Full text: Statistical manual

office building erected thereon, graded from 18 stories 
fronting on Greenwich Street to 24 stories on the Trinity 
Place side. 
1928 1929 
Net available for interest...... $173,100.80 $279,348.69 
Interest first mortgage......... 96,000.00 96,000.00 
Amortization ................. None 16,000.00 
Price Range: Jan.-May., 1930—H. 87--L. 87. 
Park Chambers 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 6% Serial Bonds 
Amount: $800,000; retired, $168,000; outstanding, 
Dated: April 25, 1923. 
Maturity: June 1st, 1925 to 1938. 
Interest: June and December 1st. 
Taxes: Federal 4%—Penn., Conn., Maryland, Massachusetts. 
Redemption: 105. 
Trustee: Irving Bank Columbia Trust Company. 
Land by Brown, Wheelock. Harris Vought & 
Cor viii 
Building, Donn Barber. . 
Total appraisal ........covveenn .. 
Assessed 1930: $1,700,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land on the southeast corner 58th 
Street and 6th Avenue and the 17-story apartment building 
erected thereon. 
Earnings: This property is under a net lease which pays a 
rental of $160,000 per annum, and the present interest re- 
quirements amount to $37.920. 
79 Madison Avenue Building 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage 6% Bond Certificates 
Amount: $1,900,000; outstanding, $1,822,000. 
Dated: Sept. 15, 1925.

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