Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930— Continued 
ct of Act of 
1922 | 1930 
1022] 1001 
w22 | 1001 
1022 | 1021 ' 
1022 | 1021 
10 | 1022 
1023 | 1022 
1021 023 
1021 1023 
i021 1023 
1021 1023 
021 1023 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Actual or com- 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
Computed duties on 
1928 imports 
Rate of dutv 
Quantity | Vv alug 
y Value per unit ' Act of 1922 Act of 1930 
Actof | Act of 
1922 1930 
re cent! Per cent 
1, 528, 951 $181,181 | $0. 119 $45, 869 $45,869 | 3 cents per square FTAemmeeaeen 3 cents per square yard....._....__| 25.32 | 2532 
690, 874 | 546, 208 L791 191,173 191, 173 | 35 per CODY eemeemceceaceenene] 35 per Ont meoeeomeoameee 35.00 | 35.00 
20) 10, 746 .331 3,761 3,761 ede 35.00 35.00 
3,447, 688 } 786, 828 .228 | 314,731 314,731 | 40 percent... ...ceeceeneeauaa...l d0pereent.. ooooo_eeeee-... 40.00 40.00 
5, 699, 963 | 1, 524, 963 | rmmemenee 555, 534 ! B00, 034 [nnuvumersn imitans SAR SARE] BERR demi mane OE | 36.13 
4,628,792 BB 470,148 102 | 277,722 | 370,296 | 6 cents per square foot. .....____..| 8 cents per square foot_........__.' 50.07 | 78.76 
177.786 59, 674 . 336 14, 223 17,779 | 8 cents per square yard._.........._..| 10 cents per square yard____._. 23.83 29.79 
520,822 |_cooooee| 201,045 | 888,075 |oeooioeeeooeeeeecocmeeeccmeeenocleii eee 55.10 | 73.25 
“loor coverings other than wool: 
Straw matting and floor covering made | Sq. yard. | 
Floor coverings of cotton (to paragraph 921) i 
“ute carpets, carpetings, mats, matting, do_____.. 
Or rugs. ’ 
Carpets, carpetings, mats, matting, and _do....... 
rugs, of flax or hemp or a mixture thereof. 
Floor coverings, 0.8. P. foo cmiecmecneene GO _ion 
Total, pagiapheecueceansnuncanonsmn  sNsesausss 
‘Lats of cocoa fiber or rattan. _.__.___.____.__.._." 3q.feet__.| 
datting of cocoa fiber or rattan. ............... "7 vard. 
Total, paragraph. coco. 
Tanufactures of vegetable fiber (other than ' 
notton) n.s. p. f.; 
Manufactures of flax n. s. p. fo _.__..__....| ~cTQU..... 
Manufactures of hemp n. 8. Pu fomeoooooooo]acl’ cea]. 
Manufactures of jute n. 8. p. foo cimiecei oan ceaeaooll 
vianufactures of ramie n. 8. p. foo Lo foo 0 cea fans 
Jdanufactures of vegetable fiber (other than |.__do_____ 
ax, hemp, jute, ramie, or cotton) n. s. p. f. 
‘Total, paragraph... ___..........___. A 
Total. Schedule 10 _ __ 
139 fee 
18 | 40 per ant. . cccavrnmsrsmme manne] DOP OOD. ous mmm mn mmm 
1 can s@0i iv insman mms Amen nmr sas runre QB vs dae NE SE RE AIRS 
veee-don.. Snir ghd sheet bine rey mmm mmm Wy SH 
Ceemen€Oniin le eon eee eld a 
+ Ar do 
40.00 | 40.00 
10.00] 40.00 
10.00 | 40.00 
£0.00 40.00 
40.00 | 40.00 
40.00 | 40.00 
18.16. 19.14 
Minimum rate. 
» Maximum rate. . 
3 The phrascology of this paragraph has been changed to provide for certain linens at 55 per cent ad valorem by transfer from paragraphs 1010 and 1011, the rates of which are 40 per cent ad valorem and 35 per cent ad valorem, 
spain. Import statistics are not segregated for a recomputation. 
ee footnote 6. 
I 5 Changes in phraseology increasing the thread count limitation per square inch from 110 to 120 transfers paddings and interlinings of flax or hemp from paragraph 1010 to 1009b. Valueestimated at $200,000. Duties calculated on 
hanged values. LL. 
¢ Includes imports of artists’ canvas, which has been transferred to paragraph 1009 at 55 per cent ad valorem. Import statistics not being segregated for application of these rates the 40 per cent rate under the old paragraph has 
seen used. 
7 Includes paddings exceeding 110 but not exceeding 120 threads to square inch. Imports not segregated, therefore can not apply rate of 55 per cent. 
8 Changes in phraseology reduces the weight limitation from 434 to 4 ounces per square yard and increases the width limitation from 24 to 36 inches and transfers fabrics from paragraph 1011 to paragraph 1010. Values estimated 
it $2,000,000. Duties calculated on changed values. . oo. . 
9 Provided that any of the handkerchiefs made with hand-rolled or hand-made hems shall be subiect to an additional dutv of 1 cent each. Immnort statistics are not seererated and it is estimated that 25 per cent (848 515 dozen) 
vnr1ld be subinct to the additional dntv

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