Full text: Statistical manual

cago River, and the 8-story warehouse, administration 
offices and retail store occupied by Montgomery Ward & 
Co., who have contracted to buy the building and pay there- 
for in 50 semi-annual payments which coincide with the 
interest and sinking fund requirements on these bonds. 
This in effect makes the Montgomery Ward & Co. a guar- 
antor of these bonds. 
The earnings and rating of Montgomery Ward & Co. 
are reported in all statistical manuals. Their 1928 gross 
sales were $232.000.000. 
Chicago Evening Post Building 
First Mortgage Leasehold 6% 1947 Sinking Fund Bonds 
Amount: $1,800,000. 
Dated: July 1, 1927. 
Maturity: July 1, 1947. 
Interest: January and July 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Mass., Mich. 
Redemption: 103 to July, 1932; then 102 to July, 1937; there- 
after 101. 
Trustee: Central Trust Company of Illinois, Chicago. 
Appraised: Farnham-Kuhn Company and Paschen Bros. at 
Security: Leasehold estate in land at the southeast corner of 
Wacker Drive and Fork Avenue, three-street frontage, 60x 
150x60—and the 19-story office building, which also houses 
the printing equipment and newspaper plant of the Chicago 
Evening Post. The lease is a 99-yr. term, and the average 
rental during the bond-term is $31,750. 
Earnings: Property leased for 25 years to Chicago Evening 
Post Company, at a net rental of $216,000—which is twice 
the maximum interest charges, and 1.44 times interest plus 
amortization, Beginning July 31, 1931. $150.000 per annum 
of principal is amortized. 
Chicago Evening Post has been in the business of publish- 
ing an evening newspaper in Chicago since 1890, and its 
standing is so well known no comment is made. 

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