Full text: Statistical manual

8. W. Straus Investing Corp. 
565 Fifth Ave, N. Y. | 
Incorporated: Jan. 11, 1929, in Delaware, for the purpose of 
making short term loans to finance building construction 
pending the placing of permanent loans, also to make loans 
on real estate and buy, sell and deal in all kinds of securi- 
The investments and operations of the corporation are 
managed by Straus Management Corporation which re- 
ceives 20% of the annual net profits, after payment of 
preferred dividends. 
Funded Debt: None. 
Capital! Stock: 
Authorized Outstanding 
8% Cum. Pfd. $50 par .......... $10,000,000 $10,000,000 
Common no pPar........eeeeeves 600,000 600,000 
55% of common owned by S. W. Straus & Co. 
Stock Provisions: Preferred stock has preference as to assets 
and to dividends of 6%. 
Transfer Agents: Straus National Bank & Trust Co. 
Registrar: Equitable Trust Co., New York. 
Dividends: On the preferred stock $3 per share quarterly Feb. 
June, Sept.. Dec. 
Financial Statement 
Income Account 11 months ended 
Gross Income ........00h0e.n 
Operating Expense .......... 
Operating Income .......... 
Federal Taxes .. 
Net Income |... 
Dec. 31, 1929. 
nae’ 108 
Officers: S. W. Straus, Chmn.; N. Roberts, Pres.; W. S. Klee, 
S. H. Kahn, J. L. Laun, H. R. Amott, Vice-Pres.; N. R. 
Jones, Sec’y; W. C. Clark, Treas; H. N. Gottlieb, K. F. 
Clark, R. E. Kerner, Asst. Sec’y. 
Directors: H. R, Amott, W. C. Clark, N. R. Jones, S. H. Kahn, 
W. S. Klee, J. L. Laun, J. Leitner, E. L. Love, N. Roberts, 
W. Stabler, S. W. Straus. C. C. Irwin, K. F. Clark, F. D. 
Fred F. French Company 
Incorporated: Under New York laws, 1911, for the purpose of 
constructing buildings for profit. Various affiliated com- 

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