Full text: Statistical manual

Appraised: Pease & Elliman, Inc. $1,352,700. 
Assesses, 1930: $1,350,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land located at the southeast corner of 
56th Street and 7th Avenue, New York City, and the 15- 
story apartment building erected thereon. The lien is 
created by the joint mortgage of the lessee and the fee 
owner. Land fronts 75.5 feet on 7th Avenue and 100 feet 
on 56th Street. 
Earnings: These bonds are the obligation of 162 West 56th 
Street Corporation, who owned the lease on the premises. 
The fee-owner (M. & F. Holding Corporation) mortgaged 
the fee to secure the lessee’s bonds. Since then the fee 
estate, subject to the above mortgage, has been acquired 
by the Wm. Backer and Samuel Levy interests. Data on 
earnings withheld. 
Sherry Netherland Hotel 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage 53% Series A 1948 Sinking Fund Certificates 
Amount: $6,000,000. 
Dated: May 15, 1928. 
Maturity: May 15, 1948. 
Interest: May and November 15th, 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn. Calif, Md, D. of C, Vi, 
Va., N. H, Mass. 
Redemption: For Sinking Fund 101; otherwise 102. 
Trustee: Manufacturers Trust Company. 
Legal for Investment of Trust Funds in New York. 
Appraised: Douglas Gibbons & Co., $9,040,000; Fred’k Zittell & 
Sons, $9,050,000. 
Assessed, 1930: $6,450,000. 
Security: Fee estate in 12,500 square feet of land on the north- 
eas} corner of 59th Street and Fifth Avenue 100 x 125, and 
a 37-story hotel erected thereon, said hotel being under the 
Boomer-duPont management. 
Equity: This issue is superior to the lien of $1,000,000 Series B 
certificates issued under the same indenture bearing 6%%. 
Earnings: These bonds are the obligation of 59 Street & Fifth 
Avenue Corporation, which is under the control of Fred- 
erick Brown, 565 5th Avenue, New York City. Information 
on earnings withheld. 

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