Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930—Continued 
Commodity ma 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on | 
1928 imports 
Act of 1922 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
act of) Act of 
1922 | 1830 
value | VAC | yor or 1922 | Act of 1930] 
Act of | Act of 
1922 1930 
Act of 1930 
Containers of oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, 
shaddocks or pomelos, under general tariff: 
406 | 408 | Of foreign INANUEACIUTS. eo eeeiiaeee ce | Number. . 1, 051, 495 $272, 754 | $0. 26 | 
406 | 408 Of domestic manufacture o.oo. cocococaaes | dO Looo 2,318 675 | L290 
UU SE I 0 273,429 |... 
406 408 | From Cuba, of foreign manufacture__....._... Number__ 3,997 1,575 | . 39 
Total, PAXBEIADN - oo eeeeeemeencemns ceammmneeens| 1,057,810 25,004 |____._.. 
409 | Cane, reeds, cane webbing, and split or partially | Pound... i 3,599, 317 383, 684 | C11 
manufactured rattan. } 
409 | Fs of rattan, reed, grass, osfer or willow, or  ___....... .._...._....! 225, 194 RN 
409 | From CUDA. meeeemooeceeeeemoemme ee eon eeemnzaeoenn 20 | 
409 | Split bamboo. wooo eaiiaioeeoeen.. Pound. 997, 952 21,327 .02 
409 | Osier or willow, including chips of and split wil- de Lo. 508, 358 22,990 05 
low, for basket makers’ use. 
409 | All articles n. s. p. f, wholly or partly manufac- ______.... 191,438 |... 
tured of rattan, bamboo, osier or willow. 
Total, paragraph cc oeeomccocac ce ecaaes een 844, (53 I 
408 | 410 | Toothpicks of wood or vegetable substance... ..; M.__.__ 7,283 3,982 .54 
408 } 410 ! Butchers and packers’ skewers of WOO... enfoen0 I] 461 | 295 | . 64 
Total, HOAs 7,744 4,227 l._.. 
411 Blinds, curtains, shades, screens, plain. _.___....|.__.._.__... ______.___| 10,450 |... 
411 Stained, dyed, painted, printed, polished, grained, {...__..__. 45, 840 Il 
or creosoted. ! 
Saskets, plain: 
409 411 Bamboo... ..........| Number.. 
409 411 Wood or compesition of wood. .__............|...do._.... 
409 411 SAW. oo coor mmmcm mcm mmm cm aman mmmen| een GO 
409 411 Papier-maché and palm leaf ..._....__.______|...do_.___. 
409 | 411 Prom DOB... canes vio mm agemegmmsm ess wai wes ge RR 
iskets, stained, dyed, painted, polished, grained, 
; nr ¢reosoted: 
409 411 DANTDO0 wn sin mgs om BB BARE AAR HA G5 mm m0 Lr el cm 
409 411 Wood or composition of wood... ....._.....|...do_..... 
409 411 Straw. einai] dO 
409 411 Papier-mché and palm leaf. .___.._.__.__._.[...do._._. 
Total, paragraph... o.oo... oj. 
Spring clothespins _. ooo... ............| Gross_.._. 
House or cabinet furniture: 
Furniture of wood, exeluding chairs 2___._.... mpzmarzeztan] emma ef 
Chairs 2. eecrmeaeee i ieciccoccccae...| Number. . 541, 458 
ieture frames... ooo ccm 
caintbrush handles eo) ee 
Nood flour oe eo... Pound....| 14,490, 401 
Manufactures of wood or bark n. 8. Pp. fo oil. oooocioo fmm. 
Shuttles and bobbins___.._.._..._.____..._____.... Jumber. 188 277 
Cars and parts for railway, wood chief value_.____ Pound.__. 500 
Jarriages, drays, trucks, and other vehicles and ..do.___... 76, 675 
narts n. 8. p. f., wood chief value. 
Total, under general tariff___.___. 
From Cuba: 
412 Household or cabinet furniture of wood (ex- 
cluding chairs) 3 
412 CINBINS 2. ccc canine mim wm me as ess 
412 Pleture frames... ccc: ccnvmenuwsnmapsasss 
412 Manufactures of wood or bark n.s. p. fo.__._.. 
Total from Cuba. ..cocemmmueaaena.. 
Total, paragraph. . ooo coeaccuaoaaan. 
Total, Schedule 4. _ oon, 
$58, 188 | 
68, 27% 
68, 587 
76, 737 
135, 116 
12, 474 
8, 046 
36, 147 
Per cent) Per cent 
$68,188 | 25 percent. o.oo oo oi... 23percent...._.._..____ J 25.00 25.00 
84 | 12} percent. oom ooeeoeaiioo. 2M percent. ooeoeooooioooo| 12.50 12. 50 
68,272 eee eee emaemeeenes| 24.97 | 24.07 
315 | 25 per cent less 20 per cent___.____. 25 per cent less 20 per cent... __| 20.00 20. 00 
68, 587 iii ee ememaen] 24.94 | 24.04 
76,737 | 20 percent... ......__..| 20 per we 20.00 | 20.00 
135,116 | 60 per cent. .eoeeeneeeenn | 80 DOr CONE. oooooaoaanaaaaaoc] 60.00 | 60.00 
10 | 60 per cent less 2 PR AE weneees] 60 per cent less 20 per cent....__..., 48.00 | 48.00 
12,474 | 134 cents per pound. ..__.__.____..| 114 cents per pound. .—.._.____| 58.49 | 58.49 
8,046 | 85 percent .o...._._._____._ JSpercent.._..oo..ooooo___.._...' 35.001 35.00 
$6,147 | 45 Per Cento .eocoonooe | 45 DOr CODY. oeoreeeammmmceceoeoc| 45.00 | 45.00 
31.730 318,530 rr 37.71 I” 37.71 
953 983 [25 percent. ...oooeu ioe ooo 25perecent o_o. oeeeeeeon-| 25.00 25.00 
115 115 25 cents per thousand.._.__.______| 25 cents per thousand. .ccve-aoo| 39.07 | 39.07 
1,008 TU Locommmmmnnnmminsivis gape EE ——— 25.98 | 25.98 
008 | 5,225 | 35 per cent.......________..__...| 50 Per Cont. -eeereecceeeeccamens| 35.00 | 50.00 
20, 628 22,920 | 45 percent. oo... _.ooioio|aeeidO oooiieeeoaan 45.00 | 50.00 
25, 785 | 35percent. ooo ieee QO eee 
198, 046 mre 0 0a 
TB, 004 facia QO i iran snd sam Rw] eer El rm no oe HE BH A WE 
304 ood I NE TE, 
F 35 per cent less 20 per cent._______| 50 per cent less 20 per cent.__...._. 
18, 050 
135, 632 
9, 140 
213 | 
35.00 50.00 
35.00 | 50.00 
35.00 | 50.00 
35.00 | 50.00 
28.00 | 40.00 
06 | 28,803 | 32, 004 | 45 percent ____._.__ ore] 50 per cent. oo ococecmmrmc maemo 
06 | 155, 499 172776 eee 0 ee Te 
05 41, 300 45,989 |. A0o mee de 
37 459 510 |. _ doo. III Tag 
go 7 
gq HOA | BREE ccomsssmmsnsstira sivas meme nomena SSS anan 
16 10, 452 13,936 5 cents per grossS.....-....co—coo- 20 ceNtS PEr GroSS.ocar-mommnennmns 
comeeooe| 1,178,415 | 1,414,008 331% per Cent. ..... oon. 40 PEF COOL oeomamneeocmmmmemmmcnn 
2.79 503, 513 604,206 oon AO ae 0 
A; 67, 976 BLOM rau mmmmpmmnmiinnmissseiss SAVE POE CETL cccunmmmmmmmmmsm mn 
I 5, 003 10,186 1634 per ent 3. nooo do ITIL 
.01 31, 574 31,574 + 83% per cent. __.__.____ I IITTTTL Tl@e. lll 
on 850, 022 850,022 wool 0 momen AO ian 
12 7,254 T2540 TTT Te 
.04 7 | 7 CC ldollllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTII Tellin 
32 8.207 | 8,207 {oo dOn oom eter A 
15.00 | 50.00 
45.00 | 50.00 
45.00 | 50.00 
45.00 | 50.00 
40.31 | 50. 00 
00.98 | 9131 
333 | 
10. 00 
soeeenl 2,662,513 | 3,007,476 ST 37.67 
20 ii 4,580 1 5, 507 | 3314 per cent less 20 per cent ......| 40 ver cent less 20 percent......... 2.87 | 32.00 
1,993 | 8.55 531 | 638 |e 0m ee fee BO mma 28.67 | 32.00 
52 iuniens 14 14 [oo.fOo. cee eececcocea---..| 33 percent less20 percent...__._ 26.67 26. 67 
8517... 2,271 p23 7 IRN 1 SR Sars SA" I 2 ST 7 
“72 - 7,405 | 8,430 rr 26.67 | 30.36 
8,010, 724 2, 669, 918 | 3,015,906 [ome omece cee mmns eran renee] 33.33 | ares 
52, 609, 307 | 4,101,356 | 5,510,370 |... his n en pnb weimvamiines) GOL] 0.40 
Number. 561 
* Imports under paragraph 1700 (act of 1922) are not included; data not available. 
' Includes bentwood furniture which was raised from 40 per cent to 4716 per cent ad valorem. Import data are not segregated, therefore the full effect of increase can not be shown. 
* Rate an nainthrizsh handles changed hv presidential proclamation from 3314 per cent to 1624 ner cent ad valorem effective Nov 132 1094

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