i gn 0m mm 
fo —— folie imi Soni 
Total, PAragraphi-.-..-vwecnmeeeoi|-o don... 2553 11,513 rn EE 
5 28 Co and i 3 | Ferme ee eee Sm Vries 
1 >opper in rolls, sheets, or rods... ...._...___|___do.._____ 81% 309 . 879 20 | 23% cents per pound. oo ooeeueean. 1 d 6. 60 6. 60 
38 | 381) Ground copper engravers’ plates... . |" Igo TI 10¢ 7 “738 . 11 | 11 cents per pound. -o--oomomoooov. VCs gt pt enema 14.01] 1491 
sal | ool Tubes and tubing, seamless. -..v--ou-nro lo. dol 117 1,03 351 .34L | 72 "72 | 7 cents per pound. TT TIITT Gente Tor pound. ron TSTTTT 20.54 | 20.54 
wis, Drones i 82 58 L707 9 lcentsperpound............... cents per pound.....ooo-ooooo..| 15.35 | 15.65 
DOB] ceed 2,030 794 -391 ne 1 eens 1410 14.10 
381 as1 | ary wy iy dik ———, | A Sm a mmm mmm l—— 
100s, sheets, plates, bars, and strips.......)__.do.._._._ 10, 536 2, 664 .253 421 421 1 4 cents per pOUDd-—.-reeeenceenen. Cents per pound..-..........._.| 15.82 | 15.82 
| 2 | Tipes wl tubing, Seamidss..._-... 1171407 2, 786 722 . 259 223 223 3 cents per pound. .eeeeoooeeeen.. centsperpound........___.. T_T! 30.87 | 30.87 
Aubes, brazed... emmemmeeenll dol 9 9 1.000 1 1 2cents per pound m.eueeeooeeeo.. 2centsperpound.._ | 12,00 | 12. 00 
Tr | 13,331 3,395 .255 64 645 ee reeecmmmroammmemeannemenea| 10.00 | 19.00 
381 381 | Bronze manufactures—Rods and sheets.____._ eon... 2,769 "540 195 in 111 | 4 cents per pound. o_o... cents Per POUNQ.-uoooeeeeooooo.__| 20.511 20.51 
Total, paragraph.....o.ococcee. do. __ 8 oo EI eee 18% m8 
382 Juminum, foil... _______________.____ 0, 4s 317 474,066 559 | 165,923 5 35.00 40.00 
women een Yl 3 “ 3 BDO EBM sp uminnnacamnsmugs 3 POON wis sve smn snnnsasiinnal 5.00 40. 00 
382 DL i Sl Smear ag mvn JT SO 183, 378 378, 632 .3%5 137, 673 cents per pound. .............. 4centsperpound...............| 36.36 | 38.36 
382 yminam, bowder and powdered fofl..........[ de. 17 086, 906 115,920 378] 36,829, cents per pound..-_.._-2_ T7777 2eents per pound. _ IIIT Buzz | sLr 
1 liana mes otal Tien momma 00 188, 957 171, 618 .351 53, 675 snl mw naman mma emamnme melt m umes memmreenenraereee) S018 | 2419 
82 3ronze or Dutch metal in leaf... ____ Book of 326, 943 55, 442 170 19, 617 + cents per 100 leaves........_..... cents per 100 leaves plus 10%..__| 35.38 | = 45.38 
. aves, 
82 | Aluminum, 1eaf....ooooomeeeeeeee Back of 53, 262 36, 764 690 15,979 ceeemer CONS DOT 100 1eAVES..._........_|' 43.47 | 43.47 
. . eaves. 
/82 | Ytamping and embossing material... ___ | _____7 " a0) (30) memes eee ee eee eeeeaeeeeen {cent Der 100 square Inches... |... |o__ 
382 | Tin foil, less than 0.006 of 1 ineh-....__..._..__| Pound. _ 9,006 8, 636 949 3,023 3,023 35pereent.._____________ 0 5DErCEDt. ooo ooo 35.00 | 35.00 
382 | Metal powder in leaf. ..oooooeee LE of 4,000 2,160 .540 240 456 3 cents per 100 leaves...._........., } cents per 100 leaves plus 10%....| 11.11 | 2111 
. aves. 
382 | Tin POWARE eo oe oie Pound.._| 1,39 1,168 . 840 167 167 12 cents per pound. .cooeeomonnn| 12 cents per pound. ccvooeoonnao...| 14.30 14.30 
Total, paragraph. .ooeeeeoeoool corer rr] 1,244, 396 oooeeeoos 438,126 | 467,589 ecm ee ieee cence cclem cma mma me mmc ce mma mnmsannn nena 35.21 | 36.14 
footnotes at end of schedule, page 36, 

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