Full text: Statistical manual

Security: Fee estate in land fronting 100 feet on East 38th 
Street, depth 98'9”, L-ing onto Second Avenue, and the 16- 
story apartment building erected thereon—in the Grand 
Central District. 
Note: Building opened October, 1929, and is 70% 
522 West End Avenue Apartment Bldg. 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 6% Serial Bond Certificates 
Amount: $675,000—outstanding $478,500. 
Dated: July 30, 1924, 
Maturities: July 30, 1927 to 1936. 
Interest: January and July 30th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500, and in 1936 maturity $100s. 
Taxes: 2% Federal. 
Redemption: 1025. 
Teugtos, Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company of New 
Legal for the investment of Trust Funds in New York. 
Nassoit & Lanning.......... 
Slawson & Hobbs, Inc. ....... 
Assessed 1930: | $890,000. 
Security: Fee estate in 75-foot frontage on the east side of 
West End Avenue (27 feet north of 85th Street) by 100 
feet deep—area 7,500 square feet—and the 15-story apart- 
ment building erected thereon. 
Earnings: Average net income for past three years approxi- 
mately $70,000 per annum. Indebtedness reduced $23,500. 
1929, Net available for bond interest.......... $76,150 
Interest on funded debt.............. 38,150 
Millinery Center Building 
(Northeast Corner Seventh Avenue and 38th Street, 
New York City) 
First Mortgage Leasehold 7% 1944 Sinking Fund Bonds 
Original amount: $2,000,000—outstanding $1,615,000. 
Dated: June 1, 1924. 

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